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Thanks fren <(^-^<) loved this series haven't seen the comic but I have both games and a poster.
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Reminder that Pokemon is vidya.
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This might help
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Looking for anything Team Ico / Shadow of the Colossus related (ps2, ps3)
File: 1027725-1275875477028.jpg (3.62 MB, 2048x1536)
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Not even a thank you.
Ivy in Soul Calibur 4 was the 1st thing I ever jerked off to
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Anyone remember this?
You all do. Admit it.
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I bought one when i got my first job. It was such a good little device and the games... oh man.
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Dogtown in Cyberpunk 2077 Phantom Liberty
File: Gameboy 1.png (718 KB, 1200x1455)
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Me, I had it
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