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Cavalera era Sepultura is the ultimate summer time jam
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> Go to the record shop, LP section
> Dad: Chose one
> Me: I like these two
> Dad: OK

My first LPs, Sepultura - Arise and Batman LOL. I was 11. Good memories.
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Reminds me of these.
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One great album and that aint it.
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>>>/s/21998604 where's the BEEF ?
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OvZ34e0SWRM I'm Thinking Arby's
> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ts8rvpY73Iw but , what *iS* it ?
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You posted a guide without the answers??
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Be thankful I took the time to post anything. The least you could do is contribute if you're going to complain.
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Best album ever.
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I have posted several to this thread. You shouldn't need someone to point out anything so obvious.
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I regret posting the answers now. Suck my cock idiot scum!
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