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can't get enough of her hot legs
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>young, nubile, Veronica Mars-era Kristen
>older, comfy, bonafide MILF Kristen
(and there is a correct answer, by the way)
not a fan after hearing the news
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This exact Kristen
young, because if you play your cards right, you'll get old komfy kristen too.

i never understand these.
perfect example of "as long as you are on tv someone is going to find you attractive no matter how rat faced you are"
looks nothing like riley reid
try turning your monitor on
who should we be attracted to?

The older she gets the more neurotic she becomes so give me young innocent (lol) KBell. She also seems like she'd be an insanely enjoyable hypno slave. The thought makes me diamond.

Do tell, do tell.
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You have chosen... wisely
Why is this shit on /hr/??? Whats the point of these images? /hr/ should be used in situations where you can zoom in and see pube stubble
They are both hotwife material, so either/or
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fuck off dax!
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then go take some 5000x3000 pics of your pubes and start your own thread faggot, i'm sure people will love it
that vessel is full of ugly
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hey, be nice!
the goddess just overshadow them all
karrin murphy in my head when I read the dresden files
instead of lashing out you could be more discerning about what you post
Yeah you have terminal "arguing fag syndrome". There's absolutely no reason to be arguing, over days, that high resolution pictures of Kristen Bell are an affront to the high resolution board.
want to hug her so bad
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I want to hug this till she bursts
for those who crave a mini Kristen on their phone...
i crave a mini kristen at home
New pics
I see her face has now developed into the Stereotypical White American Mom look
finally walled.
I can be free now.
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Detroit girl (actually Royal Oak but whatever).
has someone saved the vesion of this with smol kristen?
I can't think of much better than fucking 23 year old KBell with impunity. What a sweet innocent face and what an impossibly hot tight silky body. Makes me diamond just thinking of it.
i would take KBell from the past, present and the future
Here you go. All the shrunken Kristen Bell you could want. Perfect scale.
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not small enough. needs to be so small you could give her a 1-man full-body bukkake. put her in a tiny little teacup and fill it up like a hot bath for her
yeah thats the perfect size and mila isn't really tall at all. thanks for posting
god I want to smell her little candy toes so bad
Maybe Dax will show up in one of these threads again. It was pretty clear he was posting in a few of the previous ones and said something along the lines of "discussing it on image, uh, on forums" on his shitty podcast.
Maybe he'll tell you about it
i'm sure he fap when he read how much we love her
she is always glowing
Its the adrenochrome

She could be part Busey
Am I the only one who finds her smile to seem weirdly fake? I don’t know quite what it is, nor how to describe it, but her smile has always weirded me out. I usually find blondes very attractive and I do think objectively she is, but something about her teeth or something, idk, it looks like… too good.
You have a good eye. Kristen is almost always 100% fake. She is the poster girl for Histrionic Personality Disorder. It's less obvious than it would be if we weren't in entertainment.
But she always has to be the center of attention. Don't misunderstand what that means. It's not that she WANTS to exactly. It's that she doesn't know what or who she'd be if she didn't.
Her emotions are very shallow and flow like a babbling estrogen creek. Her body is half of how she gets people to do what she wants, but don't get excited, she's not going to put out unless she has to, or you are just vastly superior in wealth and status.
She's very shallow, but not fake. You know what I mean? There's not much substance to her. But that's genuinely how she is. It's the entirety of her personality and experience. There's not much of another layer beyond it. So it's real. But not... deep.
What a fucking essay. Probably not gonna post it, like the others. I've fallen off the fucking wagon and I'm doing this shit I guess.
Whatever. Just meet the fucking mom of any girl you think about marriage with. That's where she's headed. Internalize it.
I meant physically, anon. None of this other stuff kek.
>Just meet the fucking mom of any girl you think about marriage with. That's where she's headed. Internalize it.
I’m in luck then. My girlfriend’s mother is genuinely one of the nicest, sweetest women I have ever met, and she’s still rather good looking at the age of 60 too.
Putting that Armchair Psychology PhD to good use, I see
Armchair you say...
He wishes that rant was armchair psychology. That was just unbridled incel retardation.
Ha if you only knew
Been a huge fan of hers since finding out she's in an open marriage and openly dates other men even in front of the paparazzi. She must be a complete slut in bed.
Certified spinner
I worked with her back in 2003 on a musical in Hollywood before she was a "star" and she was a cunt. She pulled that star bullshit where they never say hello and act like you don't even exist even though you're working on the same production and are on the same team. We probably did 100 shows together and she never spoke a fucking word to me. I even went to a wedding of a fellow production/writer of the show and she never spoke a word there either. I've seen of other stars pulling the same shit and it's fucked up. And this was before she got famous so I can only imagine what she's like now. Ever since then I can't stand her and won't watch her in anything.
Another fun game is which name she lets you call her (if any.).
Which show were you on? Sneaux? I didn't realize it ran that many shows, but your description is spot on. In fairness to her, it was probably the most bitter time in her life. But still, not out of character
You guessed it. It ran at this old theater on Melrose near Fairfax. It felt like we did a hundred shows including all the rehearsals but maybe it wasn't that many. In any case, maybe she's changed and is an awesome person now who doesn't act anything like that. I would give her the benefit of the doubt if I ran into her again. How was it a bitter time in her life?
They have to put up that wall as soon as possible so they don't get as approachable. Same shit happens in school. Their parents will sabotage potential relationships in favor of networking. If you mingle with the losers or even slightly resemble them in any way, you are a loser.
it's different if you're talent working on the same show/production together. There's no need to act like that

Supposedly as of late this bitch reeks. Why do celebs think run of the mill people share their love for their own unwashed stink. To let Mrs. Bell know, people largely bathe for the comfort of others. Selfish cunt.
that actually turns some people on

A lot less than don't I would bet.
source? fuck I love sweaty petite white women
Imagine the smell of Kristen Stewart eating her ass.
imagine ms bell eating my creampie out of ms stewarts tight pussy, and then snowballing with each other while also sucking on my dick.
is she still hot or is she old looking now?
post some recent pics?
She looks well-maintained.
That's a lot of botox.
>it's an "anons don't know what Botox looks like" thread
a perfect lovely mommy
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i love her tiny ass so much
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It's amazing that we don't hear about threesomes she's had. Because these two would be an ideal combo.
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Those thick thighs. Huge heels. That heel pop her legs get. Man. Seeing her with an even smaller girl would be hot. I bet she gets dommy.
forcing her to eat her goddess ass
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Alright anon, you can join this threesome... But it will cost you a foot of your height. I wanna be 6 feet tall at the end. Deal?
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Do it, anon. I'm sure she'd still respect you even if she had to look down
of course. everything for the goddess
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Kristin Chenowith is one of the few people KB towers over. KC is super smol to KB's smol.
Agreed. Another for the thread.

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