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X-Men, X-Factor, New Mutants, Alpha Flight, etc.
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>I am Magneto and I can breathe in space by uh, keeping a bubble around me with magnetism, yeah
The one thing he *could* make work is talking in space -- he could just broadcast his voice as radio.
Via his helmet...
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The original art that was based on
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this is the original coloring
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Frames from the X-men cartoon from the 90s
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Nice Rogues
Best Rogue and Psylocke renderings.
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nice collection OP. Any more Byrne - he's my favorite?
Lee is such crap.
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not the OP but Im a Byrne fan - here is a nice convention sketch of Wolvy
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Original art from X-men 143, Byrne showing he is a fan of the movie Alien with Kitty Pryde being Ripley escaping the creature.
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one of my favorite John Byrne pieces, Alpha Flight original art that I think was colored and turned into a poster that was sold when Byrne was working on the original Alpha Flight series in the 1980s.

nice! wish I had more to give back than what a quick google search gave me, but still wanted to contriboot back.
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This looks horrible
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Art Adams art is so cool.
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This remains one of my favorite covers.
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I have so many x-men comics but I'm too lazy to scan the covers
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ha ha
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Is it fanart?
Is this the one where the danger room goes rouge and takes on the body of a blue cybernetic african woman? I remember my dad bought it at the time and reading it when I was a kid.
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Tried to upload a different image but the "resolution was too large" lmao.
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Rogue, Jean, Storm, Kitty,Jubilee, Dazzler, Psylocke, that's the way but Rachel and Emma should be closer
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Lord I loved this run of issues.
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> Domino
> Omega Red
> Emma Frost (anime version ONLY)
> Scarlet Witch
> Storm
> Sunspot (primarily during hickman's avengers)
> Gambit
small gap
> Remus
> Wolverine
> Spiral
> Armor
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>> Omega Red
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>> Emma Frost (anime version ONLY)
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>> Spiral
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Need to add LifeGuard.
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Marc Silvestri's artwork for one of the Marvel Swimsuit comics from the 90s
That's gorgeous
Wolverine, Sabertooth, Beast, Rouge, Nightcrawler, Cyclops.
Why is there so much sex in the X-Men comics? I'm far from a prude but I feel like every time I'm at a book store and open a random X-Men volume up there's a naked man in woman waking up in a bedroom.
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the hells going on with those tits?
I understand Disney/MCU now owes the rights to the X-Men franchise, so will their new movies/tv shows be cool or will we once again be beat over the head with obvious anti-racism storylines?
>I understand Disney/MCU now owes the rights to the X-Men franchise, so will their new movies/tv shows be cool
No chance lol. They will no doubt have a lot of easy fan service (The O5! Classic costumes! Fastball Special! Cyclops saying "To me, my X-Men"! Rogue calling people "sugah"! Someone from the animated series (probably Jubilee, again)!, etc.) which will prompt all the normies to say they're the best X-Men adaptations ever, but the chances of them even being as good as the first couple Singer films and First Class are minimal.

On a semi-related note, something tells me they're gonna use Krakoa as a justification for why mutants haven't been a thing in the MCU yet. Or they're pulling them from a different universe, but apparently MCU Kamala is already confirmed to be a mutant, which makes me think they're already there but in hiding.
I can't wait for Wolverine to transition
Bruce Timm has an obsession with banana tits.
Too bad Dafne Keen will only play X-23 in her teenage prostitute years in my dreams.
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Name them
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