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First thread for actress Xochitl Xoxo Gomez. Best known from Dr Strange 2
18 as of April 29
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I'm twice her age.
I'm only two years older than her, yippie!
wtf why is someone so young on 4chan
she can be my backup beaner when Ortega is resting
She's such a slut lol. Her social media is full of coomer pics and videos on tiktok.
So glad she's old enough that we can acknowledge that she needs to get Blacked
did she fuck the dancing with the stars boomer?
How is it even possible for an eighteen year old to have busted feet this bad?
All she does is dance like retard
Rude, she is not a slut
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Based thread. Can't wait until this slutina starts showing more skin, she's been teasing long enough
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I really hope you anons only started lusting after her 22 days ago
Of course. I definitely did not look at her ass in Dr Strange 2.
Why are zoomer girls so slutty? They all post these lewd pics on their Instagrams and whatnot. And post semi naked dancing videos on their tiktocks.
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All she does is attend red carpet events and she has had two areola slips already. It's only a matter of time until she has a full wardrobe malfunction

Absolutely. 23 days ago I thought she was an innocent child and I had zero attraction. But the day after it's when I finally found her attractive
already going commando to premieres... the pheromones must be amazing.
You sick fucks

couple of years from now, maybe even only a couple of months, there's gonna be an interview or article with her saying how she was sexualised from a very young age and then that will spring another discussion about consent and how men need to do better

instead of you know, not dressing and acting like an absolute whore just because your little pussy gets drenched by the whole world jerking off to you

woe is the ho
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Recently I had a weirdly vivid Xochitl dream where she was making one of those stupid faces she does on an Instagram story, except this time she was kneeling down next to a bulging hard cock.

She looks at the cock for a second, gives it a super quick lick with her tongue and that's enough to set it off - she starts laughing as ropes of hot cum shot all over her face and tongue. It felt so fucking real I had to check Insta when I woke up to make sure she hadn't really uploaded it

After that dream I can't get that image of the little freak out of my head, she makes me so diamonds
I bet you people are all in your 30s
>It felt so fucking real I had to check Insta when I woke up to make sure she hadn't really uploaded it
LOL if I only had a nickel
18? Is she a gramma yet? Fucking beaner.
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Did you not see the clip of her talking about deepfakes? It was kek worthy, the reactions to it were great as well
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>2 areola slips
Willy Wonka premiere and This is Me premiere with the green bra/suit. You can easily find them on Getty and Alamy, picturepub has full unwatermarked galleries. She also wore a slightly sheer dress at the Oscard where you can vaguely see her nips.
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I liked the seemingly lesbic plot that was going on with McKenna Grace but they haven't hung out in a while.
wtf just post them this is a literal post images website
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Kenny a shit
Kenny does this a lot. She hangs out a lot with someone then after a year or two she gets a new bff
Mexicans age poorly don't they? Like she looks hot now but in 5 or 6 years she'll be ugly?
So? Who cares. if she turns to shit in 5 years, there will be another one to take her place. Meanwhile I'll enjoy her beauty while it lasts
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Goddess Xochiti should lock McKenna in a chastity belt to remind her who owns her ass.
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whatcha lookin at, Anon?
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She only fucks older guys
I don't think kids her age should dress like that
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What would her first sex scene look like?
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Love those hard nips
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Hardcore lesbian sex with a woman twice her age
>wait to post thread until she's 18
>Thread full of 17y/o pics anyway

nice job
he thinks she's marrying her if she looks at the pictures for too long
almost as if there's no physiological difference at all and it's purely arbitrary bullshit based on nothing so courts can fuck people over on technicality alone.
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Based /hr/
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She should be the next vampirella
Do the mods not ban people for posting under 18 pics?
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Does the anal fixation get squared or something?
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Gosh. I love goth latinas so much, they're the best flavor of goth
why would they? She's clothed in everything.
>Noooooo you can't post pics where she's 17 yrs 11 months and 28 days old
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Those feet belong in my mouth.
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Cute bum too
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Me gusta.
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As Lizzie Olsen's Latina girltoy.
Nips. Two of 'em.
As evidenced by >>4870157 that is no bum, that is a full on ass.
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It's not too big, not too small. Just right
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Jesus Christ
That lucky cat is taking a good whiff
Zoomers look like that????????
She is literally perfection
Rock hard throbbing uncut cock for her little titties. Making my pervert cock bounce for her little latina ass. Toying my raging sopping wet cock till I shoot ropes to her Latina body.
I can't stop thinking of those big lips kissing my wet cock. Pushing the foreskin back as I part her big lips. Feeling that tongue swirl around my cock. Watching her head bob and hearing her gag on cock. So much spit and drool. Sucking me and making me squirm as she's lusting for older cock. My ropes hitting the back of her throat.
Sochee is for hugging and hand holding ONLY
absolutely disgusting
Mankind develops the technology to clean that shit up and we have incels erecting shrines to their unnecessary extraneous leftovers.
Contemplate the aroma.
Think of this, xochitl is laying down and waiting for your cock to penetrate her little latina pussy. You rub the head between her lips and push the head in. It's hot, so hot. Her body warmth, the wetness of her little slit, the tight grip it has on your cock. You watch her moan, bite her lip and tremble as your cock inches inside her hot pussy.
How long do you last? Her little titties flat, her nipples are so hard. She's moaning, heart racing. Toes curling. Wet wet wet little pussy wrapped around your throbbing rock hard cock.
How. Long.
How long until you fill that delicious brown twat with cum.
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I'm beginning to suspect this thread was created to lewd xoxo
Its weird how zoomers are adults now.
The oldest zoomers are 30.
No, no they're not. If you're old enough to remember 9/11 in some way then you're not a zoomer
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is she bleached?
Would seriously fuck her ass raw so her poop gers stuck on my dick
>Best known from Dr Strange 2

Seems more like a reason to forget about her.
That movie was garbage start to finish.
>see cute latina
>is in a pretty meh movie
I cannot, for the life of me, fap to this woman anymore!
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Seriously, what's up with Xochitl and scatfags?
I'm 34.....
So am I, what about it?
its not right
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There is nothing wrong in liking a perky tight young cute latina
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Is there more from this shoot?
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I could only find this other one
is she a lesbian? this dress is really hot but it feels lesbo-coded
Jesse what the fuck are you talking about.
Dunno what you mean by that dress being lesbo coded but I think she might be bi
Why do zoomers wear lust provoking outfits?
Possibly bi. She was in a throuple while on DWTS.
She gonna make me fill a condom then she gonna lick and play with the cum filled tip. Sucking that balloon cock and letting my cum swish back and forth before she peel it off my raw cock and drinking every last drop of my cum.
Then she suck my cock some more. Lil sochee love cock. 18 year old pussy.
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They know perfectly well what they're doing
Imagine sucking on her little tits while playing with her big ass
hard to believe some ugly woman would be this inept at clothing herself
is this a tranny?
Nope. You're just a brain rotted tranny obsessed faggot
Imagine this little slut looking up at you talking about who gives a fuck because she wants to see how long you can resist looking down at her flat chest her tight little titties. Those eyes staring right at you, trying to make you stutter and fumble. Steal a glance go ahead. Look at her chest. Little pink brown suckable nipples. Licking her big cocksucking lips. Xochitl only wants 30+ old cock in her pussy.
0.4% of the US pop. Less in most other countries. Giving enough of a shit to make it a political or personal issue is embarrassing, there's people starving in the streets and you lot get red in the face over who pisses in which room.
Why did that Dr Strange movie have so many shots focused on her butt?
Pedowood loves juicy jailbait.
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The movie could have used a lot more
That's America's ass.
That's... annoyingly correct. Take your (You) and treasure it.
Because Raimi is based like that. Even Rachel McAdams had some good ones
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Not one of her best looks
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Why is it so pixelated in the middle of her necklace??
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That's very distracting
Watermarks are a crime against humanity
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They should do a lesbian sex scene fr
our mouth
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I'd pay to see her take transcock. Peak femininity. Tight 18 year old taking girl cock. Fuck Im hard already. Pitching a nasty wet tent thinking of sochee taking that cock. Sochee better wear a strapon too and reciprocate the backshots.
OK, one, you're a cunt for derailing the thread.

Second, thank you for that picture, as I didn't have it and have to rely on coomer dot su, and for reasons unknown to God or man, this picture isn't on there (yet?)
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Who wants to double team her? Have her sucking our cocks, taking our cocks in every hole. Frot cocks in her whore mouth.
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Reeeeeeeeeeeee enough of this and just show your nips already
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holy shit why did it make me so hard
Classic scene
Sad too, the shirt seems see through, but it's covered by the purple dress.
I want to cum tribute her
You tell me. Our swollen cockheads will be touching while that slutty tongue of hers goes in circles. Sucking each other's big hard cock, her lips make a big pop sound. Stroking us both off. Taking turns sucking our balls. Making us slap that face of hers with our cocks. We lay legs crossed so our cocks are together and she stuffs both tips in her mouth. Stroking us together with those latina hands. How long would you last? Long enough to share her legal latina pussy with me? Fill her bro. Stretch her pussy out. I wanna eat her gaping pussy out.
Not even gay and this made me diamonds
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she's cute af
i approve
30+ year old white cock
She wants to be bred by her colonizers
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>new red carpet event
Of course she was there
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All the pedo boomers lusting over her lol
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Yeah, truly shameful how many people are lusting over this obviously underage girl. We should at least wait until she's had her first child. :P
Are you also one of those roasties who gets upset because Leonardo DiCaprio is dating 20 yr olds?
>Of course she was there
Unfortunately her pokies/nipslips were not.
Who else chillin with they cock out when ITT? my shit stay hangin. All fat and shit. Till I get hard.
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Cute pony!
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Huh, one of the like six subs about her on Reddit was banned. Given that she is 18 now, I wonder what the bullshit justification was.
Some leddit mod probably found out she turned 18 and was upset. Deleting his subreddit.
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Roasties seething and mass reporting because "she's le too young" "what is le wrong with people?" "40 yr olds are in their prime not 18"

Loving this look btw
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Imagine fucking her ass and she accidently farts cause of all the spicy latin food, he he he
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I imagine she can't help making this face even when she cums, right before she posts a selfie of it.
Hehe epic
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>This subreddit was banned due to a violation of Reddit's rules against non-consensual intimate media.
Dunno, does that sound like someone posted fakes? Or could she already have leaks of some sort?
Dunno which specific xochitl sub got banned but I remember when Billie Eilish was still up to 20 yrs old. Her subs were frequently taken down for that reason because "she wasn't giving permission to people to post her pics and sexualize her" despite her posting vids on Instagram of herself slapping her tits and making fuck me faces.
two words; sloppy toppy
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Sawchee like suckee like this? Big mouf
Big black cawk
Watery puke
A video gets leaked of her slurping mahogany wood, you cummin?
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I appreciate the posts, but at least tag if the image has that watermark removal “watermark.”
kys faggot
Redditfag here. Sub was banned because the sub owner turned it NSFW with an announcement to be as dirty as possible. Reddit os touchy about degrading/rape talk when it comes to celebs (brooke monk and ryder mccain had subs taken down for this reason)
Since the content is all from their instagram, easy for z list celebs to get stuff taken down with copyright claims
Sub owner was a ped too who also made subs for the little girl from m3gan and rebel moon
>Sub owner was a ped too who also made subs for the little girl from m3gan and rebel moon
wtf. did reddit report him to police?
Worse, they promoted him to site admin
>Since the content is all from their instagram, easy for z list celebs to get stuff taken down with copyright claims
But then every site everywhere should be taken down. Besides, she's 18 now, this stuff happens to famous people.
I want to sniff those white socks so bad
> But then every site everywhere should be taken down.
You’re right, most actual famous celebs don’t care that their images are being hosted in fan galleries or r/goonergalleries, but for z listers like xochitl and bella thorne and kaylyn slevin, they do, and they send strikes
Does she know?
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Tag-Team ready
Oh fug
>“While I was in the boat, I captured a very beautiful Carib woman, whom the said Lord Admiral gave to me. When I had taken her to my cabin she was naked—as was their custom. I was filled with a desire to take my pleasure with her and attempted to satisfy my desire. She was unwilling, and so treated me with her nails that I wished I had never begun. But—to cut a long story short—I then took a piece of rope and whipped her soundly, and she let forth such incredible screams that you would not have believed your ears. Eventually we came to such terms, I assure you, that you would have thought that she had been brought up in a school for whores.”

Imagine being a conquistador/expeditionist from 1490s Europe where centuries of Islamic colonization had influenced the current conservative Catholic regime to enforce a strict dress code where women wore chemises with high shoulders that covered almost every inch of skin and it was customary to wear veils.

Then you sailed for 10 weeks bearing seasickness and spoiled rations until you landed on a bountiful paradise populated by exotic females who were all buck nekkid bare some bodypaint and jewelry. And all of them looked like Xochitl Gomez, Isabela Moner, Ana de Armas, Adriana Lima, Eiza Gonzales, Lais Ribeiro, Cindy Mello, Jessica Alba, Tashi Rodriguez, Alexis Love, Laneya Grace, and Violet Lux.

And their men were unable to stop you from doing anything they objected to because they were too weak and primitive.

Can SJWs really blame those Spaniards for rape? It's like God placed those Indigenous Chicks there as a prey animal for the purpose of satiating the desires of those suffering sailors and rewarding them for their faith. I know what I would have done if I saw what was the norm and knew no one would punish me.
Skirt needed to be shorter
Skirt should go down to wear the bike handlebar is, no further than that.
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New red carpet event just dropped
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Her red carpet outfits got kind of boring ever since the big day desu
I need to see you pull your soft cock out and start stroking while you hover over her. Imma stroke my cock to you getting hard. She's gonna give you kisses on your balls and cock. How long does it take you to get hard? Do you like someone watching? Once she sucking your throbbing hard cock imma slowly peel her pants down and start kissing her wet pussy. Get it ready for my already hard cock. Fuck her throat while I fuck the pussy. We'll trade places. I wanna feel how hard you stretched her mouth. Mix our precum. Fill her pussy for me. Have her squat over us, cause we're gonna be sitting face to face with our legs crossed over each other's like we're frotting. So she's gonna squat on us. Take your cock, pull up, take my cock, pull up, take your cock. Stroke our cocks together, try and shove our cocks in her mouth. I bet she could only take the heads. You're gonna feel every throb and pulse. Our cocks are gonna be oozing precum. We're gonna be her first dp. Tightest little asshole while you stretch her pussy out.
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I liked this outfit >>4867912
And this most recent one is pretty decent and cute
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Classiest Latina.
She got the Larson fungi.
Her fucktoy is fair game now as well
Or six toes on one foot.
This post aged poorly

I don't know. I'm not a footfag.

But she's got me reconsidering
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Stupid 4chins isn't letting me make threads due to "abuse". Can someone make a McKenna Grace thread, she turned 18 two days ago and just posted
Know what
Are there any left? Ngl, Reddit is usually decent about keeping up with celebrity pictures. It's how I stay up on Francesca Capaldi because there are hardly ever threads about her here.
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New. Without watermark blur.
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She looks high
I need to see her bare tits already
She's only 18 bro. Why do you want to see her tight flat chest? You got something for little brown nipples? You need to chill bro. Put your cock away
There's just no way she's a virgin. Imagine all the sex and moans
>18 years old
>Hollywood actress
The possibility of that is about equal to winning the lottery
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coomer central
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What kind of panties is she wearing under that skirt? Black lacey thong? Full back good girl cotton panties? Lingerie?
Would you pay for her worn panties? You could stroke your cock knowing her sweet pussy was touching the crotch of them panties
She betrayed the arm hair oath.
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Fuck off “dm me about xochtil” faggot
> "The only thing that makes me wetter is white cock!"
She seems like a pink frilly thong panties kind of girl.
She needs a hot golden shower by some dogfart men. After a 30 minute blowbang, half gonna have that watery cumshot loads for xochitl. So they all gonna need to piss soon. I wanna watch her get pissed on. That pretty little face covered in cum doused in yellow jet streams. I wanna see her suck cock and spread her legs and start pissing out of her hot pussy
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That does NOT sound very wholesome
Fucking saved. Little hookup hotshut pissy slut. Disciples of Desire cutie. Fuuuuuuuuuuuck she needs to be smacked and throatfucked
Didn't know Frank Booth was a real person and posted on 4chan
Dripping, drooling, squelchy, slurpy, slippery wet Xochiti.
The law is just about drawing a line somewhere, but this line can and has been changed.
The crazy people are the ones that pretend there is some natural reason or some moral imperative to it.
People are very different, some mature early, some never do, but you can't make laws like that.
it's Capitalism, the need to make a profit off everything
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Absolutely scrumptious.
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Bitch looks like she farts a lot
She looks like she spanks and dominates other girls, especially white girls.
She doesn't look a bit different from two years ago, does she?
Big black cock making that pussy fart and CREAMY. Xochitl mom like baby are you making macaroni up there?
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Bet she's doing it everytime she makes the face.
I love Xochitl Gomez
Her profile is kino

Woah what a coincidence. I luv her too

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