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she was so hot
Just don't look her up now
I'm serious. Don't do it, anons
Gah, too late. She aged like milk.
Bro wtf! I don't mind celebs hitting the wall, but she looks like she run face first into one.
Should be in the dictionary next to ozempic face.
As a milf lover I'm usually the first to defend "walled" celebs but this is just sad.
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Do we think her current look is better or worse than this one though?
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Chunky Michelle is best Michelle.
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About the same. Should could have stopped at losing 10lbs or so. Kept the weight in the face. I think she might actually have an illness, though.
Eurotrip is a classic
My friend who has a terrible memory thought she showed her tits in that movie but it was just an outtake at the end and she wasn't facing the camera. Would have obviously had pasties on.
I haven't seen that film in years but I thought she did too. There is an unrated cut, it might have been in that version only?
She looks AMAZING in here.
Fucking grim
No, sadly. I'd hoped for the same thing and was sadly disappointed.
absolute perfection in that pic
god she was such wife material here
why are her eyes yellow
Some people suspect she has a thyroid condition or other health issue.
Hypothyroidism doesn't make your eyes yellow.

Probably addicted to pain killers and fucked up her liver and endocrine system.
I didn't say hypothyroidism. However thyrotoxicosis can be caused by basically any severe thyroid condition, including hypothyroidism, and causes jaundice.
apparently she walks with a cane but tries not to be photographed with it.
That's hyperthyroidism and then she wouldn't be fat. All factors suggest a painkiller addiction, including this: >>4871196
She's broken bones in her feet on numerous occasions.
Thyrotoxicosis is not hyperthyroidism. Hyperthyroidism causes thyrotoxicosis so it's a common mistake. Nevertheless thyrotoxicosis is common with most thyroid conditions either directly or through medical side-effects. Anything that requires T4 therapy can cause jaundice.
To be fair to the thyroid claims, she's definitely not fat now, she's lost a ton of weight in the last few years, arguably too much even.
It's caused by too much hormone in the blood. The opposite of hypothyroidism unless she has a really, really, really, really, really shitty doctor giving her too much synthroid.
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Her hair is looking kinda fucked up too
Something happened to her shortly after Eurotrip for sure. She put on a bunch of weight and then eventually lost it, but if you read some of the drivel she posts on Instagram, you will realise that she has become pretty retarded as well. She's definitely not operating with a full deck.

Add to that the jaundiced eyes, sunken face, and hair loss, and I can't tell if she has been suffering from a medical issue all these years or if it's drug abuse.
>Her hair is looking kinda fucked up too
she is bald in the middle
She was so pretty.
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Get fucked. She's literally a perfect 10/10 in the Eurotrip era
lol you can totally tell those are brits in the background
nta, but Eurotrip was literally 20 years ago. it was here post adolescent peak.
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>Something happened to her shortly after Eurotrip for sure.
so much wasted potential
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She hit the wall so hard, she became at one with the wall.
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It's not joke. She even said on IG that she wore a halloween outfit to prove she could be sexy.
sad because she was smoking hot and she liked showing off her tits by not wearing a bra
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That's the one. She deleted the post.
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>if you read some of the drivel she posts on Instagram, you will realise that she has become pretty retarded as well. She's definitely not operating with a full deck.
what's she say?
I'd Lay her
Boom! Haha!
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No other post since I posted 3 days ago... Makes me sad
guess most people forgot how pretty she was
Perfect ass
I bet they just threw those pants away...
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