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need a clear shot of them axilla
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Comeone who knows the Millie canon more than me, please post her at her chubbiest
Would suck cock for her ngl
you would suck cock for any reason because your just a fagot plain and simple, now stfu
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>her feel when she caught a whiff of her socks smell filling the room
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Frotting with Anon in Emilia's tight pussy
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Millie worshippers, where are you

Ugh the wrinkles. Its sad how shes aging given how pretty she was
Let the Goddess die
i hate her so much in the movie with the wheelchair guy, i mean why did they make her such a cartoon of her own self
it's bait. only the first pic is older millie.
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any news ?
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She's pregnant (and I'm the biological father of the triplets).
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saving the thread. my captcha is 4PAN
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>plap, plap, plap, plap, plap...
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shes very pretty
her personality makes her hotter than her physical appearance. she seems genuinely fun to be with.
wonder why they call her a bitch
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more cum god, please
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Emilia is a goddess
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Emilia is the perfect blend of cute, pretty, and sexy.
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praise cum god
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Well said, no other celeb comes close to her level of perfection
Who remembers the good old days of /ecg/?

You're crazy, she was mad adorable in that movie.
god that one's hot. makes me wonder what it'd look like covering her tits
I prefer tummy
Based as fuck.
>that razor burn
Emilia strikes me as the type to be scared to wax her cooter area.
its probably too intimate for her to let a stranger do that
She was adorable and charles dance performance makes the movie bearable but holy fuck did I cringe a lot.
The bit where they're speeding along the road in his chair literally made me laugh outloud.
Nirvana inducing
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Anyone here from the old threads? Those were good times.
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only spent some time on wikieat, a shame it's gone.
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I am
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I dont think ill ever stop loving her
if we were married, this is the kind of portrait i'd get blown up on a massive canvas & hang in the foyer.
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Remember the fun we had in the early coronavirus days, after Last Christmas came out? We were blissfully unaware of the THIN days ahead.

Ah man, it doesn't even seem that long ago.
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Emilia will always be my goddess, These new actresses like syd or mbb can't even compare
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The webm that stole everyone's heart.
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2015 was peak Emilia. The thiccness was unparalleled.
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The most beautiful woman ever! I'll always love her
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How come she's still single
actual brain problems
is her career dead
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Every bf she's ever had ever since becoming a celebrity has cheated on her. She probably has trust issues. Plus, she's nearing 40 years old. That egg carton is empty.

Last year, she was in a Marvel miniseries that even Marvel fanboys who usually slurp up every drop of Marvel goyslop didn't seem to like. I guess she played an alien.
>Every bf she's ever had ever since becoming a celebrity has cheated on her
This doesn't look like a coincidence...

>That egg carton is empty
Can she have a kid even if she wants to? I mean that's probably dangerous with her multiple aneurysms and all. But I don't care about kids, I'd still wife her in a heartbeat. We can always adopt a little shithead.
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Emilia is simply too cute and loving to not cheat on
Imagine her face when she finds out, her big heartbroken eyebrows and tears streaming over her little hamster cheeks
feel a bit worse about myself for throbbing at this
How much is her BMI?
if every partner you've ever been with cheats then either you're a lair or the problem. for someone seemingly as great as Emilia to be single is a huge red flag for her. she's probably insane. he public personality is just another act. her private personality is most likely intolerable.
Shut your bitch ass up
cope. your waifu is a garbage human. nice ass though so there's that at least.
you like her feet?
never seen a good pic to judge.
Start pumping, boy
meh. nothing special. your eagerness to make another man cum is cringe and super gay.
emilia's feet are the only celeb feet i like, call me biased. but i think her size and stature has something to do with it too.
i don't care for celebs much at all like others here do though.

I want to cuddle her and whisper sweet nothings into her ear.

Emilia's BMI was just right for me to gently squeeze her thighs.
Enough is enough. She's 37 and looks 47, it's past time she used some of her millions of pounds to get tastefully BOGGED.
Just like Emma Watson, these dumb bitches aren't taking care of themselves, they were effortlessly beautiful for so long that they never had to try. Now it's catching up to them.
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Who would do such a crime!? If she was my wife I would care and love her till the end

I don't even care about the age man, she was, is and always be a goddess regardless
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Something about the physiognomy of this woman drives me over the edge.
I'd lick her tears desu
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I want to fuck her feet so much
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tell me about it, her feet trigger me
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Reminder, no lewd, no crude, no rude.

And an eternal FUCK THIN.
The tasteful thiccness...

>no lewd, no crude, no rude.
Then what the hell are you doing on a red board?
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That might be peak Millie right there.
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tfw no 2000s girl millie gf
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Is that Lola? Damn she looks rough. Pure Anglo phenotype.
I wish there's more pics of Emilia and Elizabeth together.

And hopefully they have sex too
She looks good with lots of makeup and Photoshop.
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The Fat Controller laughed. "You are wrong."
>"You are wrong."
You think she looks bad with lots of makeup and Photoshop?
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No, she doesn't need lots of makeup or Photoshop to look adorable.
i don't think this pic/photoshoot does her justice without makeup. kinda reminds me of a fish eye lens shot. regardless, most celebs aren't much to look at anyway, and are downright unattractive without makeup. millie isn't one of them.
not hard to find a girl on the street that is more attractive than most celebs, makeup or not.
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you should do this >>4880333

to this on her belly >>4881553

I wonder how Ted is doing these days? Hopefully living large.

good lord the start of her pubic stubble

what day is this from? there's bound to be more, probably found on her fansites
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found it:

June 10, 2015: Filming in Majorca, Spain


there's a couple of more in there that are alright, but the first one posted here with the stubble is probably the best, damn shame
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she should be my friend who cuddles with me :3
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Finally unbanned so here's my contribution
We're never going to get 2015 peak thiccness ever again :(
She is 1/8 Indian. Her grandmother fell for an Indian guy.
This one is REAL.. No body doubles. Her actual tits!
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For me, this women is perfection
Bitch probably only hooks up with young dancers or some shit, thinking she can tame them but then only gets used as a cumslut and then replaced by a younger, tighter, less used up whore. Her celebrity status doesn’t really play in her favor.

>marrying a 40yo woman
Kill yourself.
why are you so hateful faggot
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She is so perfect there. We are never going back to that, are we.
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she still so lively and cute bros...
She still has that cute, childlike wonder to her.
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Extremely regrettable that we never saw her vagina
extremely regrettable that we didn't see her in more leather and knee-high boots
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Extremely regrettable that she didn't iron out those wrinkles.
she should always be barefoot
She's so cute that it's painful.
fuck her
and fuck her feet too
God I wish
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Man she fell off hard. Why does she look middle-aged? How old is she in these pics?

Your sweet smooth skin Emilia, please bring it back
Anon she is 37 right now she is not young anymore. Ever since she lost the weight back in 2020 she already fell off. I believe some of the chub actually kept her youthful.
lol the first two pics are from 2014-2017, during her prime. last one is 2019, when she had lost weight. this is the second time i had to correct someone about this.

needless to say that these new cameras that take extremely detailed shots do not help, in anyone's case. but your comment is dumb anyway.
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I want to go back in time and save her so badly bros
Her thinning is a tragedy much like Jennifer Connelly's thinning. Jesus wept.
>Deep, obvious wrinkles on her forehead and from her eyes
Choose one

Also how on earth is she that aged at like 30? I know cameras are detailed but a beautiful girl shouldnt wrinkly.

Is it just normal brit-bong aging to lose your youth at 30?
her prime: 2011 - 2018

idk, i've never been bothered by or noticed creases on the face of one of the few genuinely attractive celebs out there. i'm sure you'd make the same comment about literally any pic of her anyway.
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