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I hope she gains weight again.
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Only if she gets preggo
Decent looking considering she’s Irish.
She’s Irish?
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A new Sersh thread! I'll start posting once I'm off work!
>the face she makes when you whip out your cock unexpectedly
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I watched Hanna again and what an experience.

From the cozy winter forest and cabin setting to the concrete facility to the desert and desert city to the european city and finally the abandoned fairy tale themed park you really get a sense of adventure from the movie. The cinematography and lighting is beautiful and enhanced by the use of film. It was also a cool idea to let the Chemical Brothers make the soundtrack.

And it just shows the importance of casting and actors. Saoirse was just the perfect casting and she makes this movie. She is mesmerizing with her unreal looks and her voice and the way she acts like a fairytale character. I really felt that she has been living in isolation.

It's one of my favorite movies and I will keep rewatching it. 4K Blu-Ray when?
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how can I get a job as an Official Sersh Toucher??
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Some newer Sershes.
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Her film bad apples finished filming recently, kinda surprising.

Anyone got any news on her film the outrun?
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Still slated to release in late October. Which takes too long!
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I hope she enjoyed wearing this outfit because it's one of the goofiest things I've ever seen. Lookin' like a piece of smoked salmon...
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it looks comfy, at least
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it's a quiet Sershthread for once, have the lewd anons abandoned us?
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I want her to piss in my mouth really bad. Golden Sersh water sounds like heaven.
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what did you do?
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There we go!
I left the gate unlocked, Mr Tripps
I want to watch a gang of extra thick muslim milfs take turns sitting on her face and eating her out <3
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watched Ammonite (2020)

the premise made me expect a comfy movie with 2 lesbians on a holiday at the beach but it was actually pretty depressing. Gray/brownish visuals and everyone was just mostly sad/grumpy all the time. But Sersh was like a ray of light. She really looks unreal.
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See How They Run is her most upbeat film so far IMHO, followed by Brooklyn. I wish she'd stop doing sad movies and more comfykino
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Brooklyn is so comfy and sweet. One of my favorite movies of all time actually.
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she was the best thing about that movie too

i thought it would be kino because of Sam Rockwell but his character was boring

the story and comedy was also mostly lukewarm but I did like Sersh deadpan delivery

it did have some nice set and costume design
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i would kill for a series where it's like Road to Avonlea, but with Sersh in the 50s
>Sersh enters the county fair pie bake-off
>Sersh struggles with the newfangled telly-vision set her husband bought
I agree, it should've had her as the main character, although I personally loved the self-referencing comedy.
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Brooklyn is my go to movie with a new girlfriend. Pussy will be guaranteed on the menu after the movie.

Colm Toibin, the author of the book, wrote a sequel to Brooklyn where Tony cheats on Eyelash with some other woman and she gets pregnant.

Whether or not the movie gets a sequel is a mystery, but that's a depressing thought that it happened to such a sweet character.
I've never seen it. My gf knows I have a hard on for Sersh. Will this movie make her want to role play as Sersh for me?
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Idk mate. All I know women will most likely say "I never knew you liked these movies" And next thing you know you're eating clam. Even though you'll only watch it for the cute tater
We watched her lesbian movie and my girl wound up riding me and cumming buckets after. Maybe she's also a Sersh goon. I just assumed the Brooklyn movie sucked

Got any pics of her?
Yes of course. She looks pretty much identical to Lily Rader the porn star, so I'd just suggest looking her up. Same height weight, hair color, and face
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>babe put your pants back on, the movie's still playing
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The Outrun
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I'm trying to watch a cute patoot Irish lass here!

We're getting interracial pool fucking aren't we? It's a shame it's not a standing clear shot. Hopefully that'll be in the full movie and not just this one shot alone.

God, imagine some of the scenes that won't make it into the movie. Probably a lot of lingering nude shots. Maybe she went crazy with her love interest and they had to tone it down.
You could call that A Magical Lewd Shower.
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It must be outstanding to have a GF that's into Sersh too.
we're getting another Sad Girl movie like 'Foe', whether or not it can be saved by Sershbooty remains to be seen. last thread, someone posted an overview for The Outrun and it doesn't sound like we get more than that shot of her cheex.
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Now that I have /hr/ screencaps and webm's from Foe, I don't really have any desire to see it. Watching her die in 'The Way Back' was enough Sersh sadness to last my whole life.

The only celeb gossip I really wanna know is where she's getting these roles from. She's a shoe-in for Irulan, so was she busy? Did she turn it down? Did Florence Pugh bribe Denis with baked goods???
Post more
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Anon, didn't your mother teach you to say PLEASE???

The thing I hate about this movie is that the nipple shots are so blurry. She's got puffy tits and the only guys who get to see them full on are her fucking co stars.

Even the black guy from The Outrun got to see her perky knockers and he was also naked in the pool with her in the shot.

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Life as a Sershfan is hard and punishing indeed.
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It's especially unfair THE GOVERNMENT won't let us use cloning technology to give everyone their own puffy-nip-swoopy-boob Irishwoman to suck on.
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I wonder if she's a missionary or cowgirl type of spud?
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Does she bounce around or do a lil' bump-n-grind?
I think she's a multiple hours suspended in the air shibari style getting vibrated to drooling stupidity kind of lass
In my opinion she's the most beautiful woman in the world. Other women might be more sexual or have better bodies or whatever, but to me, Saoirse radiates beauty like no other.
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Sersh is a “missionary only” or, “fuck my ass and piss down my throat” kind of gal. No in between, I bet.
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Sersh is the first time I cried because I was overwhelmed by beauty and how lucky I was to have full vision and to be alive at the same time as her and that life even happened and evolved to humans as gorgeous as her.
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Missionary only doesn't sound like a problem when it's with Sersh
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I want to fart in her bum
I want to eat her farts
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Total coicidence I want to fuck her ass and piss down her throat and spit on her face?
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Rude, rude, RUDE! but also lewd!

Anons I just watched Byzantium... I need to rewatch some Arnie films to tamp down this MOOD.
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Little Women is such a great movie. It also holds a special place in my memories because it's the last film I watched before all the pandemic stuff happened.
I think she is a total bottom and very willing to please whomever is dominating her.
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I hope that would include sitting her bottom on my face for about an hour or so.
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if it fits, it posts
check the rules
Why don't you apply to become a janitor then you little hall monitor faggot?
anyone got a 16k smellable version of that pic?
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you must be new here
nobody cares about the rules

welcome to /hr/ !
you really think the righteous actually become accepted? dont make me laugh.

not new, just tired of the blatant disregard of the quality this board is supposed to harbor the last few years. it used to be good before it started to be an /s/ runoff and nowadays it's the runoff of any fast board.
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Just sniff a fresh bar of Irish Spring!
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Kate Winslet seems to like her anyway
after this scene where you don't see anything I thought the sex scenes would be tame but then later you see Sersh's cute butt as she makes Kate eat her out

Sersh said that Titanic was her favorite movie growing up so I wonder what this felt like.
This movie and Beguiled (no Sersh in it) make me think someone in Hollywood enjoys putting a ton of women I find hot in the same movie. More hr from Little Women?
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Apparently Sersh and Kate sort of 'directed' that scene themselves.
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Finally watched Lady Bird. It was refreshing to watch a coming of age movie that felt grounded. Usually I feel sad after these kind of movies because they depict this idealized version of being young I feel like I missed out on.

I wonder if Sersh beauty is ever an obstacle. She seems to like those movies about real life but her face is made for fantasy movies with how unreal she looks.

>Writer and director Greta Gerwig said in an interview that she would have preferred this movie to be "just close-ups of Saoirse Ronan's face" because of her immense beauty.

holy based
That's tame compared to what Greta's private "Saoirse Intimation" movies focus on.
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Greta was really pushing /ourgirl/ for a while there, wonder why she stopped?
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what are some examples of directors casting the same actor in a main role for several non-sequel films?
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Saoirse was originally supposed to be one of the side Barbies in Barbie, but apparently there were scheduling issues (I think Barbie production got delayed and she had other obligations). Shame, probably woulda looked a little like this:
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what a profile! this will make a useful drawing reference
>when they see your frank n' beans
well that's good news, then... both that she got offered it and that she wasn't in it. I keep wondering aloud in threads why certain other actresses have done fully mainstream movies but not her (Pugh, Debicki, etc)
ok that's a cute pic tho, ngl
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The idea of Debicki and Sersh Barbies make me hard
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If you think that's great, how about Debicki and Sersh wrestling in pudding! Maybe have to handicap Liz, she's got the size advantage
More Liz and Sersh pics? I wasn't aware this was a thing.
same + this with all women. blonde and pink, high heels and a fun attitude, instant hard on. maybe it's a bimbofication thing but I don't think so, I think it's more of a teehee cutie type thing
I don't like bimbo crap either, like fake tits, I do like the bubble gum bopper look though. You're onto something.
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I'm sorry I only have the one... such power must be doled out in small doses
Sersh is already fun tho. She looks best in cute modest clothing.
>Sersh is already fun tho. She looks best in cute modest clothing.
see now, i've always liked the idea of getting a plainer girl dressed up, either very girly and feminine or hyper slutty like a stripper. maybe that's what I see in Sersh; she's nice looking sure but I've met plenty of normal women who look kind of the way she does, she's not like a unique beauty (sorry if she's your waifu). but it makes me diamonds to imagine her as a street corner hooker
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Here's a slutty Saoirse Ronan big fake tits.
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>I've met plenty of normal women who look kind of the way she does, she's not like a unique beauty

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anyone have any pictures from the oscars/golden globe event where she wore a green dress with green eyeshadow
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Do you mean this classic? Top 5 Sersh outfits for sure.
Has anyone seen Stockholm, Pennsylvania (2015)?

Lots of closeups on Sersh's cute resting face but what a depressing movie.
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>sad Sersh
I've sworn it off, no more, no more! I mean I'll still love depressing movies, but not with her in them.

speaking of which, Out Of The Furnace is good and also set in Penn.
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Have you seen her die in The Way Back?
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That was the first movie I ever saw with her in it... i had an, um, involuntary emotional response to that.
I think you meant to type cute.
yes thats the one, thanks
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There's more!
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I remember I got this one somewhere on 4ch, maybe it was here? By the way, how is her name pronounced?
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This should help: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9xCr6IQtYqk

look at how CUTE she is when she's all excited
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How do we feel about non-AI Sersh art, /spud/?
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Did you take that from the /cel/ thread?

What do you mean?
AI can't do sersh anyway she's too obscure. I've tried and this is the closest I've gotten and it still barely looks like her.
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I wanted to do a painting study off a screenshot, so I did one with Sersh!
2pretty4computers, take it as a compliment

I think the problem is that a lot of people use either bland pictures of her face for AI reference or really old ones there were done years and years ago.

Why type of pictures are you looking for?
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I meant that I MADE one, i have lots of Sershy references.

Post it then
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Has anyone here ever met saoirse or have any obscure sershie trivia?
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I wonder sometimes, how many sexual partners has she had?

There was George, who she lost her virginity to from 2013 to 2014 - then she moved to New York in 2015, then met her partner Jack Lowden on Mary Queen of Scots in late 2017 during the filming of that movie and they were dating by 2018 in a more obvious manner and have been together since then, with hints of her being engaged and whatnot.

So during 2015/16 - was she waiting for the right guy?

There were rumors that she and Hozier dated around 2016/2017, as that was when her name popped up alongside his, and never did before that time.

So George, Hozier and Jack.

Makes me wonder if she hooked up in her NY days.
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I'm not an artist so I can't give advice
her likeness could use work. wouldn't have thought that was her.
but the composition is nice and I like how with the hair you got a sense of motion and the colors pop nicely
also bonus points for not being lewd
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Cool Saoirse Fact: Her blood type is 'red'!
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I wonder who would've even had a shot at her. NYC is full of fancy high-power people and I bet they all travel in closed circles.

but just imagine getting to take someone that looks like
in casual street clothes out on a date...
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I just figured she'd meet some hipster indie guys and hook up with if they were trustworthy enough not to blab. Maybe she's ultra careful so as to avoid being with guys who might run their mouth about their experience with her.

It's a very diverse place, and she's only seemingly been with white men too.
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Would she need to be so careful? She's not exactly TayTay, and if she's dating guys on her level from NYC they might not be so impressed to run out and start blabbing I JUST DID SERSH UP THE BUM!!! Besides I think she's more of a dater than a hooker-upper.

I haven't even heard any stories about people meeting her unlike all the Keanu stuff or the infamous Anna Kendrick pharmacy encounter.
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Watch this video and tell me what you think of her chemistry with this guy:


Bit of trivia, at one point in the video she says she ghosted a guy once, after finding him meh. Imagine how hurt that guy must have been to be ghost by her.
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I'm gonna say positive chemistry WITH the understanding they're co-stars doing a promotional piece, so they're at ease with each other and expected to perform a lil'. I bet it's positively heart-wrenching when she's with her beau Mr. Lowden

I love how the comments are just full of love for ARE GIRL on every Sersh interview.
Anyone got the deepfake of her masturbating wearing a yellow t-shirt? Can't find it anywhere now.
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This is quite possibly the sexiest leg photo I have ever seen of her.
Hehe epic tattoo

It seems she's a big fan of poker. My kinda gal!
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Thank you anon! I will continue working on my likenesses
Great post got any other images from the outrun it hasn't been released in America yet

It's not released anywhere. That's just trailer footage.

Yes... you heard right, trailer footage. They put her arse in a trailer.
looks like it might be a good movie but I'm afraid her love interest is going to result in an uproar :C

That'll be the interesting part. Sersha threads here and on /tv/ will be swamped with webms of that scene.

You'll never see the end of it.
Dirty fucking whore using her ass to sell tickets to her mediocre movie
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you're nicked, son... creating a public disturbance, insultin' the bloody queen of the thread, rudeposting without a loicense... you'll be in gaol for decades, you rotter!
/tv/ is useless anyways. Even if she made a movie unoffensive to their sensibilities you couldn't get a proper discussion going there.

I am looking forward to it personally. Sersh wearing normal clothes, minimal make-up and natural lighting with lots of close-ups. A refreshing break from period pieces. Lady Bird was the last time we got casual Sersh.
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I would LOVE to see her in one of those greasy sci-fi shows that doesn't get made anymore, like Riddick. None of this polished Apple white iFuture nonsense, I want SPACE BOOBS and LEATHER and CRT SCREENS WITH TOGGLE SWITCHES in the spaceship.
man she should be in the new Alien, she could make a great Ripley-type. She deserves a big or leading role where she gets to be a bit meaner and grubbier
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watched On Chesil Beach (2017)

another sad Sersh movie but it's more bitter than crying your eyes out misery
takes place in the 60s in pleasant looking locations and is shot on film
Sersh is beautiful and sweet in the movie so it's worth watching for that alone

What do we think of her new movie Bad Apples?

Obviously it's a ways off and barely anything is known, but she plays a teacher who has take care of an unruly student. Said to be a little comedy with thriller elements. Not sure if it's American-set or whatever.

Any predictions? We're getting classroom Sersh and she's probably gonna be dressed like a teacher, which'll be hot.
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>movie about a guy that doesn't make love to Sersh
join the club, buddy. At least she looks cute in her 60s outfits!

This is the one I am most excited for. I wonder whether it will lean more towards the comedy or thriller side? It seems like the perfect role for Sersh.

Also excited for Blitz and The Outrun, but less so. The Outrun looks really well shot and scored and about a positive message, but it's still Sad Sersh Cinema. McQueen is supposed to be good, but I'm just tired of WW2 movies, the last good one was 'Dunkirk' and most people didn't understand why it was good. But it's Sersh in period clothes...

Nothing is known about her Blitz character.

I have a sneaking suspicion she'll either play a Nazi sympathizer, underground resistance Jewish woman or white-woman-who-falls-in-love-with-black-man-during-trying-times

Something like that.
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Blitz is set in London, so I doubt there will be any Nazi sympathiSershs or resistance fighters. I think it will be like Paradise Road, which was an excellent movie and very Sersh-like (harrowing, sad and female-focused)
What an unimaginable faggot
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watched Lost River directed by the Goose

put it off for a long time because of the bad score
the visuals are beautiful and depressing at the same time
like the sun setting over a run down house surrounded by grass
Refn must have rubbed off on Goose because the movie features a lot of scenes with colored lights

another sad Sersh movie. She doesn't have that much screen time so it's not a must see unless you really want to see all her movies
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honestly, thank you for going through her back catalogue so I don't have to. Luv Sersh but some of this stuff just doesn't appeal to me at all.

Can't fully explain that either as I think most of my favourite movies are downers in one way or another.
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/ourspud/ is a patron of the arts!
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Young spud
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Kino movie. Re-watched recently too
Irish women are smoke shows compared to wherever the fuck you're from desu
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Sadly they don't all look like Sersh (had my bags PACKED when i found out that sad fact)

Diane Jennings is another cute Irishwoman, she's on the Youtubes
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I just saw the trailer for the outrun. I really hope she gets an Oscar for the movie.
IDK if she'll win for this, because it's an indie that isnt gonna get a ton of attention, but she'll win one eventually. She's one of the best actresses of her generation, I just wish she'd be involved with bigger projects.
It seems like the kind of poetic story the actors guild love to nominate I hope she gets some awards for this she will definitely get a baffta for sure
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nah for it to be oscar bait it has to be a period piece, about a historic figure or about the movie industry

I don't care about awards but her getting an Oscar is just a question of when.
The blonde girl in the OutRun Testarossa does look like Sersh, funnily enough.
Saorise playing Maurine OHara in a John Ford Biopic when
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>I just wish she'd be involved in bigger projects
Anya Stroud in a live action Gears of War movie!
Emma Frost in some Marvelslop!
a gangbang hostess in real life!
Detective Sargent Stalker in the Continuing Adventures of DS Stalker (made it up in my head)

What was the deleted post...
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party spud! but why is she wearing a jacket when it's BIKINI SEASON???
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I don't follow her private life but I think this is the first time I've seen her in a streetwear fit like this. I wonder if she is wearing some cool sneakers.
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White sneakers are such a hassle though. Everything makes them look dirty.
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It's cool to see a famous actress just chilling with everyone else!

I've seen pictures of Glastonbury this year - plenty of Palestine flags, antifa messaging.
And she's wearing black! which is part of the palestinian flag, she can't fool us
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>famous hippie festival has hippies attending
anon i hope this does not come across as too much of a shock to you
delicious pits

Has Sersh ever said in an interview what kind of music she likes??
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She loves Beyoncé
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Beyonce must be honoured!
>famous hippie festival
glasto is the most middle-class festival going full of mostly middle-brow acts. hippies don't go there it's all liberals. hippies in the uk go to little micro festivals where one-hit wonders and forgotten bands from the 70's-90's on their very final legs play
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the point is that being surprised over Palestine flags and FUK THE TORIES signs at Glastonbury is like being surprised everyone at the 15th International Catfish Derby is wearing a camo hat with a truck brand logo on it.
Idk what that Derby thing is but fair point. just for balance though, being pro-palestine or anti-tory aren't broadly controvertial opinions right now: I don't think it's leftist sentiment I just think it's the opinion of basically everyone who isn't top-tax-bracket earner or a knuckle-dragging reformist. Not so much a hippie thing as it is an everyone thing rn

I thought it was funny how the facebook mums are fuming about Idles getting everyone to sing 'fuck the king'. yanno these people haven't engaged with music for 20+ years

Saoirse met Prince Charles around 2009 - I think. She also met the queen.

Look it up on google if you don't believe me.
I believe you, she doesn't seem like one to cause a fuss over that kind of thing. I was talking about glasto not sersh
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fuck queen charles & all fag limeys
ohhh my heart is just ACHING :')
All I could find was stuff about her playing Mary, Queen of Scots and harsh critiques of that movie by history nerds and gay people.

Sershie was born in America, spends time all over the UK and is dating a Scotsman, I don't think she's the GET OUT YE BLACK AND TANS type.
Their kid will have a god tier nose
> Saoirse will never sit on your shoulders, her tight tater core right behind your neck, her smooth, delicate thighs either side of your head.
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i was gonna say 'can't understand why billionaires spend all that money on dumb ole yachts instead of a night with Sersh's thighs on their ears' but then I remember... the spud is NOT for sale
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First image from Blitz
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ngl if you didn't write anything I would assume this was from her previous movies

With a hat, she would look like Diane Kruger's character in Inglorious Basterds.

Still making a prediciton that she'll either be a Jewish woman/resistance member who falls in love with a black man.

I don't know, just have a feeling. It would be ballsy of her to play a villain character, and I hope she will.

HA! I WAS RIGHT. Found a plot synopsis for the film!

"New images from Saoirse Ronan's next film Blitz:

Directed, produced, and written by McQueen, the film follows the epic journey of George (Elliott Heffernan), a 9-year-old boy in World War II London whose mother Rita (Saoirse Ronan) sends him to safety in the English countryside. The Synopsis reads: George, defiant and determined to return home to Rita and his grandfather Gerald (Paul Weller) in East London, ensues on an adventure, only to find himself in immense peril, while a distraught Rita searches for her missing son. Blitz marks McQueen’s first sole feature screenwriting credit."

Her lover was a black man and her son is biracial.

I had a feeling. Every effin' time. Right on the money.

This is the second time in a row her LI is black.

Here are the IMDB pages of two actors who could possibly be playing her LI.



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I know there's some makeup involved but damn, what a facial structure she has!

What was 'Widows' like? McQueen directed that and I want to see it.
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Rump bump!

Just wondering if there are any other lewd Sershfans out there... I've actually met a couple of very good anons through here!
It's over.

That's not our penis going into her.

What kind of penis do you have?
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we all have a communal one, apparently... or maybe it's a timeshare?
Is it too lewd to want to grope and spank Sersh's lovely bum?
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TOO lewd? Anon that's barely lewd at all, that's par for the course around here.
I want to firmly press a ruler between her pale Irish bum cheeks and carefully measure the length of the Tater's bum crack, and have her clench her ass cheeks to hold it place.
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Incredibly based.
Replace the ruler with your tongue and we're talkin...
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They almost look like sisters here. Big sis Greta is going to take Sersh out for a night on the town.
More like Big Sis Greta is going to take Sersh vigorously.
I never knew Sersh had such a tasty looking round rump.
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IMHO Sersh has the perfect modest-body, my favourite type. Nothing outrageous in any area like Kate Upton or Nicki Minaj, just a nice subtle hourglass, perfect blend between tight and soft.
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>Hello? Whot? My thread's on page seven? Well, fix it!
She's also very flexible. Those thighs and legs should not be underestimated, and her bottom suits her perfectly.
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quality lass from head to nose to bum to toes
>IMHO Sersh has the perfect modest-body
Maybe 5-6 years ago. Nothing modest about this dirty coke slut anymore.
What are her breast measurements and does someone have an idea of which pornstar has the closest possible breast shape to Saoirse's?
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rudeposters will be sHOT on SIGHT buster
I meant it as a compliment. Love this tight little coke slut.
Saoirse is very elegant and cute, but she could definitely be made into a total 10/10 super-skank with the right make-up and clothing. Think fuck me heels, stockings, suspenders, corset, collar, thick red lipstick, and eyeliner. She could rock that look just as well as she does the elegant princess look.
>Think fuck me heels, stockings, suspenders, corset, collar, thick red lipstick, and eyeliner.

Fuck. I'm hard already for bimbo sersh...
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oh no, you're right, I found this pic of her just inhaling some coke! :C
sir please you are doing unseemly things to my peanits with this avenue of discussion
I hope she gets the help she needs to beat her addiction
previous posters have made me consider the idea of sexy redneck Saoirse and I'm Lovin It.
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also i saw a brief thread on some gossip forum about her and while most of the posters were positive a couple CUNTS said they couldn't see what was good about her looks or her acting.


> Pouty red lips, tight little black dress with side slits to show even more thigh, no bra underneath, tater's delicate nipples visible under the dress, that also sublimely barely covers her lovely bum, you can even see her thong panty lines under her dress, that frames her ass cheeks beautifully, plus her sleek legs adorned by some very skanky black fishnet stockings, and the slutiest red FM heels that give her that perfect posture.
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How do you chat with them? Disc, kik? Sersh ses?
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Disc, exclusively... never bothered with the others
yummy. consider also
>natural lips, light makeup so you can see her freckles, hair up in a haphazard ponytail under a snapback trucker cap, Irish tricolour bikini top and ripped daisy dukes with the top button open to show there's nothing underneath, either worn work boots or beach sandals
Do they have mudboggin' in Ireland, or just regular boggin'?
I've never had disc but I'm intrigued now. How lewd do people get? What if I don't have many pictures but I do have a strong imagination?
Depends and depends. Some people get super lewd about the celeb. Others get super lewd about the anons too. Some people absolutely won't feed. Others don't think of it as feeding it you're active and typing what they like to read. You'll find some great folks, and you'll find some you'll want to block quickly
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to add to what this anon says, a strong imagination and *prompt responses* are more important to me than someone posting a ton of pics I probably already have. if it takes more time to reply than to send a Morse telegram you are 2slow!!
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Fast and Feckin' Irate: Dublin Drift
>VERY fast sershie running at incredible high speed
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Wet delicious tater.
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What kind of spud is the besterest?
Nta but I'm a fan of douphinoise. Taters filled and covered with cream :)
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Wettened, then filled and covered in cream, for that delicious finishing touch. Additionally, you can try baking the tater after lathering it, so it's sweaty and glistening.

Of course, "smashed potato" is another favourite method of serving up the spud.
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now im fuckin' horngry you JERKS
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Sweety spuds!
hahaha imagine if the cake was huge and she was naked and she jumped on the cake and rolled around on the cake and got all coated in frosting.

you know, as a joke
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Then she'd need someone to lick it all off!
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It would be absolutely evverywhere, she'd be a total delicious scrumptious messy mess, so you'd have to lick every inch off of her, and it would be a long, long slow process as she's licked very, very thoroughly, might even need to be licked over several times just to be sure.

Might have to cover her in cream then lick her again, just to be sure, to remove all if the cake, then of course thoroughly foam and scrub her down in a shower.
It might take several anons all day to do this job properly, but I'm sure Sersh would be patient enough.

oh no, bump limit! I wonder if the Disc-curious anon will come back before we hit page 10!
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Fellow Sersh-licker Discordians?
Please don't be lewd
These threads are always ruined by you dumb pedos. Fuck off with this gross shit.
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All sorts of spud-mirers! mine's [spoiler].buttfish[/spoiler] anyways :3

Sersh doing COKE in public!
Is there a saoirse discord?
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The only one I know of is dead :C

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