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A 2,000+ year old 20 sided crystal die used for fortune telling in the Roman Empire
4th century CE Roman amber pins, found in 2020 at the feet of an individual who was buried in a large sarcophagus at a necropolis in the French city of Autun
6.6cm Bronze Articulated Miniature Skeleton, 1st Century Roman
A beautiful polychrome floor mosaic at the ancient Roman Villa dei Volusii in the municipality of Fiano Romano, Italy, 1st century BCE.
A pyxis, an exquisite example of Roman luxury glassware used to hold cosmetics or precious jewelry, 1st century BC.
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1,700 YearOld Ring Depicts Nude Cupid, the Homewrecking God. Roman England.
A collection of Roman steelyards and scales found buried at Pompeii, Italy, 1st century AD
A Roman Crystal Amphoriskos dated 25 B.C.
Amber amulet in the shape of a Roman gladiator helmet, dating back to I-II century AD. Found in London
Amethyst Ringstone with Portrait of Demosthenes by Dioskourides Roman 1st Century B.C.
An ancient mosaic floor of Swastikas at the Roman Villa of Tejada in Quintanilla de la Cueza, Spain, 1st-4th century CE
An ancient Roman green glass dropper bottle for storing expensive oils used for cleaning the body and for medical treatments, c. 100-500 CE
An ancient Roman Terracotta water pipe, c. 200 BCE-200 CE.
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Tile with animal paw prints, from a military granary in Romania
An antique Roman ring with an engraved phallus (a symbol of fertility and good fortune). The find dated to the first century CE.
An attic black-figure neck amphora with Theseus and the Minotaur. C. 550 B.C., terracotta, made in Athens
Ancient roman dice tower used in the playing of dice games from IV AD
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Ancient Roman dog tag
Ancient Roman era yellow glass cup with Greek inscription made by an artisan named Ennion, c. 1st century CE
Beautiful Roman glass vessel with the image of gladiators
Bronze handle attachment in the form of a mask, Greek or Roman, Late Hellenistic or Early Imperial, 1st century B.C.–1st century A.D.
Cool thread OP, I am enjoying these
>4th century CE
That's 4th Century AD* you extremist ideological infection
Gold and nicolo onyx intaglio ring, Roman, 3rd-4th century.
A massive, well-preserved 1,700 year-old Roman mosaic was recently unearthed while performing city sewer construction
A Roman Bronze Incense Burner (a thymiaterion) Shaped as a Comic Actor Seated on an Altar 1st Century
Ancient Roman glass mosaic bowl, late 1st century B.C.–early 1st century A.D.
Ancient Roman helmet worn by the elite Roman cavalry (equites Romani). 2000 years old
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>Roman artefact thread
>no Mystery Dodecahedra
Ancient roman latrine with amazing mosaics. Villa Romana del Casale Sicily, 4th c. AD

I haven't pass letter A
Ancient Roman marble cremation urn, c. 50-100 CE.
Ancient Roman surgical instruments found buried at Pompeii, c. 79 AD.
Attic red-figured kylix (wine cup) with painting attributed to Makron and signed by Hieron as potter. Circa 490-480 B.C.
Berberini Ivory - 6th Century AD celebration of a Roman Emperor
Bronze double-action water pump, probably 3rd century CE, Roman
Cameo gem with Minerva in corinthian helmet set into a hollow ring, Roman Empire 1st century AD
Centum Cellas, the remains of a Roman villa in Portugal, built in the first century
Clay-baked male genitalia, an ancient Roman votive offering, c. 200 BC - AD 200.
Copper rooster that was discovered in 2011 during excavations at the west Roman cemetery in Cirencester (England)
Gallo-Roman Oinochoe (wine jug), blown glass, 3rd century AD
Girl playing knucklebones [astragaloi]; marble roman statue from the Caelian hill, Rome, dated in mid 2nd c. CE.
Glass bracelet of many colors. Roman Empire, 1st century AD
Glass die, 1st–2nd century A.D. Roman
Wow, this is some really impressive stuff, can't believe that they had such amazing technology to make all this way back then.
Black people truly are amazing!
fucken neat, almost looks like bismuth
Epic beard!
Wait until Antifa finds it
>Black people truly are amazing!
Ancient does not imply any color.
Gold bull and seal of Holy Roman Emperor Charles IV, made in Prague around 1355
He's being facetiously racist and somehow you're dumber than him
Gold signet-ring, Late Roman, 5thC
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A 2,000-Year-Old Roman Dagger found by an amateur archaeologist in Switzerland.
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Ancient world map used by Roman schools
I.... don't think so.
House keys, likely stashed away by Judean refugees pursued by the Romans following the end of the Bar Kokhba Revolt, Cave of the Letters, Nahal Hever (132-135 CE)
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A Roman Bronze Oil Lamp
A Roman Mould-Blown Hexagonal Pale Green Glass Flask
interesting artefact
Golden Cavalry Face-Mask Helmet, found on the bed of the Corbulo Canal (Fossa Corbulonis) near the Roman fort of Matilo (modern Leiden, Netherlands)
Greco-Roman Bronze Chimera’s Foot, 2nd Century BC_AD
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Greek Armour
Head of a Capricorn, Egypt, 1,000 - 650 BC. Bronze, Gold
damn, this was for the other thread about Egypt
Head of Polyphemos, the one-eyed, man-eating Cyclops whom Odysseus finally outwitted and blinded. Greek or Roman. Hellenistic or Imperial Period, about 150 B.C. or later
Incredible 86m2 Roman mosaic from the city of Lugdunum (Lyon)
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cool thread

doesn't explain why opposing holes have different sizes
most plausible theory makes them measuring tools for distances and angles for distance weapons
The opposing holes have the same sizes. 10 sides, 5 sizes of holes.
Interesting Roman olive lamp. The object is made of bronze and dates to the 1st BCE – 1st century CE.
Ivory box meant for writing tools and decorated with intricate animal carvings. Amalfi, Italy. Late 11th to early 12th century AD.
Large Roman fibula (decorative clasp) with cameo - probably showing Plautilla, the wife of emperor Caracalla.
Late-Roman gemstone ring, dating back to IV century CE. Weight 5.04 gr.
Luigi Valadier, Soup Bowl with Dish and Spoon (Écuelle), gilt silver, 1778-79, Museo di Roma
Lycurgus Cup, Roman glass vessel, maybe from Alexandria, about 290-325 AD
Magnificent Roman carnelian with the artist’s image while painting a woman’s bust. The object is dated to the 1st-3rd century CE and is only 1.2 cm long.
Marble thrones at ancient theatre of Dionysus, Athens
Medallion of Gennadios, Alexandrian gold and glass medallion 250-300CE
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What do they do with those once they reveal the whole etructure?
World's largest ancient mosaic uncovered in Antakya, Turkey while building a hotel. It covers 9,000 square feet and was made in the late Roman period, 4th century AD
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this thread is great, love the opal looking glass.
Probably wasn't used for that. Sounds made up and unverified
Probably it was... you just need to make a small effort and search.

"One often-heard explanation is that they were used in conjunction with divination handbooks. There is a 2nd/3rd century Greek oracle book, the Homeromanteion, preserved in three papyri, which refers to throwing lots to obtain a number, which can be used to look up ready-prepared oracle questions and answers."

If the Greeks used them for that, why wouldn’t the Romans? It’s neither unreasonable nor improbable. Either games or divination.
What does this say?
Found this: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Ancient_Roman_artefacts_at_Tullie_House_(6).JPG

In short Titullinia Pussita was born in Raetia (Now Switzerland) and lived 35 years (Died Netherby, Cumbria, England)
The entire global internet at your fingertips and anon1 can't be arsed to look for himself
and anon2 enables anon1 ignorance by teaching himself and anon1 nothing.

Tablet was found in Cumbria - it says nowt about cumbria (or Switzerland) in the script.
Now imagine doing that every single time you found something interesting online.
holy shit, dude, they had dungeons & dragons back then?

"now available - the new sci-fi RPG sweeping the empire! Dungeons & Dragons!"

What the fuck does "BCE" and "CE" even supposed to stand for?
Public schools
They are the non-religious equivalent of "BC" & "AD."

"BCE" (Before Common Era) is the equivalent of "BC" (Before Christ) & "CE" (Common Era) is the equivalent for "AD" (Anno Domini).
Which were funny anyway since Jesus wasn't even born in year 0
>They are the POZZED VERSION of "BC" & "AD."

More plz

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