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>almost exposed genitalia
>pruners in hand

what did they mean by this lmao
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>almost exposed genitalia
How hard did you have to use your imagination to say that
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I want to impregnate her womb
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fr she looks so fertile!!
it means you're autistic
Tranny threads belong on >>>/lgbt/
bros i need more of her Cannes pics this year, where to find?
Imagine raping Hunter
this but consensual jail cell buddies or roommates
Idk, putting your dick in a hole full of shit is already disgusting with women, imagine doing that to a guy. *baaaarrrrffffff*
gays/trans keep a clean butt in case they want some spontaneous sex. girls don't care for anal thus always have a dirty hole.
Still a literal shit hole tho, and a male one.
>gays/trans keep a clean butt
I wonder how that affects their digestive system, it couldn't be healthy to dig your shit constantly right?
by the time any health issues arise i'd have moved onto the next 18 year old college femboy needing money
>by the time any health issues arise
I thought you were going to make a 41% joke at this point kek
Kill yourself faggot
I want to worship Hunter's feet
I have a theory that homosexuality is caused by digestive issues
This is bottom tier, easy mode, for retarded kids level trannyspotting. Show some ambition, analyze ScarJo’s jawline or something. You miserable, lazy, subhuman fuck.
if he was my cellmate id probably cum on his moobs every night, he looks like he is a whiny faggot though so maybe just a bit if celly rape
that male handwriting xDDD
>male handwriting
More like asylum inmate handwriting desu
I've never thought about it but it actually make a lot of sense. It's very likely linked with coprophagia too. Gut bacteria imbalances cause A LOT of problems, even depression. Of course (((doctors))) never consider that side, they just trust the hekkin' science!!!! big pharma manual
With how complex the body is and how many disorders exist, it is weird to me how they havent mapped the nerves and how they effect the mind.
I remember somebody talked about Psycho-Somatic stress and how you can relieve mental stress through exercise but also massages and meditation aka focused breathing and not much later I had the thought that it could be linked with being a huge cock smoking, butthole munching, monkey pox spreading homo.

There are things in nature where animals will mistake an object for something else from a mate to an enemy and even food etc.
When you see the animal do this you laugh and think its a moron or has something wrong with its brain, but whatever it is for a human it would likely come with much more complex emotions and so we are being told it's "normal" and healthy like its not a serious health hazard.
These same people cry about guns and speeding and drunk driving because of the statistical probability of doing damage to yourself and others, but not when it comes to being a Turd Sniper or worse... a skoptsy gelding eunuch castrato or Diy Dahmer
Yh its a bit dumb of him to say but simultaneously still funny
did hunter cut his penis off or something?
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Was the Vogue Italia photoshoot her best yet?
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That's a biological man's foot. Fucking ewww
i'm gonna impregnate her prostate so hard brehs
Unironically don't try to imagine the smell.
I mean, you can't fake pheromones... that must stink in the worst way possible *puke*
jesus christ she's perfect
there are no shes anywhere in this entire thread, anon.
good luck with that, fag
Is it gay if you let your gf fuck him with a huge strap on while you watch?
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Honestly lesbianism is pretty gay
that's called cuckoldry
Is he post op? If the bussy is post op I'm not interested. I want something to grab onto
So she's a tranny because he wants to be dominated and be a fucktoy ..? That's all...? Because that's what its all about for him
Also I don't know if I misinterpreted but he was raped or at least he implies it..?
Not really, since the gf isn't fucked technically
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she's so cute, I think I'm in love
That's a rare Hunter
The perfect tradwife...
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please tell me this is an official shoot
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>ywn go dancing with Hunter while she's wearing her cute new dress
Why even live?
I'd like to suck on her beautiful feet
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We must've done something terrible in a past life to live in a world where we know Hunter exists but we'll never date her
he should get the Kardashian treatment, they took the ugly one (Kylie?) and the moment she turned 18 they stuck her in the bimbo machine and turned her into a 10/10
it could work for him too, get a nice hourglass shape and fat ass
Can't fix what's already perfect
would you let Hunter piss on you?
Hnnng that wiggle.

Kylie was fucking hot on the TV show, both the young ones were. Now she's a slag with dead eyes. She's a product not a person.
>she's a product not a person
just how i like em
ikr?! just imagine her cute girlcock jiggling…
I'd like to see Hunter locked up in Rikers or maybe some state pen down south. Bet dudes would be fucking fighting over her lol.
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oh right, forgot about that....hope someone had a fun night
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*her, are you blind anon?
nudeanon, work your magic on the Vogue shoot
Your whining only makes me harder for her anon.
I want her to ride my fuck stick until her girl cock shoot thick ropes of girl cum all over me
>male cock
>male cum
Enjoy your fap now faggot
Call me a faggot again, I'm almost there
Help me cum bro it's not gay
homophobes turn me on
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How is she getting more and more beautiful?
What does french kissing Hunter feel like?
Because men avoid the wall and age better
Now THAT's a woman.
She is a woman though
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No it is not.
> Striped shirt
> Medallion
> Became a tranny

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Perfect tradwife.
Kind of weird to be posting pictures of children, bro
Kind of weird to be calling a man a woman, bro
>fake moustache chain
What did HE mean by this?
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ITT I give anon permission to post pictures of my waifu Hunter-Chan
stop jerking off to kids bro
may i borrow her for a night
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You may. She loves spending time with her fans
that egg was destined to crack.
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I bet Hunter has a big dildo and buttplug collection
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Has the notorious bald man attempted to contact Hunter already?

Most successful ex-Euphoria actress and it's not even close.
Sorry anon, I don't know who that is but this is the Hunter Schafer thread, please stay on topic
милий дyпy eбaть
I NEED to taste her butthole
i just need a tittyfuck

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I need her to seduce and impregnate my gf
>Hunter fucking your girlfriend while you watch in the corner
Fuck, i can only get so erect.
wrong. fucking and impregnating Hunter's girlfriend while she watches in the corner. there's the sauce. I want to make her cry
Nah. Watching your girlfriend moan over Hunter's dick and saying it's better than yours is the play.
Isn't that that guy who has had sex with like every trans pornstar?
Chad here: watching my gf strapon-drilling Hunter's ass while we both verbally humiliate and deadname HIM
There's no deadname dummy
I want to EXPLODE BALLS DEEP in her boipussy
Sweaty Hunter feet
>going to a party and lying in a hammock with your gf and Hunter climbs over you to make out with her and her leg keeps brushing against you as they dry hump
I want to get cucked by Hunter so bad
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>ywn be an extra who Hunter drunkenly impregnates one night so you can dedicate your life to raising her children
Is a cuckold fetish just a sublimated desire to baw and have children?
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Remember to wear sunscreen!
>Hunter will never rub her "sunscreen" on you.
She can rub it on your mom's face ;)
Saw the topless scene from Kinds of Kindness. Fantastic tits.
Bravo surgeon! Bravo silicone factory!
all natty
>all *nutty*
Ftfy. Because he has a pair of nuts. Ah-ah
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Fake tits don't look like that on women, let alone on men.
So he just stole a pair of breast from a dead model for you?
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Can Hunter get a boner or does it just stay limp and flop around and leak precum during sex?
First I thought "why the hell would anyone need to redraw this instead of just posting the original"?

Then I remembered this is /hr/. Boy, I'm glad I didn't post that question, what a boner that would have made.
According to her leaked ig story it's about 4 inches, semi soft, the cum is watery and looks almost clear but is medically considered fertile
i need it to be a limp and leaking sissyclit
does this leaked IG story involve pictures
more importantly: is she showing hole
i need to know. the lives of millions (of my sperm cells) are at stake.
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would love to hold hands and walk on the beach
kissing down Hunter's midriff
I don’t get transphopbes. It’s like they somehow believe a troon is any more or less worthless than a biological fmoid. Sounds pretty fucking gay to me desu.
they're envious
Does Hunter pee while standing or sitting?
That would be the anus.
my sperms in his anoos
Repeat 6 [ Fd 100 Rt 60 ]
if euphoria taught us anything it's standing
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What is the biggest size dildo Hunter can take?
Hunter doesn't get fucked, she fucks
I want to worship her feet so bad
I worship the bulge
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>fucking girl, can't stay hard
>imagine Hunter fucking her

what did my libido mean by this?
Would you eat your girl out when Hunter's done with her?
Don't be silly, I'd hold her hand and kiss her while she lays on her back recovering from the post-orgasm high, allowing Hunter's cum to penetrate as deeply as possible
Does Hunter like wear a buttplug?
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I love Hunter!
She's so cute and feminine.
lungs getting clogged with Hunter feet scent
she looks so sensually feminine and fertile!!
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>Hunter will never seduce your girlfriend and fuck her in front of you
Life is suffering.
would you rather worship gf's feet or Hunter's while they're fucking and moaning?
Hunter's feet, obviously.

her on her back, in the most rhythmic, passionate missionary you'll ever witness in your life.

legs up, with her feet preferably on my face. she's gonna be able to skate to the toilet to fart my kids out by the time we're done.
Id rather not be involved and get verbally abused.
>to fart my kids out
Based as fuck
>Hunter sits on your face
>gf straddles Hunter
>can feel every thrust and moan as she's impregnated
>Hunter leans down and kisses you on the cheek when she's done
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>anon, we need to discuss these... fantasies you've been posting about me. take a seat
I would worship her hole as my personal god, christ almighty.
sorry anon, the shorts stay on during cuck sessions
>dear Hunter, saying you'll never be a woman isn't a "fantasy", it's the factual Truth. Deal with it. Now I'll let you continue sitting in the middle of a field, goodbye
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>actually anon, I was referring to when you open a private tab and hornypost over me
>it's very unhealthy, having this schizophrenic love/hate obsession with a woman you'll never even meet irl
>no, I have the only chair, you can sit on the grass
>I'm not taking mental health diagnosis from a deranged tranny. Now start worshipping my gf's feet while I spy on you behind that tree like a totally normal member of society
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These arty farty modeling pictures are GARBAGE! I need pictures, Parker! Pictures of Hunter's cock!
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I want to smell Hunter
where's the one of her with the red fishnet bodysuit & blue bikini bottoms on. god I need it more than I need to breathe
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What's her best outfit and why is it dresses?
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Why is there no ai porn of this dude like there is for other celebrities?
because reality is better than fiction.
Dumb answer, never answer again
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>ywn kiss down her back
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>ywn see Hunter lift her leg to water your plants
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Introducing Hunter to your parents
why go through this charade? just accept that you are gay
>looks like a girl
>sounds like a girl
>smells like a girl

Ok, I'm gay then. Why does that matter?
*blocks your path*
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>still mogs even in a group of models
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Daily reminder
daily reminder
if this thread archives without getting this image posted in the highest resolution possible I will kill myself I swear to god
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who's a lucky boy?
Let's see his cock
Guys, I think that might be a dude
*her cock
Sorry to tell you, but this is the 21st century, son.
But she is literally a woman.
Your question was waaaaaaay dumber than the answer. Maybe don't ask dumb questions if you don't want dumb answers.
Looking like Cate Blanchett here.

i miss when traps were just men in dresses and wigs. with a stubble and adams apple. simpler times.
they weren't a trap if you weren't fooled by it
tiny precum dripping penis
thick girldick dripping ropes of precum
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Yes, she is her
I like Hunter but wow her sisters are much hotter.
God, what a beauty.
they're all hot wtaf how is that possible
threesome with Hunter and Hannah
I want to be Hunter's slave.

Lesbian vampirekino incoming
docking with Hunter!
nothing to do with hunter.
that actually would be pretty hot, cumming inside each other foreskin
I would die from pleasure desu
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for me it's Mugler Angel
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For the longest time I believed she was a biological woman because I only knew her from celeb subreddits. People who say no trans woman can pass are lying and most probably just biological women feeling insecure.
No it's also biological men who are insecure, not in their own gender but in their sexuality, they think if they can be fooled then they must somehow be one of the gays. It's that weird, self-reflective homophobia, confusing feelings around the sexual spectrum that make them reject elgeebeeties so embarrassingly.

Not sure how it's linked but there's gotta be some link there between being scared of passing trans women and this new meme where they think female celebs are actually secretly planted trannies.
Celeb subreddits tend to cherrypick.
Look at >>4888475 in which it's obvious that's a dude.

Also, as soon as you's hear Hunter speak, you'd know something was off. Real uncanny valley vibes in his voice.
there's a reason why trans woman porn ranks so consistently high toward the most viewed porn category in US states that are most repressive toward trans people.

there's so much worthless, utterly fucking stupid hangups on part of dudechodes that base their masculine identity on the most flimsy, performative, self-destructive shit.

I find cis women and trans women drop dead gorgeous, and i can't be bothered with explaining it or rationalizing it to anybody - I'm a goddamn man, I don't owe anybody shit in that regard.
i watch it for research purposes
>they think if they can be fooled then they must somehow be one of the gays
In my country if a guy got "fooled" by a guy then they would consider the guy to be very feminine (either as an insult or compliment depending on their view of trans) and not question their own sexually. Western men are so fragile in their masculinity. That's why they are so afraid of touching even their bros, no wonder there's a crisis of men loneliness in west.

>in which it's obvious that's a dude.
Maybe but still looks hotter than 70-80% of girls IRL. Would wife
>huh? I was just picking flowers in my dress because I'm totally a woman, didnt see you there mr. photographer teehee
sad tranny
Fucking Hunter's footpussy
I'm from same hometown as hunter and they gave me a hug once are you guys jealous
how did that happen
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Very. I'd love to give her a hug, and then maybe she would get a little too excited and then I would feel her erection poking me in the leg through her dress.
It's a Vogue photoshoot, the model is directed what pose/expression to pull
maybe i'm wrong but it feels like the correct term should be "it".. as in
>it gave me a hug
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Dammnnnn, white boys look like that???
Cigarettes are gross.
ikr doesn't he know the damage he's doing to his body
rich/jewish trans folk don't fall for that grift
that's for the plebs
ew that's a man's mole. gross
How did the director get away with it? Pretty much what would happen if I got to write a Hunter cameo. The literal sex scenes weren't as horny.
u know there's been tits in movies since like 1914
Yeah but giving Hunter a cameo role purely so she can show her body off? I thought that kinda thing was frowned upon now.
my tradwife hunter!
So was this faggot born in 1998 or 1999?
Cause i could i swear i used to read 1999 when googling him.
Now it says 1998.
How often do you google him to notice this kind of thing?
was for

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