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Previous: >>4866370
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Did you 4x upscale all these? They look like they were made on CS 1.
Just the first six, they were like 700px originally.
What in the Seventh Level of MS Paint Hell is this fuckery??
Kids just starting out faking. Let them practice; with time they will be (hopefully) able to produce decent fakes. Modern tech certainly has made it easier than it was 15 years ago.
needs more black dicks
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Anyone have any NEW Gillian Jacobs fakes??? I haven't seen anything new of her in forever!
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she hasnt been relevant in like 10 years so what do you expect
These are all incredibly old fakes. Like, when tumblr still allowed fakes old.
is that even 10 years ago?
The zoomer exposed himself.
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>that sole
Do you think Lucy has smelly feet, considering she's always wearing those boots?
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Are there any of these that, you know, don't suck? These are all pathetic.
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the tumblr ban was maybe 9 years ago, but these weren't even new when that happened.
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What might have been...
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The newer ones mostly suck, because it's zoomers just starting out and others never bothering to get better.
The good fakes - from 15+ years ago - are sadly too small for /hr/.

>Hailee Steinfeld
>Taylor Swoift
>incredibly old fakes
Until Chris Vanne leaks her nudes, this is unfortunately the closest we're gonna get.
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Daisy ridley look alike in shorts. does anybody have that image? I've been searching for ages. i would be grateful if someone could find it. thank you.
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>that face
Whoa! Is she brapping a bean storm directly into his mouth?
Anyone has AOC?
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>Anyone has AOC?

Why, she's an ugly Mexican?
More pissing ones please, they're too rare
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Antje Traue (Faora in Man of Steel)
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>no Cosgrove solejob
You had one thing to do...
I'd never understand the appeal in doing a fake with a completely different body type. I mean, if you're obsessed with big tits and hourglass figures why the fuck you're into Wednesday in the first place?
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You get 5 for free
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you people are all gay and retarded
stop posting this filth on this board, go to /b/ where you belong
none of these are quality
it's all shit fucking upscales and ai filters

they look like shit
nothing about this is /hr/
Are you posting this in all the celeb threads too?
If not, kys.
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Bush is better. Having said that I cannot identify many of these celebs.
Utterly boomer
Youngest of the X.
about 4 months away from Y.
And YOU, since you assumed with zero evidence and no questions you are either on the dumber half of the Boomers or the dumbest 10 percent of X,Y,Z,A.
Hey everyone, look at this senile ranting about things he doesn't understand
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Stupid limits, Hailee Steinfeld and Nemo Zhou (who?) fake.
More Gillian?!
Oh god I thought that was a fucked up Lyndsey Lohan!
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Erin Moriarty
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Mckenna Grace is eighteen, my niggas
...and you just happen to have 18 yo headshots?
What happened to the AI nudify threads?
Hopefully the shill got hit by a train
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Love this one
Hey! She's been in The Bear a few times
What's the point of posting ugly shit like that? To piss people off?
Can we get some fakes of Emily Rudd from One Piece
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>What's the point of posting ugly shit like that?

Indeed, I don't understand why someone with the shoop skills would expend the time and effort making a shitty fake? This goes double for the new "AI fakes" we're seeing, where it seems like every one has the chick being fucked by some monstrous tranny or a pack of niggers, who wants to see that shit?
Don't zoom on her toe
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To the person posting all the Gillian Jacobs pics in all 3 threads, you're appreciated.
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Found some
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Looks like Charlotte Stokely
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Two of these things are not like the others.
Who is this please?
There's being too lazy to look up images and then there's being too lazy to read the comment something's replying to in the same goddamn thread.

^ click one of these
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Bold move anon.
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Contente, filha da puta.
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Sai dai!
A placa de vídeo tá morrendo, da pra jogar memekraft não.
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Post more of hailee steinfeld
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What's the point of Gilly Jakes fakes when Charlotte Stokely exists?
They really need to add Gillian's voice to Charlotte's JOI videos.
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