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File: bruce-willis.jpg (1.71 MB, 2830x4277)
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File: 1986_-_Cobra_Movie_Poster.jpg (434 KB, 1200x1794)
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I call shenanigans. Can't include a villain.
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You are forgiven.
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My ideal 2013 cop team.
Ideal spy team
Idea 2010 spy, soldier & merc team.
Ideal 2014 team
Ideal 2013 all female sci-fi team
>Can't include a villain.

Ideal terrorist team.

Sniper & human hunter team.
He's always been pretty badass for a manlet.
I don't think I like MSPaint collages on /hr/
its pretty ghey
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File: Jason Bourne.jpg (620 KB, 1920x1409)
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Odd choice of image for an action thread.
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Does vidya count?
I think it should.
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