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Good choice of celeb. No shortage of fap material with Moner.
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Pornstar body
The fact we never got more pics in this fit is criminal
My smol latina muse
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shes perfect.
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The fact we've never seen her nude.... Need her fucking leaks like yesterday
Fucking stupid tattoo
who the hell is merced
yup. much better as Moner and with shorter hair.
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Pumpin my uncut latin cock to her little latina body.
Cute, petite, flat and a juicy little spicy ass. What more can you want? >>4873715
Tiny tits are so hot
So good

>Last one
This is unironically what the ideal woman looks like.
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Why'd she change her name?
she made up some crap but we all know it's because we call her moner boner
Fuck it, gonna donate another load to her
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Where can I order a Monerbot? Also
>Ortega thread
>Xochitl thread
>Sasha thread
>Daniela thread
>Moner thread
We only need Dafne to complete the circle now
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The circle of what, exactly?
Hannibal Lecter?
The fuck is that stupid shit on her face? Nevermind.
I don't care.
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Mass Caucasian semen extraction
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> Playing with your sexy cute Monerbot all day as she obeys your every whim.
she had the potential to be a forever waifu but instead went the tattoo, bad hair & bad clothing route. shame.
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Not only that but dating some ugly nigger dyke too.
no she's not
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So she is not dating pic related/
Well thankfully they broke up. I have no idea why cute/hot chicks want to date ugly dykes for.
they were never dating. she posted it to troll the haters.
shut up cuck
So she dated a nigger dyke for a whole year just to troll the chuds? Like come on dude...
What an immensely boring bitch. Yeah we get it Isabela, you want to fuck the whole producer list and then work your way down to some cable carrier. No style, no pride, no class
ritual de humillación
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you can't fool attraction.
I would categorise gays and queers into three categories:
fully, halfway, role-play
>fully queer
you are attracted to the same sex as yourself, and to the opposite sex characteristics (e.g. a feminine fag preferring otherwise manly gays, or a a butch dyke liking cute lesbians)
>half-way queer
you are attracted to the same sex as yourself, but heterosexual sex characteristics (e.g. a manly gay guy preferring a feminine fag, or a cute lesbian liking butch dykes)
>role-play queer
more difficult to differentiate, but they're pretty much straight (bisexual at best), except that they've convinced themselves they're completely gay. they act like half-way queers, but whereas the half-ways set off the gaydar, role-play queers don't. don't be surprised if they grow out of it in a few years.
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Women are completely different than men. You can't classify feminine lesbians as 'queer' and any guy who's mad she's not getting dicked down by another guy is a dickbrained closet case
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>and any guy who's mad she's not getting dicked down by another guy is a dickbrained closet case
Sounds like all of 4chan then.
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What's this from?
no wonder Kiki lost
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big feet
Begging for the brown bikini webm
Nasty little spic fuckdoll.
This bitch is the fucking worst. How dare she do this to me.
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She's the best kind of Fucktoy; petite, flexible, yet also durable and built for licking and stuffing. A caramel slut-pixie.
It's over whitebois we can't compete with big black clit...
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This just underlines why Moner needs to be mass produced, spread wide and given to everyone as a human right.
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You forgot 'incredibly chokable'
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Choked out and brutally facefucked
And Pounded relentlessly.
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Perfect body for it
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Thought you wrote 'coked out' there for a sec lol. Would make sense considering her heritage
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I want to attach a leash to that collar.
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Drag her around on all fours like that
Little latina body makes me so stupid nasty violently throbbingly HARD
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Petite fucktoy slutina needs to serve her masters
Love to have her and Jenna with me, them latinas, man....
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Moner Crawling behind me on all fours with a ball-gag in stretching mouth, her caramel bum swaying, nipples clamped, toy stuffed in her tight moist twat humming as she leaves a slutty trail of saliva and pussy juices. The cockteasing latina now the one desperate.
this little border bunny needs to be ravaged by BIG WHITE COCKS
Any info on her leaks? Last i heard lot of ass shots and some shower and bathroom vids
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Don't fuck with me like that, anon
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Bondage Moner best Moner, dominated brown sextoy
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>peak Moaner meets Mike Adriano
He would've destroyed her
And just like that my flaccid cock got rock hard. Pointing straight up. Head glistening. So perfect. So soft. That tummy. Those perfect little tits.
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Collar round her neck, leash gripped by her owner.

Her caramel body displayed and totally objectified,, either nude or in ultra-slutty bimbo fuckdoll outfits, her mouth wonderfully stretched around a red ball-gag, reducing her to mewling and moaning brainlessly aa she's fucked.

When her mouth isn't gagged, it's full of cock, reminding Moaner of its primary purpose; servicing and worshipping cock.

Her brain melted down into a puddle of cunt juice as she's bound and then licked for hours on end, her theobbing latina pussy now under male control.

She's also an excellent foot-rest and boot-licker. She only gets to cum if she earns it, and she will be kept in a state of perpetual arousal and denial, making the horny little Moaner desperate to serve and please. She groans loudly when you finger her pussy and stuff a butt-plug in her tight little bumhole.

Tight, smooth, petite, yet also solid, she's built to be dominated, to be thrown and groped, to be bound and gagged, to be spread and impaled. The sounds of squelching and slurping become her theme song, as she is submits to being a fucktoy.
Stop it. I didn't need thoughts of a slutty Moner fucktoy bouncing around my head this week. I ddn't want this. This isn't helping me at all.
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my ultimate queen
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Dora the lastname explorer
would you do anything for your Queen..?
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i live to serve her
would you suck cock for her if she commanded you to?
Ask her name while mercilessly licking her, she moans loudly as she arches her back, squirming as she drools wet nectar onto your ruthless tongue.

"Moaner it is, then", you say.
How about using your autism to get her leaks instead of spamming your faggy daydream stories here all day
>believing she has leaks
Anon, according to those retards, every girl ever has leaks.
I will simply say I doubt there are leaks as of now, and Moner is a delightful fountain of lewd thoughts.
I finally took the monerboner pill a few months ago. Am I too late or does she still post nice stuff?
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she still good
I'm very glad to hear that
>youthful face is crumbling
>becomes obese because she can't fight the mexican genes
Full speed into the wall. Only a matter of time before she transforms into a complete goblina
We must obtain what we need to make Monerbots before it's too late.
bitches muzzle themselves now?
She'll eat your liver with some fava beans and a nice Chianti.
I think I would last maybe 2 minutes in her little hot latina pussy. It would get soo creamy and hot. My cock would literally explode in her young pussy.
What kind of slit do you guys think she has? Cute little lips? Puffy?
Oh man and her tiny tits. Cute small nipples. That perfect little butt of hers. What a woman.
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Puffy and tight, also smooth. She's maybe got a very sensitive clit.

She's very flexible, yet her softness is also quite solid; she can be pounded and manhandled roughly.

I think she's an eager, primsl cock-grinder rather than a devoted cock-sucker.
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Is that vpl I see? Her ass is so cute bros. That's primo tushy. Nice and brown and cute. I wish she would show it off more.
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>She will never give your big thick hard cock this look before she parts those pretty lips with the swollen head of your cock
>You'll never make her eyes roll back as your throbbing fat cock begins to stretch her mouth out and slide into her actual throat
>You'll never watch her stain her panties as she gets wet from sucking a cock from a man twice her age
>You will NEVER watch her take your cock out of her hot little mouth and rush to strip out of her clothes, peel her soaked panties off her tiny brown mound, and lean back while spreading those perfect lips and say "please fuck me Daddy"
>You'll never get to prematurely cum in her pussy while she locks her legs around your hips so you become a father
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>You will NEVER watch her take your cock out of her hot little mouth and rush to strip out of her clothes, peel her soaked panties off her tiny brown mound, and lean back while spreading those perfect lips and say "please fuck me Papi"

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