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Washington Crossing the Delaware, Emanuel Leutze, 1851
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Astronaut Buzz Aldrin, lunar module pilot, stands on the surface of the moon near the leg of the lunar module, Eagle, during the Apollo 11 moonwalk. Astronaut Neil Armstrong, mission commander, took this photograph with a 70mm lunar surface camera, 1969
Join, or Die. a 1754 political cartoon by Benjamin Franklin published in The Pennsylvania Gazette
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President Donald Trump poses for his official portrait at The White House, in Washington, D.C., on Friday, October 6, 2017
Mayflower in Plymouth Harbor, William Halsall, 1882
It's also (one of?) the only photos of Armstrong on the moon, seen reflected in Aldrin's visor.
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American contemporary artist and sculptor Edward Gein's childhood house before it was burned to the ground 1958
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President Ye, Vice President Elon Musk and Secretary of Defense George Lucas posing at the White House Fourth of July dinner party 2030
I would have taken a lot more pictures if I did something like go to the moon.

Is there anywhere NASA posts the pics they DID take?
The Grand Union flag,1776–1777
>Secretary of Defense George Lucas
Kek, if only they had this guy under Ronald Reagan... I hear they could've really used him.
And as a point of historical accuracy this flag
is what should have been in this painting
rather than the "Betsy Ross" design.
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Officers of the United States Secret Service Uniformed Division protecting White House perimeter during the George Floyd riots in 2020
Three Confederate Prisoners from the Battle of Gettysburg, July 1863
Atlanta, Georgia. Confederate Works, Summer 1864

The photograph shows one of the key points in the Confederate defense, the fort at the head of Marietta Street, toward which the Federal lines were advancing from the northwest. The old Potter house in the background, once a quiet, handsome country seat, is now surrounded by bristling fortifications, palisades, and double lines of chevaux-de-frise. Atlanta was engaged in the final grapple with the force that was to overcome her. Sherman has fought his way past Kennesaw and across the Chattahoochee, through a country which he describes as one vast fort, saying that Johnston must have at least fifty miles of connected trenches with abatis and finalized batteries. Anticipating that Sherman might drive him back upon Atlanta, Johnston had constructed, during the winter, heavily fortified positions all the way from Dalton.
Portrait of General Robert E. Lee, February 18, 1865. Photograph shows Robert E. Lee, three-quarter length, seated in a chair, facing slightly right, with hands together on lap.
Gen. Joseph Hooker, on Lookout Mountain, c. 1863-1864
Battlefield of Gaines' Mill, Virginia
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America, present day
Jefferson Davis, seated, facing front, during portrait session at Davis' home Beauvoir, near Biloxi, Mississippi, c. 1885
love his work

looks like a /k/ meetup
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First legally married gay coupe in America
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American paratrooper and French woman posing together in 1944 (colorized)
Every accusation is a confession
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First confirmed COVID-19 patient in USA being treated in 2020
What a remarkably boring troll.
>Every accusation is a confession

Thats not a true statement and you know it, anon. Now you just look fucking stupid.

Also, why does everything HAVE to be either pro Biden or pro Trump?
Why the fuck cant you people get off that bus yet?
Holy shit buddy, you're an idiot.
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American cities from the late 19th and early 20th Century are so beautiful.
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From back in the day when there was enough steel in cars to stop bullets.
Why does the sky look like it was erased?
No one has ever been to the moon.
its a deep state conspiracy trying to hide and erase the flying saucers in the photos.
Any flying saucers captured by photograph technology of the time were deliberately photobombing, because that shit took ages.
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Another Twin Towers pic. They should have been rebuilt.
>Bacon's Castle, also variously known as "Allen's Brick House" or the "Arthur Allen House" is located in Surry County, Virginia, United States, and is the oldest documented brick dwelling in what is now the United States.[4] Built in 1665, it is noted as an extremely rare example of Jacobean architecture in the New World

>The house became known as "Bacon's Castle" because it was occupied as a fort or "castle" by the followers of Nathaniel Bacon during Bacon's Rebellion in 1676. However, contrary to popular folklore, Bacon never lived at Bacon's Castle, nor is he even known to have visited it

>Today Bacon's Castle is an historic house museum and historic site open for guest visitation. Bacon's Castle is an official Preservation Virginia historic site and operates under its 501 (c)(3) not-for-profit status
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So... based since the 1770s?
Probably since at least the 1760s!

Happy as a pig in shit. But the pig was classier.
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Except white people, who have the brilliance to leave you behind when we decide to stop babysitting you. I know it hurts that your race would still be working in a sturdy horse drawn carriage and clean drinking water without us but facts are facts.
1960s Earliest known photograph of baseball being played in California, 1860s
1899 Girls in a science laboratory at Eastern High School, Washington, DC, 1899 by Frances Benjamin Johnston.
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The greatest president to ever live.
Very dark day. I remember my mom wouldn't let go of me and my sister for hours while crying.
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this is the greatest
>our president
but thats not your president ivan
We will kill you in your sleep, on Christmas.
Jerry, get the fork!
evil half nigger elitist
Imagine this guy in a room with George Washington. Even better, John Adams. I'd pay good money to see the rant Adams would give over the American people electing this guy.
They would be friends, talking shit about blacks and browns.
1897 Boxing match aboard the USS Oregon in 1897
1897 A cheerful crowd of male students gathering in Cambridge to celebrate the occasion when the University rejected the admission of women credit Hulton Archive
1895 Nikola Tesla (blurred, in the back) passes an electric current through Mark Twain and actor Joseph Jefferson to light a lamp
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calm down retard, youre in a american history thread and you can't comprehend why the current president is a related subject.
"The cleverest trick used in propaganda against Germany during the war was to accuse Germany of what our enemies themselves were doing." - Joseph Goebbels
"But he who smelt it, dealt it." - Confucius
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Who are the idiots standing up in that boat? Ridiculous. I guess they actually waded ashore after falling into the river.
The painting might just be a teensy tiny bit historically inaccurate for dramatic purposes.

The actual boats were much deeper, so people would have been standing in them, not on them.
thread ruined
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That flag is traumatized to this day. It can't talk to other flags about it either, they don't understand.
>hey donald amerikan pigg go kiss amerikan flag so dey don't kno you work forr mee
>da, master!
LOL, yeah. Jesus was a big fan of pedophile rapists and liars.
Do democrat boomers really come on 4chan.org/hr/ and leave childish, silly facebook posts in threads? What do you think you're accomplishing right now?

This is so pathetic.
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build them right back, like they never left, thats the move
Kek. Greatest at ruining the US? Yeah, sure was.
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Try this Guy:
None of this fake bullshit ever happened.

Based! I heard they'll run on a platform that includes making a new Star Wars movie all about Slave Leia played by Olivia Rodrigo.
Tesla and Twain were bffs. That's code for "gay".
Ha. Tesla had no time to be gay, the dude was way too busy being a mad scientist.
>took everything bad Bush was doing and turned it up to 11
>created worthless Obamacare
>sewed racial division
Yeah. Great at being a piece of shit.

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