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I love her crouching poses
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Most of the outfits for this tour are these granny shorts and loose baggy shit. So disappointing
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>Dua's shoes discarded on the right and no socks in sight
Holy shit, imagine going to a picnic with prime Dua and she pulls her big smelly soles out of sneakers worn without socks to air them out, stretching her legs towards you and unawares wafting her powerful pheromones-filled sweaty stench all around for you to inhale
Chug drain cleaner
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You shouldn't, it doesn't cure homosexuality. Not a bad case like yours anyway
>You shouldn't
I know. You should though
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Stay gay
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I love feet, but Dua's are quite busted. her soles look pretty yummy in most pics, but her toes are completely jacked.
They might not be the best looking, but since she has that sweaty, smelly vibe in general, her foot aroma must be an otherworldly aphrodisiac
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love this gypsy goat shepherd like you wouldnt believe
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I especially love when she acts rude like a gypsy goat shepherd
Does she worship at The Altar of Hooves do you think?
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Idk but I'd surely worship her stinky hooves, pic related
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Slav Squat queen
Never paid much attention to modern poo but she looks insanely hot in that Houdini video
Look at the 80s style aerobics video in wich she's basically doing a JOI. Don't know which song tho
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her heels never touch the ground though
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hottest woman on the planet
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This is her peak.
fuuuuck, holy shit.
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Why is her thread dead?
nothing new and everyone screeches at reposts
>everyone screeches at reposts
I mean, there are constant Watson, Stewart and Brie threads filled with reposts and plain cringe, who's going to screech about Dua Lipa's reposts? Only an utter faggot
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they've all walled so they have to re-post old content. dua is still hot so new content is needed.
Fair enough, but it'd be nice to have a Dua themed fap material thread nontheless
Her new album flopped hard and hype isn't the same
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i meannnnnnn you could post things
I posted half the thread faggot, I wonder wtf is OP doing tho
>coomers actually care about albums selling rates and shieet
You are insane
you posted trash
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Just got into Dua recently and can't stop pumping for her.
Goblin Queen
I’ve always gotten massive slut vibes from her, something about her dead facial expressions and her alpha widow lyrics.
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Its just MKUltra's Sex Kitten programming.
If the goal of MK Ultra was to turn women into sexy Albanians it wouldn't have such a bad rap.
Cum target
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I wonder how hard that Old guy she was dating for a few months fucked her in the ass.
>aching belly Lipa
>brap release Lipa
Is that chain there to prevent her anal plug to go missing if it falls?
He was probably a limp dicked perv like Harv
I'll take this one.
Yet another aspect where the FN era was superior to the current one: the slutty tour outfits

Probably as hard as he wanted. He was some movie producer/director, and Dua broke into the film industry around the same time she was dating him, so it's obvious that whole "relationship" was actually just her prostituting herself to get a shot at being a Hollywood star
goodness me, if i was a gilr i'd love to dress like that
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She looks she's the type of bong girl that goes on a spree drinking a few gallons of beer and then floods the flowerbeds in the street with her pee. Considering she's also albanian she probably doesn't mind to fertilize them with number 2 whenever the urge arise
Just watched her Glastonbury set.
Now I understand why you lot are all obsessed with her.
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Post some
Don't forget the slutty albanian face, she makes me diamonds with that stare
uhhh the rest is accurate but come on she has no hips we've seen the bikini pics the outfits are doing all the work
elite pit slut
dua skunk
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I wish someone would edit the whole video this way
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What a whore
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That is a man.
A beautiful, sexy man
He's much sexier than Hunter
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And way sexier than him

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