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Imagine giving a fuck
Some women shouldn't wear make-up. The camera man needs to pawn that camera too.
remember, being the best at a womans sport outside of golf or volleyball (and those are mostly because there are a lot of hot women playing them) is like being the smartest kid with downs syndrome. you can't astroturf a tax write off league as if its cool, relevant, or worth watching.
how did makeup make her look older and less attractive?
What >>4877759 said. Her natural look is all she's got going for her. You slather a lot of makeup on that and all you'll get is an aged whore. Some foundation and lipstick is all she should use.
>being the best at a womans sport outside of golf or volleyball (and those are mostly because there are a lot of hot women playing them) is like being the smartest kid with downs syndrome.

I guess if horses watched a human track meet they'd laugh their asses off at how slow we run. Or if dolphins watched a human swimming race. They's be like, "Look at these retards!"

It's all about perspective.

The average human female is 85% the size / weight of the average human male. They're going to be weaker and slower at strength & speed competitions. But in other areas, they're just as good or better. Women's gymnastics being a good example.

The one thing I never got is straight men always being so eager at putting down women's abilities. It's barely forgivable at 14, but guys in their 20s & 30s doing it... Is it gay guys that are writing the posts?
Not sure but you sure sound like you're gay. Or, show tits?
It's pushback, it's insecurity, it's seething at the idea of women getting more attention and respect at the cost of men when they already "get enough" (according to those men). They can't help but remind you that "a man would be physically better" whether it matters in the context or not, because they have a worldview about the standing between men and women that needs constant reaffirming. It only gets worse in sports because competition is baked into that, so it's "natural" to need to establish who's number one.

People rarely feel the need to constantly point out how, say, paralympic athletes do worse than able-bodied ones, because it would be so bleedingly obviously irrelevant as to be offensive. But between men and women everything's fair game.
>straight men always being so eager at putting down women's abilities

im not putting down her abilities. i'm saying if a tree falls down in the forest, and nobody is around to hear it, it doesn't matter if it makes a sound.

>it's insecurity
are you a jilted woman or stupid? i'm not afraid of her, she is talented. i just don't care for the astroturfing, trying to pretend womans basketball is relevant. the wnba only exists as a tax write off for the nba, they lose money on every game. most of the players fly coach or economy, even if they get to fly to the next game, and its not because they're untalented, and its not because they're women. its because the general public doesn't care, and probably wont ever.
it's a man
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maybe on planet retard
You're doing a hell of a lot of seething for something no one cares about.
>buzzwords instead of argument.

you could have just scrolled by instead.
I am interested in pictures of Caitlin Clark. You are not and despise the WBNA, yet still clicked on the thread and sobbed.
no teas have been shed. you still could have just ignored me. you're making this continue
I have a reason for being here. Why are you?

You complain about astroturfing, but by your actions we can all tell that you actually seek out this topic just to seethe about it.
no, i just came to vent with one post, but you keep responding to me, so i want to continue to annoy you.
you still have an out, just stop replying. but i doubt you can contain your autism, so i'll keep coming back to annoy you when i'm taking a shit.
>caitlin clark

Saw a headline that she was rejected from the U.S. women's Olympic basketball team despite her talents, because she's White and apparently a Conservative.
bottom text
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>and apparently a Conservative
She hasn't said anything political but yeah she's Catholic and open about her faith on top of already being white and straight. Also the coach of the women's olympic team was totally seething about her on twitter last month
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I don't even remember what it felt like
This is supposed to be a 22yr old woman?
We're actually expected to believe that?
her nudes leaked, go judge for yourself. she keeps it hairy by the way.
You're right, this photographer should quit or go be paparazzi.
The lighting here is disgusting. Putrid. Absolutely horrid.

Imagine trying to take studio style portraits and your lighting is worse than what's on the fucking basketball court >>4877744 absolute KEK
They're college press day pictures. Basically high school yearbook tier photography and lighting, especially at some corn belt school.
There are no pictures. Just a brief video snip about 10 sec long.

She's shaved clean down there, btw.
>she keeps it hairy by the way.
Nah you're way off. The leaks showed that Paige Bueckers is the one that keeps it hairy, and her niggress teammate Azzi Fudd eats her out every night. Caitlin is clean shaven
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>hi guys, woman btw
I, uh, don’t get it..

I promise you with her metabolism her bf is getting some of the best sex on the planet. And while she's not a fru fru fairytale princess like Emma Watson she is feminine unlike some of the man beasts and hood rats in the WNBA. The uber hood rat Angel Reese comes to mind.
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>ugly women are actually men
funny how this "logic" just helps actual trannies
this changes nothing
diffuse lighting isn't hard
there's no reason for such harsh lighting all over the face like that

any random smartphone selfie under any other light source would look better and this is some retard who set a backdrop up

look it's cool if you think the yearbook fags deserve second chances
but this is not one of those cases
this is horrid
and deserves the scrutiny

photo would legit be better if the fool just used an on camera flash pointed directly at the person in TTL mode
it's fucking amazing just how bad this photographer sucks
I'm not disagreeing. I'm just saying the people in charge of these pictures clearly didn't give a fuck.
Her legs looked fucking amazing at the WNBA Draft. Anybody have anything from that or anywhere else she was in a skirt/dress/shorts away from the basketball court?
That's a man.
Compared to you, sure. She'd look like a delicate flower next to me though.
kek @ the nose shadowing
its fake
How can you tell?
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>Seems AI made.
>Any link for this in video format?
Where do you download her games? There is a russian site 720pier, but for some reason only her early games are accessable, and rest are "unchecked". Ironically there is an ukie sports site as well, but they don't upload every game.
I reckon anything is possible, but it was dmca'd pretty quick.

Thanks, nice! I'm still not convinced if it's edited or not though. She should totally start an onlyfans though, since this basketball thing doesn't working out the way she planned.
She is actually kind of cute makeup-less. I've seen conventionally "hot" girls that look worse than her without makeup.
Porch Monkey Reese couldnt even fathom putting together one of these sentences
i drop me load and this bitch asking me questions about Wednesday plans
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She looks jewish. Dark eyes, large nose, dentally fucked up, weird ears, weird face, having the name "Clark", larping as the religion with the most conversos (catholic).
I have a suspicion that it's a tranny too, but if this video is not edited, than his dick might have been chopped off. Though during games, it's always suspicous to see how the fabric moves on the players shorts.
I think she just has elevated T from being an athlete and training so much. Most women spend inordinate amounts of time and effort on their appearance, but she’s been masculinized into placing bball first like man would.
She looks fine. She just doesn't wear a lot of makeup. As another poster said, people would be amazed what "gorgeous" women look like without a pound of stuff on their face.
Half her pictures are with her hands above her head fiddling with her hair. She definitely panders to armpit people.
It's just what people post of what comes out. Getty has 11K pics of her.
Look at her during a timeout, she fixes her hair during every timeout, a lot of armpit footage. Also she keeps licking her lips on court all the time, for some reason.

What I like more is that Lexie Hull always turns her back to the camera during timeouts, and leans forward, so we can focus on her butt.
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How did she do? Did she make it across the plate?
Looks like Jason Biggs
this is a 10/10 in burgerland
So jewish?
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>Dark eyes, large nose, dentally fucked up, weird ears, weird face, having the name "Clark", larping as the religion with the most conversos (catholic)
you literally just described the irish
guessing you're american if you think they're all pale gingers
He’s a Hungarian from /pol/ that spams the same schizo posts about her any time a Caitlin thread is made on /sp/
That post he replied to was me, but the opinion is not just from me. If you look in /sp/ threads half the posts about her like that. One american flag unironically compared her looks to Jerry Seinfeld. And I checked on /gif/ where I reshared her shower video, that some random anon called her a jewish man too, check replies:
Most of the posts on 4chan have someone calling a woman a man. This site is obsessed with transexuals, probably because most posters are closeted gay men.
If so many random anons from all over the world, with their different ethnic and racial pattern noticing all think she might be jewish, and she might be a man, than she might actually be a jewish man. Chances are high that she is at least one of those, if not both.
>many random anons
Yeah, right. It's totally not one retard.
>4chan is one person
go back
There's only one person posting that shit: You.
damn, you really are retarded
Does anyone have a link to the video? Can't find it anywhere.
I'm now going to jerk off to this
Wait so they let trans athletes play in the WNBA now?
>literally a link in this thread
>can't find it anywhere
No shit, Sherlock
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I believe it. The pendulum always swings though.
Also they should just have separate female leagues for whites and blacks. I mean, have you seen or heard Brittney Griner? You probably cannot actually classify her as trans but holy fuck, she's as much man as you can get without actually being a man. You cannot expect pretty white feminine girls to compete against that.
She should count herself lucky. The way things are going in Europe, there will probably be a terrorist attack and everyone will die.
Who the fuck is this thread for? She's ugly as fuck, I wouldn't touch this bitch even if I could
>Who the fuck is this thread for?
heterosexual, (biological) men
you wouldn't understand
She’s quite unfortunate looking isn’t she
God, I'm so obsessed with her and her looks. I'm going to marry her
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So lovely cummable face <3
> Clearly, he's a man.

Women also have about 85% of male mental ability.
I know it seems that way because your mom didn't succeed in ending you after learning you were a retard. She should have dropped you on your head from a higher height.
like a fucking diamond
so what are you saying?
the average white woman has the same IQ as black men?
I want her now!
Explain why chess is segregated
Chess is a game with an 8x8 checkerboard game board. There are 64 squares.
Each player has 8 pawns, 2 rooks, 2 bishops, 2 knights, a kind and a queen.
The pieces are different colors. No white king can ever be next to a black king, the rules of the game do everything to prevent that from happening. You can play billions of games but no proper match that follows the rules will ever have two kings stand next to each other on the board. Ever.
can we at least agree that her mom is a mega milf?
Bumping for more of her pictures
gonna instinctively say "No."
Can we just agree that she is the best athlete of all time? In both skill and looks
I like her but no, there are many more beautiful girls, particularly in track and field.

I would like to see her dolled up, prom pictures maybe? I wonder if they're out there
Errm no that's Emma Raducanu
maybe on planet retard
No doubt, she's the Taylor Swift of American sports, so I could agree on this assessment.
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her mom (google Anne Nizzi-Clark) is very nice looking, so she will age extremely well and her looks won't even peak for 10 more years.
>daughter looks like father
>son looks like mother
Gay frogs
>being the best at a womans sport outside of golf or volleyball (and those are mostly because there are a lot of hot women playing them) is like being the smartest kid with downs syndrome

And guys like you have no trouble whatsoever getting chicks while guys who are genuinely more respectful of females can't get dates with $100 bills taped to their foreheads. This is even additional proof of women's inherent retardedness.
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I have a fever and the only cure is more Caitlin Clark!
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Pumping my cock hard for Caitlin
I know this is a stretch, but anybody have the Paige leaks? Can’t find them anywhere
This is only the tip of the iceberg, but you can find six here.

There's supposed to be at least 50 total pics and vids, probably more
Thank you! Is there a certain way to find these things, or you just have to be around when they happen? I’m very unfamiliar with 4chan, I only use it to jack off
I absolutely believe it, I think she is a closet freak and her and her bf are having the time of their life. Amazing sex with a woman who might not be objectively gorgeous (let's just say, a 5 for argument's sake) is far better than a 9 who is either prissy about everything or lays there like a cadaver.

So many guys want the 9s and 10s but I bet they are most boring in the bedroom; give the less-than-stunning ones I chance and you might have your world blown.
Alright Caitlyn take it easy
I can't get enough of her. I love her!
She fucks like a fighter jet
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Keep your fingers crossed that SI asks her to do next year’s swimsuit issue.
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Her twin sister plays golf
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Made me Google. Fucker.

They no doubt have but she'll decline. She doesn't to be one for the lewds. Brink will for sure.
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You gotta have dreams.
That is a male. Y chromosome. Dick and balls.
who is this person and why is she everywhere all of a sudden
dude, i'm not dissing on someone else's fetish but i just don't understand this.

what is so special about her that sue bird or diana taurasi or a dozen other really good wnba players not have?
She is the most beautiful and overall best female athlete in the world right now. Educate yourself's anons
And she is not a lesbian
>and overall best female athlete in the world right now
She's charismatic as fuck but she's objectively not even the best WNBA athlete much less the world.
Well she's the only one breaking records in every game. She is currently making herself a career no-one can compete ince she is finished. Future Wayne Gretzky of female team sports in coming
And she is white
>Perfect for all the rich white men running the business
>She is the most beautiful
i bet you the boy friend fucks her in the ass !
I want to lick her sweaty armpits
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bet it's tight as fuck
looks like Jessica Stoyadinovich
Those women could be her mother by age, they started two decades ago, CC plays now.
Correct me if I'm wrong but the records she's breaking are mostly - if not all - rookie records, right?

Give it a few years and she might very well be the GOAT WNBA player (and I would love to see that) but to call her the "overall best female athlete in the world right now" is kind of unhinged at this point.
literally the only rookie in WNBA history to get a triple double
Why is this a thread
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this x1000
she needs to stop smiling like the dude holding up a fish he just caught
She actually doesn't seem to sweat all that much. Or it doesn't show up on camera.
I wish all of you stopped this speculation on who's best and all, and just enjoy Caitlin pics and jack off like I do
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I didn't know Caitlin had a twin brother.
Absulute stunner <3
I'll be closely watching her next game as I betted a hefty amount for her point total

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