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“Let me just paint the greatest painting there ever was” Now this guy was based
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Is that "zeppelins" or "the Phoenix lights"?
>I'm epps'stein, I'm a pimp on a blimp, goy
Odilon Redon, french painter, the title is "L’œil comme un ballon bizarre se dirige vers l’Infini" or in english "The Eye like a Strange Balloon Mounts toward Infinity"
Inspired by Edgar Poe
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More like "Let me just paint the Hitler's office painting”. Based indeed
I hope this thread does well!
So far could be better.
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My favorite art movement, along with Vienna Secession... I'll be damned if I let this thread die
>I am art illiterate
Can you anons please explain to me why this is the best painting of all time?
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OP here, gimme some time, these are not that easy to find
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I don't know if this is THE best painting of all time, this is very subjective but I too, consider Die Toteninsel as one of the greatest piece of art and certainly the most impacting one from symbolism movement.

I don't know if I have to explain it to you, I believe art has to be experienced to be understood. You know this is symbolist, what are the symbols you notice while looking closely at it ?
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I don't know how I feel about this one anymore.
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this one is haunting imo
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Don't get me wrong, it's nice to see people post good art, but please don't post shitty upscales. Take the extra time to find nicer scans, they make the thread better
One of my favorites

Feel safe and protected!
oh fug, sparde! :DDDD
you are supposed to edit gondola into paintings instead
If I'm completely honest, the first thing that draws the eye is that the perspective is wonky as hell for the doorway/openings on the right rock outcropping.
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That is rather damn cool!

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