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Possibly the most beautiful woman who ever lived
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It's late as shit and I'm drunk, I'm gonna resize some stuff in the morning. I'm trying to figure how to rip blu rays so I can make high quality screenshots/webms etc. so stay tuned frens...
I love her short hair, but she has a gross Eastern European face in certain angles. Would post what I have, but the resolution is too small.
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I guess I like gross Eastern European faces then. Anyhow I don't think even the best pictures do her justice, she's even more beautiful in motion.
Klaus Kinski's daughter
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By the way this is a nice set bro, saved.
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>the most beautiful woman who ever lived
>mogged by Annette O'Toole in Cat People
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When mermaids were white
Thanks for all the good quality images. Kinski is one of the most beautiful European women I’ve seen.
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Glad you're digging the thread my dude. Time for a little Cat People posting, I think its the best she ever looked in a movie.
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Agreeing 1000% with you. Cat People featured her with the best lighting and photography that I have ever seen in the 80’s. Kinski has the trim, yet svelte body and the way she holds herself is magical. Even the director Paul Shraeder fell in love with her. Her face is feminine, yet somewhat androgynous with that short hairstyle, and gives her that somewhat unearthly feel to her. I’m glad you were able to post some good quality images from the movie. I haven’t had that much luck in my searches.
More stills from 'Cat People'
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Extremely based, thank you anon. She absolutely blew my mind the first time I watched that movie, there's just something about her that makes her almost overwhelmingly attractive to me. Also do you have screencaps of her in the pink tank top walking around New Orleans after Malcolm McDowell gets captured by the zookeeper? She looked so fucking hot.
Nas a cute. A CUTE!
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That kind of bush makes Cambodia look like Kansas
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Watched Paris, Texas last night, she was hypnotically beautiful
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Thank you for all the Cat People pics fren, her nipples are 11/10
Something tells me he never raped that one.
Jesus, she's so adorable
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Time for some fresh pics :)
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Yo, Nasty Nas and Bowie linked up! Need it or keep it?
Any pics of her feet? She has this really weird little toe on her right foot that looks like it sitting on top of her foot.
Not a good as Rachel Ward in 1984
Klaus's cumdumpster.
i thought this was steve from stranger things
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I'm loving the sweater pics senpai, IMO she's sexier with her clothes on than 99.9% of women are totally nude
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Great thread, well done so far gentlemen
I don't expect zoomers to know who she is considering the most famous movie she was in is a 2 1/2 hour arthouse film from the 80s. I am surprised that she isn't more popular on 4chan considering there's tons of anons who like old school actresses on here.
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Her hair was so pretty
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Anyone else notice she looks uncannily like Ingrid Bergman?
Um. No. She really doesn’t, especially in the eyes.
Based faceblind anon
You need to have your eyes checked.
One from the Heart by Francis Ford Coppola
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hot godness
She would have made a good Casca with the short hair
>hfw you pull out the HDMI cable
Absolutely incredible body. It's disgraceful how bad the picture quality on the BluRay is, it looks like an upscaled Laserdisc or some shit.
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Do you think you could have saved her or is she kinskid beyond hope?
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I 100% could have fixed her
Is she also a psycho?
Cute freckles.
Goddamn it OP now I'm in love with another actress I'll never meet, she's gorgeous. How haven't I heard of her outside this Sri Lankan tobogganing forum?
here she looks like her father
Paris Texas
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God I love her
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when her sister said she was continuously raped by their father (which klaus even admittet 'i am crazy for your strawberry mouth'), tassia said she never noticed that. pola was broken for all her life and still is. do you believe tassia?
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Pola and Klaus
I haven't visited /hr/ since 2015 but this thread is definitely one of the best up right now. /tv/ could never handle so much high quality, hi-res Nas
You got anymore from this scene? She looked amazing with that pixie cut.
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I love this scene
He's so fucking terrifying.
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She has the most beautiful eyes of any woman I've ever seen, hands down
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