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In honour of HOTD coming back today, let's get a thread going for the dowager queen
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Shoutout to any anons who like her since the Bates Motel sickfu days, we've come a long way
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Green mommy
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She is my queen. From now till the stars burn out and the world grows silent I will love her with all my heart. She is my queen.
I am one of them :)
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Most attractive actress in hollywood right. Used to be Emilia Clarke
she'll always be sickfu to me
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for me, it was Sound of Silence
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>thread is dead before 40
Season 2 is a flop, isn't it?
Let's be real here, people wouldn't hype this show up so much if it wasn't for the GOT branding
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I watch HOTD, but not on premiere nights. I'm just not that invested with the show. Nothing against the black actors themselves, but the DEI casting is immersion breaking. The writers can't retcon the ultimate conclusion with Game of Thrones' ending so The "song of ice and fire" means fuck all. Daemon's hallucination in front of the Weirwood tree was cool, but it will ultimately mean nothing.

At least Olivia is hot.
I'm a huge book fan and the changes for the show are atrocious, a lot of lore breaks or character assassinations, not to mention the race swaps like you said. Still, it's an entertaining enough show on its own, not awful enough like late got to keep me from watching.
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I'm fine with the raceswaps. The black actors were some of my favs from last season. For me, this season has just been a massive step down in terms of writing. They're dragging on the story so they can have an extra season or two. The show is just plain old boring now.
It's the curse of this streaming era we're living in. Gotta stretch successful shows so the big companies behind them have profitable "content" for as long as possible. If GOT was being made today, it would've ended too late instead of too soon.
GoT went on too long too.
she cute
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anymore feet?

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