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Actors, props, scenes, concept art, anything from movies/films.
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> Red Water (2003) [really underrated shark film]

> Smile 2 (2024)
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Artist: Art Adams
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He's a big guy.
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The cane from Citizen Kane
"Bruce, it's me, Barbara."
Cut! That's lunch everybody.
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damn.. plastic surgery is so stupid. its one thing if your 80 like yolo.. but this is madness.
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I'm a fan of the first Blues Brothers movie, so these were interesting to find. Carrie Fisher has a small part in the movie as the girl John Belushi ran out on, but nothing else is said about her character in the movie. These photos show when they were together, i dont know why they shot these, maybe they were going to film more scenes or something, but its cool to find these, especially showing more of Carrie's character.
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>maybe they were going to film more scenes or something,
Probably do cocaine.
>I'm a fan of the first Blues Brothers film
>Thinks Carrie Fisher had a small part
>Repeat scenes throughout the movie of her trying to kill him with increasingly ridiculous methods

You didn't even watch it, champ.
Those scenes are seconds long, it is a small part.
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I think this creature was in Hellboy 2
Christoper Nolan acting like a retard while he films Batman Begins.
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Construction of the Sulaco spaceship model for Aliens
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almost done
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Wizards (1977)
Wow, definitely looked a lot more Mead before getting a pass of greeblies & grey.
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