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>Gavin Grewsome
everyone can plainly see how he fucked California into the ground to the point where even libshits are fleeing to red states for relief

He looks like Mr. Data
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Do they have to be alive??
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After Agent Orange, there will be no more elections. His son Jr. will take over, and the dynasty will eventually go to Barron and so on.
America was killed today. It's done.
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There's only one man for the job
Biden made the same gaffe again he said he's the first black woman president confusing himself with Kamala Harris he obviously can't win but neither can Kamala she got 1% in the 2020 Democratic primaries so Gavin Newsom's the guy to save us from Trump it's just that we have to clearly show to our politicians that we want to be saved Biden doesn't he'll die of old age soon and even if he doesn't he'll probably spend his remaining years mourning his second son he's gonna be jailed soon he already lost his first son to cancer so let the man grieve without pretending that he's still a politician he's an Epstein club pedophile just like Trump and Clinton while Gavin Newsom's integrity is undeniable despite all the criticism he got during his time as California governor
No motherfucker can save you from Trump,none , Democrats are fucked , like they fucked USA, bunch of good for nothing assholes
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It's Jen!
>It's Jen!
Are you saying that because she's Greek? Gavin Newsom's just as Greek as her South Europeans are a race they're all the same when compared to each other but at the same time just as different from North European rednecks like Trump as they are from niggers and Asians
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oh yes Newsom, the law and order Governor.
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Is Mr Coomer the celebrity here?
the voters dont so why do the candidates?
wait wait who is the vp west or musk
Liser could not even lock her up, build a wall, or send them back, the first time.
You morons are as easily duped as those that listen to flat earthers.


There won't be another election after 2024.
There's no point in discussing future candidates.
it's george
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You're looking at the most important political image of the modern era. This photo will single handedly win Trump the presidency even if he had not already been on track to sweep. Weep, radical leftists and TDS having NPCs. Weep and hail to the king.
I'm guessing it's wallpaper on computers numbering in the millions already.

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