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Lady Gaga has a stinky pussy
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No it's delicious and smells so good, on life
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I have it on very good authority that her asshole and pussy both smell very nice
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Who snitched
Love the big boofy hair. fan looks amazing
Why does her face always give me drag queen tier vibes? These just something off about her. Almost like the rumours of her being intersex is true. And it isn't just her makeup either.
desu she's just italian
italians arent white
she's jewish, hence the horse mouth and weird nose, you fucking fools. She's about as italian as arianna grande who's algerian or egyptian or some shit.
sicily was run by muslims for 300 years
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mudslime descendant
>Greek slathers herself in bronzer and pretends she's latina
rome collapsed, then moors raped her white ancestors infecting them with subhuman dna that's why she got mogged and outsold so hard by taylor
>lady gaga is jewish
Source, virgin?
lol greeks are already brown, not white
Romans were brown tho.. white savages were civilized by brown jews, romans & other middle easterners lol
you just see through the illusion
let me guess
you also know that michelle obama is not female as well?
italians and ashkenazi cluster very closely genetically.. superfluous distinction
What is her natural look? What would she look like if there were no cosmetic bullshit?

>things that are fair game
brushing hair with no product
cutting hair with scissors

>things that are not
the USA used to be run by native americans for a long ass time
if romans brown why was it better than modern italy
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