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File: Third m1.jpg (672 KB, 2469x2012)
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Last time I was here there was a thread but, I see it has reached bump limit and archived. I still have images to share.
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The Cyberman costume here was actually cobbled together from a bunch of different costume pieces. I found a blog a while back which goes into nerdy detail tracking down the variations here: http://www.themindrobber.co.uk/mystery-sixties-cyberman.html
>we demand to be taken seriously
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Interesting. I wonder, what with the mouth and chestpiece, why I gave >>4892598 the filename Telos? Perhaps it was the piping/tubing being from The Tomb of the Cybermen, and the helmet (albeit missing the ‘mouth teardrop’) being similar to the one in Tomb - so when I saved/named it either I only glanced or just thought close enough. I also know that there is an after the fact extended universe explanation that the Cybermen of The Wheel in Space and Moonbase go onto become the Telos Cybermen, so that could have also been an influencing factor. Or maybe I just intended to name something else Telos and the name given to that file was unintentional. I type this as if it really matters or any else cares.
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Another promotional image with a creature Third never faced.
Looks like a wacky sitcom episode where the Doctor reveals he got married after a night of raiding the TARDIS wine cellar.
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Bump for what we had before DEI took it from us.
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by Tom Connell
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I've been doing a Classic marathon for a while and finally got onto Pertwee yesterday. I'd forgotten how much fun he is.
What were these used for? It's fun artwork
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>used fun as an adjective twice in one post
It's over
I should really proofread more carefully
Appear to be from 'Doctor Who - The DVD Files'. Looks like there is a bunch more scattered about online however, the resolutions are too small.
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Looks like an album cover for a progressive rock/metal album.
Never watched this show always looked too nerdy. Now they made an even nerdier version that I'll never watch
Backstory to the image is the artist was not familiar with Doctor Who and had no image reference works, so had to base it off the text and what they knew of Britain. You can find others by searching 'Doctor Who Japanese novel'.
Brilliant contribution anon.
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It hadn't dawned on me before how "pointy" the brigadier is... finger, gun... The guy's a dick.

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