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is it true that that pic was staged?
It wasn't the first flag the marines planted on Iwa Jima, but it was close enough.
Half of those guys died on the island.
One died back home of exposure while dead drunk.
>that pic was staged?
No. Some General wanted the actual first flag (much smaller) so sent a detail to go replace with with a bigger flag. This is that flag. The battle went on for 3 more months I think.
1898 - Lionel Royer - Vercingetorix throws down his arms at the feet of Julius Caesar
Thanks for clearing that up.
Yet life goes on.
2017 - God-Emperor Donald J. Trump, The First of His Name, is elected as President of the United States.
my pleasure.
You've probably heard of it, but there is a good movie about this exact event called "Flags of our Fathers" directed by Clint Eastwood. He also made a sequel from the Japanese perspective called "Letters from Iwo Jima"
When I was younger I spoke to many Iwo Jima veterans. It sounded like pure hell on Earth.
pic related is the first flag
>war bad
Wow thanks for that shocker
Siege of La Rochelle 1881 Henri Motte.
French are killing protestants. French are so based...
So much this! Epic post!!!
Can't wait to drink your gay tears again at the next one. Yummy!
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Teflon Don just upgraded to Kevlar Don. He's just gone from 100% chance of being 47 to 200%. Leftists are on suicide watch right now. Their Oswald fucking butterfingered it.
oh no, so sorry about your condition
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an actual /hr/ copy I found
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4k wallpaper for good measure
this aged like buttermilk in the sun
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Were these spikes actually like this or were they submerged? What's going on here?
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La Rochelle was a city being sieged by the french, that massive wall of stone and wooden spikes was built to close up a channel leading to it, in order to avoid english ships trying to deliver supplies to the city.
They also dug a massive trench around it and built like 10 forts and a bunch of outposts.
Thanks. I knew it was the English trying to help the French protestants but these spikes just looked odd.
Wow! This is good af! Sure beats bananas taped to walls in modern "art" galleries.
French, throughout their history have always been the best at killing French. Just needs an excuse.
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this pic is now being suppressed on google and other tech as altered. it is amazing they are memory holing this.
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that lamp's hanging pretty low, someone could hit their head on it
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what's the aura here?
you're unable to deduce its position from the perspective... something that gets lost when working for years for the DHS. Welcome to the board, Officer. Are you on a break?
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oh, yeah. both were done for propaganda purposes. they didn't get a cool photo the first time, so they sent another team later. there were a ton of photographers present and even a cameraman with color film. if you know how rare color film was at the time, you'll know that both instances were planned well ahead of time.
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damn, Son, aura goes hard... greetings from Azerbaijan.

Well, I'd say, you're not wrong and not right: Yes, the position might not be analytically determinable, as the mounting point is not seen. But it's a Triple-A painting so the painter probably didn't completely fuck u, so, yeah, it's indeed hanging fairly low.

The reason for this might be that it's an oil lamp and your grandma could walk under it and still light it up with whatever lighter gizmo they used in the Germany of 1890ish.

Not everything needs to end in shizophrenia.
not really. He really does pump his fist and shout "fight" after being shot. But it's not as cool in the full video; cause he does it after being covered by agents for a minute or so, then he gets the all-clear that the shooter is dead, told to go to his car, and he asks for his shoes a bunch, then he does the iconic fist pump on his way to the car.
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Have you got the "alternate ending"?
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Taliban did it better.
Here's one with more emphasis on what really matters... the special ass, or special force's ass... it has ass, and it's special.
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Love the peaceful feeling of picrel. Couldn't be taken today since the neighboring buildings block the sunlight.
Agreed, looks more realistic than the one back home
More realistic, but less soul and aura.
It's whack.
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>with aura

Try maturing before you use the internet. Getting your vocabulary from 13 year old girls is embarrassing. The only positive is it makes identifying brainlets fast and easy.

You don't understand what these words mean as you drag them through the dirt and strip them of value.
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>you hurt these words because I decided so
meds + kys + insufferable faggot + bump
Pretty cool!! His death really helped the Union cause!!
Ha!! I found Sickles's grave by chance
>The interior of the Cathedral of San Miguel in Jerez by Genaro Perez de Villamil
Are you fucked in the head?
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Does anyone know the source of this?
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a glib fascimile
No one cares. They are Russian artists.
>supporter of Sarah Ashtroon-Cirillo thinks we'll support his shill
None cares, post historical pictures, or die, faggot.
He paid for the feast personally. The government was shut down due to a funding conflict in the legislature and a large crowd of young sportsmen were scheduled to have dinner at the Whitehouse. Trump 45/47
Anyone have a Good Martin Luther ?
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>Anyone have a Good Martin Luther ?
the German guy
Half the men in that picture didn't make it off the island alive.
bro with the black robe and beard in the middle looks sick as fuck
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Diary page of one of the surviving members of the Donner Party. Of note:
>Mrs. Murphy said here yesterday that thought she would commence on Milton and eat him. I don't think that she has done so yet, it is distressing.
>The Donners told the California folks that they would commence to eat the dead people 4 days ago, if they did not succeed that day or next in finding their cattle under ten or twelve feet of snow... I suppose they have done so ere this time.
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Tree stumps show what the depth of the snow had been at one of the Donner Party camps.
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British and German troops gathering in no man's land to celebrate Christmas together, 1914
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What happened there?
Reagan assassination attempt
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I wonder if they survived
Supposedly he had to abandon the Pinto and rode away on his motorcycle and survived
Thanks for the feedback. Good to hear he made it.
shit blew up
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why are the majority of the thumbnails in this thread not viewable?

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