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File: 1665431175620716.jpg (188 KB, 1380x1111)
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is it true that that pic was staged?
It wasn't the first flag the marines planted on Iwa Jima, but it was close enough.
Half of those guys died on the island.
One died back home of exposure while dead drunk.
>that pic was staged?
No. Some General wanted the actual first flag (much smaller) so sent a detail to go replace with with a bigger flag. This is that flag. The battle went on for 3 more months I think.
1898 - Lionel Royer - Vercingetorix throws down his arms at the feet of Julius Caesar
Thanks for clearing that up.
Yet life goes on.
2017 - God-Emperor Donald J. Trump, The First of His Name, is elected as President of the United States.
my pleasure.
You've probably heard of it, but there is a good movie about this exact event called "Flags of our Fathers" directed by Clint Eastwood. He also made a sequel from the Japanese perspective called "Letters from Iwo Jima"
When I was younger I spoke to many Iwo Jima veterans. It sounded like pure hell on Earth.
pic related is the first flag
>war bad
Wow thanks for that shocker
Siege of La Rochelle 1881 Henri Motte.
French are killing protestants. French are so based...
So much this! Epic post!!!
Can't wait to drink your gay tears again at the next one. Yummy!
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Teflon Don just upgraded to Kevlar Don. He's just gone from 100% chance of being 47 to 200%. Leftists are on suicide watch right now. Their Oswald fucking butterfingered it.
oh no, so sorry about your condition
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an actual /hr/ copy I found
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4k wallpaper for good measure
this aged like buttermilk in the sun

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