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File: _MetArt-Agerino-cover.jpg (448 KB, 1000x1504)
448 KB
448 KB JPG
120 Pictures
+ Cover

Nikia A
Age: 21
Eye colour: blue
Hair colour: brown
Height: 165cm
Weight: 51kg
Breast size: small
Measurements: 81/61/84
Country: Russian Federation
Ethnicity: Caucasian

Bio: I like to be a photomodel though I am not a professional model, I am a student. Being an erotic model gives me great pleasure. I like big cities, because I like to live socially and meet new persons daily. Also because there is always a lot of cafes, theaters and the life here is full of energy. My favorite music is euro-pop of the 1990's. My dream is to travel all over the world and I want to take photos of me on every continent and at all famous places. Maybe these photos can be nudes, it is possible:)

Previous thread: >>4890051

what the fuck is wrong with her tits
just a really unflattering position to stand in with that type of rack
File: Nomorethatsitthatsall.png (1.74 MB, 1497x1000)
1.74 MB
1.74 MB PNG
Nice set. Thanks for posting.
Thanks a bunch dude !
thanks OP

I love Nikia
Very nice! Thanks, OP! (Good grief, Captcha has had its knife in me for the past two days!)
Very nice! Thanks, OP!

(Captcha has been very hostile lately!)
don't thank that lazy fag who took a month to post anything new

Fuck off you selfish, greedy fuck.
You're welcome!
>>4896277 do a better job than he provides for long now - and then you are allowed to open your mouth. Else: shut up !
Why complain about something that you get for free?

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