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The power behind the throne
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Would love to hear her lisp through some dirty talk
>The power behind the throne
Deputy PM is a powerless position
She's the John Prescott to Starmer's Blair, a working class lefty out of a cabinet of Blairite apparatchiks to make him look good
it's a thread for masturbating to bud i don't think the phraseology needs that close a look
I know. I was being sarcastic since the Tory election campaign were constantly framing her of all people like some ominous figure pulling the strings.
Change that 'o' to a 'u' and you'll be alright
>unimpressive pictures
I want to see her Nips Union. Also is she bald or does she have a Gaza strip?
I think she's got more of a saucy aunty vibe. Aunty Angie

Hopefully with her step up we'll get lots of new hr pics and we'll all find out. I reckon it's a neat little hedge. She was on telly a few years ago with a short skirt and fishnets, but the quality is way too low to post here
A British redheaded MILF covered in freckles? Damn she couldn’t be more perfect.
>At 37, Rayner became a grandmother when her son (21 at the time) had a daughter in 2017
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Her fat bong udders must look like heaven.
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certified gilf. a hot nanna. godbless
She can pull my strings. By which I mean suck my penis
I bet she has big light pink areolas
fake tit norf whore
She's got some gnashers on her
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You really could sense the sexual tension between them during those debates
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Mmmm pepperoni
These two + Priti could form a new party that would unite the nation through sheer milf energy
Paying party and union membership fees for Rayner to tell me to ruin my orgasm yes please
is she into pegging or femdom?
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I have an urge to look at some Lauren Phillips videos
angela rayner and penny mordaunt lezzing off
farage in the corner, wanking
I want her to peg me and keep me locked in chastity
I'm a Reform voter btw
love hearing radio call-ins where all the centrist dads very carefully try to restrain themselves from talking about how much they want to shag her
Shit yeah I'd eat her arse, but she's still going up against the wall with all the other commies.
>labour party of the uk
Sadly I think most of the other Labour women MPs elected last week probably wear hijabs but Angela is hot as fuck
She's very British
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>Angela Rayner calls Rishi Sunak a pint-sized loser in House of Commons during PMQs

dommy mommy
kek, reminds me of that Liz Truss thread that was on here that outlasted her time as PM
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I hope she's into breastfeeding
Lisa Nandy is cute too
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First non retarded post itt
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Fuck whoever just posted about this on baduk, I can wank to Rayner if I damn well want
Moby looks down on you with shame.
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Ranking the female cabinet secretaries from most to least shag-worthy

>Angela Rayner
>Bridget Phillipson
>Lisa Nandy
>Louise Haigh
>Rachel Reeves
>Shabana Mahmood
>Liz Kendall
>Lucy Powell
>Jo Stevens
>Angela Smith
>Yvette Cooper
>Anneliese Dodds
>our future PM could be a woman who has no GCSEs because she skipped her exams and got pregnant
fuck me
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And yet she seems more intelligent than pretty much any member of parliamentary conservative party for the last 14 years. Almost like letter grades and standardised testing aren't accurate ways to define suitability for work. I know plenty of stupid bastards who managed to get good GCSE's, A Levels, even uni degrees, doesn't stop them being stupid bastards - and I've met plenty of people who left school early who should really be running the places they work at, usually they aren't bc employers would prefer a middle manager who's thick as two short planks but has a businees undergrad, will do as they're told and won't ask too many questions.
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Who cares. I just want to coom to this busty redheaded bong cunt everytime she's doing a speech
when your colleagues are David Lammy and Diane Abbott then of course you're going to seem intelligent
tbf it marks a change from having yet another Oxbridge PM
Major never went to uni and was literally the son of circus performers
prefer low res images me
What part of Labour party did you miss?
fucking rich for tory scum to run their mouths after running the UK into the ground for the past 15 years
>John Major was the son of circus performers and went into banking and bureaucracy instead, and became the pawn of Thatcherites
So you're saying Major was Flappy Bob.
>Become more and more like Labour over 15 years
>Things get shittier and shittier
>"I know, let's vote for Labour"
Libtards and women should not have the right to vote.

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