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Katy Perry's Awakening
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love when they start getting more desperate for attention
About damn time, by God
shes gone full retard, never go full retard
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that's been her whole career though
dont get too happy, her next videos for this crap she'll have the puppies all locked up. shes a brainwashed feminist retard, this video is all a trap to get our dicks in our hands for katy again
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>shes a brainwashed feminist retard, this video is all a trap to get our dicks in our hands for katy again
and that's a good thing
if she keeps the slut-energy high, I will gladly eat my words. prime katy was my go to goon fuel
she certainly isn't at her prime anymore but the dumb sluttiness is welcome
Those saggers seem to be no bigger than Alison Brie's.
shes absolutely bangin in her new video, really hope she just keeps to being a pop-whore for us to crank our cocks to and not get tied up in cringey politics
Just blew a load to her new video (on mute) and came to see if you guys made a thread. Thanks for not disappointing…
so embarrassing, bitch is 40
>over 40
>a mother
>saggy deflated tits
>stretch marks
>blown out bellybutton
>primordial pouch
>going through menopause
>heavy photoshopping to make her body look decent/youthful again
nah... too much too late
>video shows off clit sucker
>orlando disliked that
Alison's tits are fantastic, thoughbeit
her tits look great still desu, especially the close up push together in the video
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Na this body still banging
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imagine being the person to wax her pussy before the music video and rub oil on it
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>generic 4channer who sits in celeb threads responding "wall" to absolutely everything

yeah great buddy thanks for your contributing we're all fapping regardless
I know there's at least another one from this shoot.
idc if shes an old, walled hag, I still lose to her incredible tits
I will always pop for a great set of titties.
The day I don't, you have my permission to throw me into the sea.
Whew lads
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sheesh! so sexy! would love for her to bully my cock while anon fucks her doggystyle…
All the major sex symbols are MILFs -- Vergara, Hurley, Hayek, Klum, Beckinsale until recently, Berry. No one gives a shit about sexless gen Z twats except for Sydney.

Katy is embracing MILFhood and good for her.
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Las tetas grandes
Los pechos gordos
leche vieja
Most ass we seen since California Girls
she showed a good amount of bare ass in some Christmas song she did a few years ago
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Post it
absolutely walled. will still fap tho
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jesus... okay, fine...
>those deflated titties
its so hot
There was that time her bikini bottom fell down and he saw actual ass.
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seriously sexy. loving the way her waistband digs into her slight pudge.

10/10, would suck cock for
girl in the back has a tit popping out
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I dont think that's a girl.
I can’t believe that, over a span of 20 years, this is as close as we’ve come to seeing Katy Perry’s nipples. It defies physics that her boobs haven’t fallen out of something.
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she is absolutely sad and desperate
I know most will disagree, but I find this look incredibly sexy. I just want to run up to her and start licking, kissing and sucking her belly as much as I can until security comes to drag me off her.
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for my dick
good, I'll jerk off to her desperation

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