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File: R.jpg (463 KB, 2048x3229)
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A severe lack of HR Photos of this NB Comedian - Let's change that!
Let's not.
No thanks.

So terrified. It's ok, non-cis people don't want to hurt you. I understand you're pathetic cowards, but at least try to be adults.
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kys faggot
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Wait, wouldn't you guys be the pathetic cowards if you hide in the closet and it takes the entire world and all media supporting you for you to chop your body parts off?
And wouldn't saying "ew" to that just make people normal? Because what you're doing is carrying out a delusion caused by mental illness? Isn't that what's happening?
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she looks like topher from the 70's show
They kinda do to be fair. I wonder if that's what they were going for
Yes. Sorry you are mentally ill.
No, Topher Grace looks like Topher Grace and this person looks like themselves.

Stop posting that people look like other people on the internet. It's fucking retarded and contributes nothing. It's not funny or entertaining or clever. Stop it.
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She looks like Helen Slater from The Legend of Billie Jean
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I'm not even the guy you're getting twisted at but dude you're kidding yourself if you can't see a resemblance. Literally the first thing I thought when I first saw them was they look like Spiderman 3 venom
i'd suck this dudes dick
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>getting ready to challenge Mark Zuckerberg to a staring contest

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