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It's Kenny Grace's Time to Shine
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About time this little slut got her own thread
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BTW she turned 18 on June 25
>classic 1000 cock stare
Whole lotta makeup for no reason
>no reason
She needs to attract those producers
>Return Of The Dadager: "She's here." Two words. I knew exactly who the texter meant. Over the past year, right before our eyes several of us had seen the transformation of this tween actress (Mckenna Grace) into someone who looked at least old enough to drink. Frequently, she was drinking. Frequently she was also being escorted by one of the worst dadagers (Jack Birch) of all time. He is not her dad. From what we have been able to piece together, he used what he accomplished with his own actress daughter (Thora Birch) as a highlight reel to the parents of the tween/teen actress. Over the last year, the hair and makeup have changed and she has gone from getting one offs or uncredited roles as a girl from school or girl in the mall to getting bigger and bigger roles in movies (filmography). Yes, she is still probably C+ list, but by next year, she will probably finish at A- ("Ghostbusters: Afterlife"). The rise has been nothing short of dramatic. Given the past history of the dadager, none of us thought it was due to his managerial skills. So, we dug. It turns out this actress who will not be old enough to drive for a couple of years (13 years old) is being aged in her hair and clothes and look, so she can be on the arm of an executive at a party or an event and pass for being legal. The dadager is passing her out like candy to these executives and looking from the outside, it seems as if she has fully embraced the role. I don't know what her home situation was before the introduction of the dadager, but this is really disturbing stuff. None of us know for sure if she is being offered up to the executives for sex, but at parties and events and premieres, she definitely gets groped and pawed and makes out with them. One thing is for sure though. Knowing the history of the dadager, he is probably not just taking a financial cut, but is also making her participate in sexual activities with him.
only thing shining now is the reflection from those awful veneers
Breaking news! Actress opens her legs for financial and social gains, but first, do bears really shit in woods?
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CopyPasta. you just replaced names/movies. Her actual parents are very protective and never leave her alone. Which is why her career may follow Lacey Chabert to the Hallmark channel.
>Lacey Chabert
Boy, that takes me back. What a fine porn actress we missed in her.
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She is both cute and sexy. But the most important question still remains: How’s her pit game?
Rumor has it she has two of them.

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