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5th November we'll see if he learned a lesson
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These pictures remind me of those Iwo Jima photos
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and I'm proud to be an American
where at least I know I'm free
and I won't forget the men who died
who gave that right to me
like a Michael Bay shot
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Hey, that's the guy that Hillary Clinton ordered killed, and Jeffrey Epstein.
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Many famous people have let people take pictures with them.

*I have a picture of Warren Moon and Myself*

not this pic
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European here

Everybody is laughing at americans for electing an 80 year old 8 year old
Americans NOT mentioning how "free" they are as if most of the western world isn't just as free or even more free

Challenge impossible
indeed. 48 state landslide.
Another euro here, our hearts and prayers go out to our brothers across the pond and their president elect.
American here

Everyone is laughing at europoors for allowing their countries to be overrun by subhumans and the fact that you are too effeminate to do anything about it.
We don't care about you, think about you, or want to be like you.

Vlad would've pushed your shit in 70 years ago if we weren't subsidizing the defense of your entire continent.
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Keep trying, Dmitri
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>if he learned a lesson
Severe learning disability caused by malignant narcissism. He didn't learn anything.
shut up and cry already.
damn... Melania 2.0 looking good
leftists media is saying they aught to try and burry these photos because it's unfair to their political campaign that Trump should get to look so badass and sympathetic.
Trump looking rough.
She smells a full diaper
That would be Jill dumbass.
Strange. We never think of you.
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Trump can't find his own butt cheeks with both hands and a flashlight
The Ctrl-Left cope is reaching unprecedented levels.
get your tds checked out, faggot
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Why would Jill care about Donald Von Shitzinpantz?
Cry more, MAGAt
Why would I be crying, retard? My man Don just won the election with 330+ electoral votes, and you stupid libshit cucks are hyperventilating because you don't know if you have enough xanax to get you through the next 4+ years.
I can't stop laughing. They're talking about running Gruntilda Harris now. Fucking hilarious.
Shouldn't you be fellating Putin?

Hyperventilating is not a good look for you, maggot. Now go wipe the orange goop from your lips.
aww sore commie loser
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Trump won.
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small price to pay for peace
Don't be stupid and put that kike in as president. You heard his poem, you know the wounded head bible reference, and they don't call it the trump car for nothing. DONT FUCK UP MY COUNTRY FOR THE KIKE!
The lesson is every American is a potential shooter, and security forces should use preemitve force more often even if it means innocents get hit.
>antifa is so desperate they are going back to the trump is a kike narrative
Trump called D-Day soldiers, who died in combat, losers.
He told General Milley that he didn't want any wounded soldier at official events. he said, " Nobody wants to see that."
He had better hope and fucking pray Michelle Obama doesn't decide to run. She'll stomp a mud hole in the ancient deranged fucker.
Literally fake news
Literally from the mouths of two US Generals. I'm sure your retarded ass trust Trump over generals.
> there's no way neocon warpigs like Bolton and marxist anti-whites like Milley would ever lie about Trump!!!
I mean do you not realize that generals aren't actually these strategic masterminds that sit around a big map and planning troop movements all day? They're literally lobbyists who spend their days trying to figure out ways to steal more taxpayer money, fill their own retirement funds, increase their personal power by siding with Democrats, etc etc etc
>he believes fake bullshit
what a cuck
you know shit is bad when even Snopes starts to dismantle the bullshit lies that leftists have been running on
American here. Disregard that post by our under-educated Confederate house-prisoner.
At least Trump isn’t a faker like those DEI cucks on the pics. White men took that island!
We will, he can’t help it they told him propaganda, we have a immigrant issue but atleast they are not gangmembers but mostly victims of American paid bombs wars and drugs.
The possibility of bulletproof wigs
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"So you were friends with Warren Moon?"

- No, just met him that 1 time...

We don't pick-up girls together.

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