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120 Pictures
+ Cover

Age when shot: 18
Eye color: brown
Hair color: black
Height: 173cm
Weight: 47kg
Breast size: medium
Measurements: 89/58/89
Country: Ukraine
Ethnicity: Caucasian

Bio: Hi, my name is Rokki. I am funny, easy going. I am fan of Korean series. I watchall of them, what takes a lot of time :) But while watching, I draw. I am young artist.Studying in art college. My drawings main subject is a woman and water.I am obsessed with health eating. I read a lot of books about it and trying to and my way of healthy eating.

Previous thread: >>4893322
Yo, Jesus loves you, no matter all the sin you have done in your life. Find a church near you, I bet you will like it
Hell yeah thanks op

Pretty sure I've a couple sins in my life that even Jesus would high-five me for.

You're welcome.
That cake looks delicious, also the Girl is nice to look at since the quality of these pictures is very good!
This Board has pretty much turned to shit, but sometimes there are some quality posts, like this one. Thx for sharing OP!
File: Nomorethatsitthatsall.png (1.74 MB, 1497x1000)
1.74 MB
1.74 MB PNG
A nice set, OP! Thanks!
File: 104_.jpg (2.09 MB, 5472x3648)
2.09 MB
2.09 MB JPG
You're welcome!

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