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Please, only Yoshiyuki Sadamoto illustrations, no screenshots or illustrations of the anime, movies and OVAs.
I tried to provide the best HR version of OP but it's hard to tell what's the original, this picture is that iconic everybody edited it, changing the sky's color, a brighter blue, cropping, extending the landscape on the sides, extending the sky it in a giant dark one with stars, I can't even tell if Shinji's shadow is legit, in some, the image is cropped at its legs.
Don't hesitate to post a better version of an already present picture.
Also Gainax is now in bankrupt for reasons, despite being one of the most revolutionary studio in anime history.
this one is tricky too. There is another version without the "revival" text, but it's slightly cropped.
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this is one too. I have an old version a guy made on this forum long ago. I think he remastered the picture himself, edleting the text and all, and he made a perfect job.
NGE fans are no another level.
One of my favorite. A shame there is no background in this one.
the original from Zerochan was very yellowish, like crazy. I tried to fix it.
another try
Maybe Sadamoto actually tried to make it very yellowish for a certain ambiance. I don't know.
There is another version, more horizontal
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Magnificent kudere.
Love his later style
There are many versions. This one is from Yande.re. I'll post the 4chan fan version when I find it back.

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