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Talentless mudshark. Only use in life is being a cocksleeve and even that is falling by the wayside because of the boggening she's getting. Maybe she was fuckable a decade ago but not now. Damaged merchandise.
Who gives a fuck? Are you marrying the bitch?
that's nice dear
le bbc maymay hehe
Just so you know, when a woman with an ass that big farts...there's no escape. The entire house is going to be blown away.
she's the epitome of BUILT
Fake boobs, fake nose, and fake tan. What a shame.

Where did she get the name Iggy?
from her father iggy pop
ur just scared she wouldn't feel ur white dicklet
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She doesn't even know you exist and you do it for free. Pathetic, truly.
>Shitskinned incel simps for disgusting plastic whore
Kek. Do you know what a fucking loser you are?
seething dicklets
she's so fucking hot
Why the fuck would I need her to know that I exist? I'm jacking off to her pictures on the internet, not trying to have a conversation with her
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That's the point, looks better more work she gets done
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Amazing body
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She was so hot before she bogged herself
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Better now imo
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fake ass too
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She looks insufferabe. I would absolutely not cum in her, and I've been snipped.
It should be legal to rape whores like this
>and I've been snipped
how the fuck do you become dumb enough to do this?
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want to put a baby in her so bad
some nignog did and missed the child's birth and refused to sign the birth certificate LOL
is she still doing OF?
She was actually a very pretty woman even b4 her ghetto/bimbofication, but she went down the same path as most other female rappers.
This is the most factually inaccurate statement I've hear 2day & it made me laugh
What do u think the real Iggy is like? Underneath all thos botox & ass shots? What do u really think inspires her?
She prolly should've went a lil lighter with that bbl
Ofc she was a OF. I almost feel stupid 4 not amusing that sooner.
You sure about that?
It's crazy what ppl can pay 4 nowadays
Yeah she was very attractive. Dream 3sum btw. From the looks of it, Charli XCX is gonna age better tho.
The coomers never think long term, it's all about want & instant gratification with them, while real connoisseurs such as myself are 2steps ahead, always 2 steps ahead.
Yikes doesn't look so good out in the wild
If being proactive enough to avoid any unwanted pregnancies is dumb then I don't know what world ur living in.
She wipes her pussy back 2 front & this is amazing?
Dork bitch. She should change her name 2 Iggy Brewster.
Her music sounds better while ur high off sum loud stroking 2 sum porn edits.
I have donated gallons of cum into my toilet and tissues to this woman. I do not give a fuck if she is talented. I want her to drop a steamy shit on my chest.
Yeah she makes great Gooncore
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Mommy iggy needs to be posting more OF pics for us to JO to…
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she's been really letting us down
What goonerism does 2 a person
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I gooned to this picture for 2 hours while high, so good
Do you have the rest of this shoot? It's peak plastic bimbo aesthetics
It's so good perfect bimbo xbunker and simpcity have her stuff so hot >>4943333
Goon for hours to her too wish we could all meet up and goon to these bimbos
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Found these so hot got me so hard mmm
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Thank you! Edging to these right now.
What i would give to be able to bury my tongue in her butt...
Who. Gives. A. Shit.
bbl or natural growth? regardless, she's hot.
That's impressive. She should teach me how to do it.
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How big do you think her ass is now? When she did "Booty" in 2014 her ass was a little bigger than JLo's who has 37in. hips so she was probably about 40 - 42in. then. Since then she's gotten noticibly thicker. I think she's at least 45in. now maybe getting close to 50 in., but realistically near 48in.
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You're probably right, t b h. She rarely shows it off these days though, so what's the use. Her OF is a joke
Deflated, sad! Straya produces some interesting specimens, compare this to Margot, it's not even close.
Margot is so much better, you mean
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Iggy had the best celebrity OF. Even compared to flash in the pansike bhad bhabie. When she was active we got a good bit of twerk videos and some nice topless stuff. Compared to Bella Thorne her OF was a gold mine for a celebrity.
alright Iggy we know it's you so can you now tell us why your OF has fallen off?
That's entirely what I mean, anon. I'm glad you picked up on that.
If I were Iggy I'd do a free three hour long live stream where I'd take request and post a ton of nudes on Twitter

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