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Too fat
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I love her chunkiness
not fat enough

I was never into her until she filled out. how's she looking lately? I know she goes up and down
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Bieber was crazy to leave this piece of ass.
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Good lord those tits are glorious
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Any more of her in this dress.
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she's way past her prime.
she hasn't even peaked
i would disagree with you by posting another picture of prime Selena but I just don't feel like it right now, maybe later
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not him but..
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>that wonky right eye
damn her looks are really gone
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need pits and feet
She needs (my) babies in her belly.
I don't follow her at all, when exactly did she become an obeseoid?
I knew she wasn't going to age well but the last I saw her she was in Spring Breakers.

oh no no no no no
>when exactly did she become an obeseoid?
bro, shes mexican it happens overnight to those women
just look at how fat she is!

oh no no no no no
pls no bully she has lupus and a kidney transplant
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Just blew a load to Selena. She's so good, bros.
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Disney knows how to pick them
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Hefty milkers
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Goddamn that's a whole lot of woman
so fucking hot, love watching her stuff her face, make those titties go up another cup size
What I wouldn't give to see how she would handle a wholesale sized pallet of double cream
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Resting up so she can eat more
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She was cute, now she's fat.
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and now she's a big sexy beast
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Proper woman now
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is that Yolanda Saldívar?
She's so much sexier now that she gained weight.
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I kneel...
good lord. I hope we get to see her big soft belly soon
She's too self conscious about her weight, it'll never happen
Such a shame. She could be an ambassador for body positivity, showing the world that you can have rolls and still be beautiful.

Just thinking about her tummy and muffin-top waist folding over a tiny bikini is making me crazy.

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you have any of her in the red dress
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VMA or Golden Globes?
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my favorite dress to fap too
perfect rack
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Boobage galore
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fucking slutty dress
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Slutina knows how to show off
probably the best dress she could've wore that night
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Little more ass showing maybe
of course, hurry more please
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3 pics left
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oh that sucks
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Last one
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And a bonus with her bff, bet she enjoyed the dress too
that's hot, you have any of her in the white dres she wore recently by any chance
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>>4906129 you have any of her wearing this?
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Selena's thighs on ur face
yeah vmas, arguably the best she's looked
Is there anyone else this built for worshiping Black cock?
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oh my god i need her to milk me
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I need to milk her. Suckle her fat milk filled tits while she gently handjobs my cock. baby go cummies milk milkies mummy
yeah, your mom
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From her bellybutton she is a Tesla
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Her tits are now so massive. You shouldn’t hog both of them. You need to let a friend suckle on the other one.
god i would
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That wouldn't be gay, right? Even if we exchanged nipples and stuff
Baby needs his milk but I wouldn't be opposed to sharing her big breasts.
No. I would prefer it if she stroked our cocks together gently with her hands. Making us throb together and lube our cocks and her hands with our mixed precum fluids
fuckin hell...
*when to pick them
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Is that the friend whose kidney she stole?
>tfw no billionaire gf
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fat walled bitch
For u, would motorboat those sexy little asscheeks like there was no tomorrow.
she's never been hotter
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>selena gomez reveals she can't get pregnant
imagine dumping loads of cum into her with no worries
>She can't get pregnant
If she makes me her husband I guarantee I will reverse that.
Did she not go to the VMAs this year? I was looking forward to a repeat of the pictures we got last year
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Hello miss please being to open your bobs? Veri sexy i am cum to your bob
Most respectful internet pajeet.
We need to go back
no thanks
No no, this anon's on to something. We get to go back and see her with her hot younger body, then we get to watch her get fat all over again. Its a win-win.
Imagine if we could witness a time-travelling Selena go back and sit her fat new ass down on skinny Sleen's face
Our girl lookin extra curvalicious at the Emmy's the other night
>takes Ozempic
>becomes barren
many such cases!
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>blow your load inside a cute Latina every day without a care in the world
Ozempic is truly a wonder drug
don't let this die bros
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Peak Selena
she's a billionaire now
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heckin cute

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