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Hottest pop star right now. Stupid sexy Olivia
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cute feets
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fuck they're huge
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and perky
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absurdly hot feet
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>tfw your Liv jo bud ghosted you
most of them do, post nut clarity and all I guess
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not a good face profile that angle yikes
Met her a grand total of once and anons, she genuinely smells heavenly. She is flawless.
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She’s 10/10 from head to toe

She’s unreal
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Her pits, midriff and feet are unrivalled
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Fucking hell. This thread is gonna drain me several times
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Such a hot slut
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Outstanding body
those tits made me cum hard
>no hips
>no muscle tone at ALL
>skinny fat fridge mode

just look at those revolting tube forearms

outstanding my ass
cope, seethe etc. but you are already doing that daily given your plebbit spacing
I keep stroking and spilling hot ropes to her. My wife almost caught me Sunday.
I want her to catch me. I need her to see me spurt to her young fat tits. My hot cum shooting out of my hard cock!!!
Im hard right now!!!! Im gonna pump! Im gonna fucking FUCK my fist to her fat tits!!!
Me too soon again every night!!!!
At least drop your disc if you are so eager to show off
>muscle tone
download grinder you fucking faggot
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are we done posting ai upscaled smeared crap
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>Silently mogs Tay
>Mogs ari
Is she /ourgirl/
i forgot my login chill
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thanks anon I'll edge to this for hours
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good boy
absolute brat. I adore her.
I want to be a fan redpill me on how to be a true livvy simp
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anon you're going to break me
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Fucking ughhhhh. Such a bratty lil slut
Stop saying the same thing you're putting me off my edging
Sorry edge bro, carry on
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sex kitten programming day
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edge bro here, I had to pause edging now I'm back Liv chads rise up
I could never fap to her. She's the single most cute and innocent girl in the entire world, and I respect her too much to objectify her.
Agreed, she acts and dresses so innocent she has to be be pure.
ari boi fag behaviour
Not everything revolves around you, she's not wearing that to make you horny. She targets rebellious young women.
Except Ari is a slut
I don't fap either I just edge until my brain is mush and tummy feels tingly
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make a new one then you fucking brat
can I add you instead anon
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of course
disc username?
pic rel
More from this set?
Also, why does she always cover up her belly button during her concerts?
belly fetishists are not welcomed to her concerts
They wouldn't go in the first place because she always chooses to hide it.
sounds like a kind of chicken and egg situation you're describing

the answer is because high-rise bottoms are fashionable with young women right now
Well. That's gay.
stop texting and post actual pics retards
Nice picture anon
I don't know why women are so comfortable showing off their ass, but I hope that they keep doing it.
Her midriff is top tier
>I love ND
Uhhh, bros?? What did she mean by this??
North Dakota
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this true?
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If my sources are to belived
>souces: the rudimentary photoshops I make to accentuate my own masturbatory experiences
Neurodivergent. She wants my autistic cock.
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What makes your cock autistic?
She has nobody around to beat her when she acts up. I'm not saying that she would like it if she got a licking, but I'm sure she would eventually realize that having her ass bruised from time to time is a lot less abusive than allowing her to go outside dressed like this.
YES! She be required to wear latex as her standard uniform
Do you think she jogs in those shoes? Isn't that a bit dangerous?
Need to skullfuck some sense into her
she runs away from creeps like you in them on a regular basis
We can see in this photograph that her tongue is still a lighter shade from slurping every drop of come from my little penis.
she obviously has security that wouldn't let >>4915731 anywhere near her.
Olivia fucks her security guards
Her thin legs worry me. I wouldn't want them to creak like dry wood
yes, and?
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Absolute perfection
that she is
Are they Black?
Agreed. Superb, head to toe
white only
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Straight off the boat Congolese
I'm glad she loves showing off her navel so much. It's about time we had a mainstream celebrity who showed off her navel a lot.
lewd slut
Hope she gets obsessed with thicc thighs like Tay Tay in her later years. I sometimes can’t get hard even when she begs to suck my little cock. Thin, teenage boy-like bodies do nothing for me. Same for Ariana Grande. Olivia is also too bratty and slutty, it deflates my erection.
This is not normal human behaviour
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delicious pits
>Hope she gets obsessed with thicc thighs like Tay Tay in her later years.
Taylor didnt get "obsessed with thicc thighs". She got older and fatter.
I need to lick her
>thin legs
They're normal sized for a 100lb girl, fattie.
Just came on my wife's ass. I imagined it was Olivia's tight little perfect ass. Not gonna wipe it off. Let her wake up and wonder what happened. I hope she catches me cumming to Olivia soon. She needs to know my cock sprays to her every night.
21 year old commands my cock not my wife
This is so hot. What does your wifey think of Olivia?
So hot

Based and Livvy pilled
Dude is 100% licking those pits and sucking those toes when they get home
Some bully often has to fuck her in front of him, and he's happy about it
Officially confirmed BWC addict
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Such a little brat
Aw man she likes the young twink phenotype. It's so over for 35 yo, bald beaners like me...
i get the feeling she likes to be spanked during sex desu
I would spank her during, before, and after sex.
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I want to marry her
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She’s perfect bros
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She triggers something primal in me that makes me want to grab a paddle and just beat her ass black and blue. She's just so bratty, young, and hot, it activates some sort of paternalistic urge to dominate and correct her. The only difference is that instead of her getting childhood trauma, she sucks me off to thank me for taking the time to beat her whenever she needs it.
>She's just so bratty, young, and hot
It's funny how a lot of people think this even though she's almost 22 years old. Her label really leans into the whole barely legal lolita thing and it's been really effective apparently
Do you think 22 isn't young? Wtf
Of course she's young, but also a bit too old to be singing about the things she does, in the way she does, and to dress the way the does. That's my point
>womans age starts with 2
I think how she dresses is fine it's just a style. But yeah her last album sounded very immature tonal wise. A lot of lyrics sounded like something a 16 year old would write instead of a grown woman.
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Her audience is under 20. Preteens. She writes things for them.
she idolized taylor swift so it makes sense she also realized that you can make billions by just repackaging the same couple of songs over and over again
She'll eventually go through the obligatory "I'm mature and serious now" phase anyway, like most popstars
people tend to change as they get older. wild, huh?
I just want to see her bare breasts
Yes anon, the changes a mega famous popstar backed by several multibillion dollar corporations go through are all just organic, natural phases of life
I bet that crotch smells so good
she really does give "rape me" vibes, doesn't she?
motherfucker what
None of these tarts write their own songs.
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So fucking tight
I love her. So adorable and such a sexy little tease at the same time
She looks like such a bratty little slut here
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She looks like a cow when she sings
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What did she mean by this?
she's such a good role model for young girls
I like her

Name of the bitch in the right?
Addison Rae

>ywn be stranded on a desert island with Olivia
shed be dead weight

Anyone from HK that could share some pics from last week, pls?
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Hnnng so tight
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Needs rape correction.
I want to worship her pits
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One of my favourite pictures of Miss Rodrigo, showing what she's best for, having a sloppy wet slut mouth.

She's so orally obsessed it's almost Freudian, always showing off her throat n mouth.

I wonder what that saliva tastes like, bros.
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Bonus, nip slip.
God what a nice petite body
Would love to slide my shaft into that perfect spitty mouth

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I want to turn her into my mind broken, cock sniffing slave. Keep her on a little leash as she constantly paws away at my crotch begging for a whiff of my pungent manhood. It's the perfect fate for a feminist twat.
You sound like a faggot
Takes one to know one
This is how she looks at me when I get home. Her little face drunk from spending the entire day going through my laundry bin sniffing all my dirty jocks. She can't even stand up right when the scent of sweaty balls is in her nostrils.
Olivia likes to show off her goods

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