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Did she wear a wig for Rings of Power? Looks much better blonde
what do you expect from a retarded show? non retarded style choices?

PS: I want to make love to my wife Morf for the purposes of conceiving life within the boundaries of marriage
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>unironically excited for season 2
I just love her so much
I love my sweet warm wife Morf
>still not gonna watch that crap
>retards don't know that people are able to change their hair color
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bumping in hopes of stills from season 2
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More like Morfyaa.
Post more pics that show off her sexy flat chest
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i have some bad news for you
That's a shame.
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nice filenames
Not what I asked.
The moment the season started I knew this thread would show up. My dick is ready
>Morfydd Clark
>Emma D'Arcy

All we need is a Freya Allan thread to complete the gooner medieval blonde trinity
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>Morfydd Clark
>Emma D'Arcy

>Freya Allan
Bogged and hideous
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I rank them

Freya, however, does make a good extra in this medieval blonde orgy but Morfydd and Emma are definitely the main courses
>not including Anya Taylor-Joy in The VVitch
[alternative post]
>not including Anya Taylor-Joy in The Northman
The only good part of this rat looking bitch are her legs and you faggots don't post any pics of them
Good picks too bud
She is boring and ugly
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I've just watched the new episodes of Rings of Power and I love how her teeth provide armor to her smile
kino movie
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>ywn have your autistic elven waifu defend your honor
UNREAL how beautiful she is
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She does has a nice smile
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Í feel bad for the cast of Rings of Power. Sauron, Durin, Young Ned and Clark are all good actors.
>Í feel bad for the cast of Rings of Power
I don't.
It's a good show.
Not, it's really not

No, they're really not
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>tfw no Morf gf
I unironically feel bad for her. She looks like a sweet, kind person and she's getting massive hate just for doing a job. The show is hideous, dont get me wrong, But its not her fault
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I feel good for her. So fucking good.
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>I feel good for her.

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yeah yeah just like the concentration camp guard is just doing his job.
Fucking revolting
Made for ravishment by ANGLO-SAXON BVLLS
The show is shit but this woman is so hot. I really hope there’s an episode where she gets mistreated by some orcs
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>this woman is so hot
Without a doubt. I embrace my Elvin queen. 10/10
Beautiful elf bred by orcs would be really hot
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Looks better blonde and even better wet
would love to see a group of pretty popular girls piss on Morf in the school bathroom
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Weird. I would like to shower with her.
post pits plz
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She has great hips.
What are some Morf kinos to watch?
Not much, she's only really just starting to get a name for herself and most of her stuff has been mid-budget british film and tv.

Saint Maud is kino indie horror, highly recommended. She has a small role in a 3-part Dracula series by the BBC, it's actually really good. There's an indie film called Eternal Beauty which is good if you like tonally weird stuff but she's only in it for a few mins. She was in a folk horror last year with Matt Smith, Starve Acre, I haven't seen it yet but it looks interesting
That's a minifridge
Overall great post. Thanks anon.
The only thing I can add is that she mostly appeared in historical British movies. She has regal features.
Apparently she also played Georgiana Darcy in Pride and Prejudice and Zombies, but her part was cut which is sad because I really like her look there.
elf morf best morf
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I love lose hair, but her battle haircut is also very cute
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imagine untying your hair and wrapping it around your dick

>she was then of Amazon disposition and bound up her hair as a crown when taking part in athletic feats - J.R.R Tolkien

ultra rare RoP W
Will gooning to her give captain of Gondor a chance...to show his qualities?
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Thanks for bump. Great pic!
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God, I want to eat her arse. Still not watching your shitty show.
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a cross of Enji and RandyTaylor69
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Saw pic on /tv/
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I guess I agree.
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>a simple "no" would suffice
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Love her hair in the episode 'Where Is He?'
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Saw this kino post on /tv/
imagine a hairjob from her
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Wish she would hug me
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How are holding up bros?
incredibly sad I now have to wait years for the next season of morf KINO
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