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The original ALIEN action figure that got pulled from the shelves because of protesting parents.
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Love the skull.
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Manhands...to stroke that big black alien cock!
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HR Giger's workshop during the making of ALIEN. I have read people who were there saying it smelled really bad.
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Painting at the bottom of the pic.
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Ignore the triggered dumbass retard, these are great anon. Thanks for sharing. Where did you get them from?
your brain is broken
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I have a lot of alien related shit
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Got them from all over the place. Forums, DBs, blogs, social media, etc.
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So that's what happened to Shaw then.
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was this in the movie ??

That's concept art of what would become the Black Spores from the infected mushrooms in Alien Covenant that went inside that one characters ear that would create the Backburster Alien on the transport ship

Parasite Infection


Backburster Birth

Ok cool thanks for the answer man. That art looks so cool really cool concept
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>Giger's interpretation of Isle of the Dead

fucking kino
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the whole thing is meant to be about rape, children shouldn't be near it. So tired of the whole world being raked through to protect the little shits from finding out about their parents sin, not everything is made for them
>it's a human skull, but with pipes!
A bit cringe. Aren't they supposed to have an exoskeleton btw?
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Pre-production art by the other artists on ALIEN besides Giger: Ron Cobb, Moebius and Chris Foss
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It was one of the dumbest retcons in movie histoy that they turned the Space Jockey into some kind of weird pressure suit. Dear god, Prometheus was such an utter shit movie. It has been 12 years since I watched it in the theater and I am still mad over the wasted time and money and how dumb it was and how its stupidity retroactively made the other movies worse.

The original design with the quasi human skull was supposed to show how the xenomorph always integrated the DNA if it shost into its own body design to better adapt to the environment it was going to be born into. I am glad they ditched it, that concept was too far fetched and it looked faintly ridiculous.
>the DNA if it shost

of its host


I am typing this while lying in my bed, with my old laptop jiggling on my beer belly, sorry
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>written by a 12 year old

If only that was the excuse for its mediocrity. Sadly, it was written by 74 year old Ridley Scott, who was the writer and director of the original Alien and you.

Dude just got old and lost the sauce.
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Covenant >>>> Aliens
Underrated vs Overrated
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You are saying Covenant is better than Aliens? Tell me where to meet you so I can remove you from the gene pool. You are clearly a grade A retard. Aliens is a masterpiece. Covenant is modern trash. And the original Alien wasn't written by Ridley Scott, you idiots. Do your fucking homework. Bunch of GenZ and Millennial fools....
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It's dreadfully mid btw.
i was pleasantly surprised. it's better than the ridleyslop we've been getting, low bar i know.

the human alien was bit goofy tho
I was quite disappointed.
It lacked artistry as well as a a charismatic lead.
The White girl wasn't bad or anything but she was no Sigourney Weaver nor did she have a Michael Fassbender next to her.
Unexpectedly the film sets looked quite cheap and empty and the direction screamed video game inspired, which isn't always a bad thing, Alien however profits from theatrical influences and is at its best when it's slow and grandiose.
Story-wise there wasn't any meat there.
The themes were shallow and the expanded lore convoluted.
What I did enjoy were the creature effects and designs (minus the lanklet Newborn).
Zero gravity Xenomorph sequence, while appreciated for its creativity, was sadly insufficiently immersive.
In the end the movie wasn't a total dumpster fire. Just very, very middling.
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Some good concepts in Alien Resurrection but a poor movie overall to end the first Alien Franchise
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not a single good thing about Resurrection
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Hard disagree. It has number of great scenes and the best VFX in the whole series.
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Breaks my brain how people are still too stupid to get the difference between screenwriter and director.
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Haven't been to /hr/ in quite a while. Had to get to page 8 to find a thread worth looking at. Fuck this board is shit now. Bump.
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Aliens is pleb shit and you are a pleb with nothing interesting to say about movies. Cameron's horror direction and intrigue is vastly inferior to Scott's in the franchuse. Aliens turned the franchise into a shoot 'em up action quipfest. Thankfully Fincher brought it back to slow burn horror and dread. You are a grade A pleb for thinking Aliens is a masterpiece. In a vacuum it's a good flick that's inferior to the original, outside of a vacuum it's overrated as fuck. So go on, yell from the rooftops about how epic and masterful Aliens is, you have bad, entry level taste in horror and might as well be NPC.
>I just discovered the word 'pleb' and I'm going to spam it incessantly so people will think I have taste
I've said it for ages and was only responding to the one who said
>Tell me where to meet you so I can remove you from the gene pool. You are clearly a grade A retard
over Aliens. Imagine saying people should be eliminated from the gene pool if they don't consider action quip slop like Aliens to be the best thing and then proceeding to call anyone else retarded.
Is that what actually happened to Shaw? Was she the one who gave birth to those mutated fetuses? [spoiler]Is that a vagina at the end of the tentacle?[/spoiler]
As someone who played with Alien, Predator, and Robocop toys as a kid, I can tell you I was NOT paying any attention to themes in these movies back then. They were just cool scary monsters to play with.
Great thread, lots of awesome stuff here. Thanks for sharing, anons.

It's genuinely one of the worst movies in the entire series. Marvel-tier mindless nostalgia circlejerking designed for manchildren to basedface at as they point at things they recognize. Bringing Ash back (through some pretty shoddy CGI work), recreating entire shots from past movies and even parroting famous lines verbatim, all of that as the very basis of the film. It's braindead. The first Alien movie with nothing at all to say. It's not surprising at all it's the most well-received one since the second film.

Based Covenant enjoyer. I do like Aliens though.
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From what I understand that wasn't intentional. The dome fogged up from condensation on set making it opaque
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A daring synthesis.
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Original poster?

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