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did she die
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She lives... again.
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Long may she live
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I remember watching Kickass with my flatmate back in college and he kept going on about how he found her so hot and I pointed out that she was like 12 and he said "so what". Genuinely true story.
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I really hope some day she does a nude scene
I need her.
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Been a few years since I last blew a load for Chloe, but it's been a long night and her soft pillowy facefuckable lips are looking so tempting
Really badly want to fuck her feet.
>named Grace
it's like poetry
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She was beautiful in kickass
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So cute
thinly veiled pedo thread
Love her pretty lips
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unveiled virtue signaling, on an anonymous board...
No, it's a blatant pedophile thread.
chloe moretz is 27......
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who /tubbytoast/ here? miss you guys, all of you
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we here brother
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I went to the 2nd harry potter with my neighbor from the barracks and he was saying things like ā€œmmm hermioneā€ under his breath in the theatre. People around us were getting pissed. I had to tell him to shut the fuck up
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I remember reading a post by an American man who had served in Afghanistan about how men over there are more open about their sexual attraction to minors due to it being more accepted. One time him and his squad were watching Kick-Ass when 12yr old Chloe Moretz came on and one shouted out ā€œWow! Hot liitle bitch!ā€ and all the other men cheered out in agreement. This would never have happened back in America for fear of being lynched.
lol beady you dirty fag pedo why dont you move to afganistan
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I wish she had done a porno on her 18th birthday. Oh well.
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lovely couple
didn't they get engaged
why are there so many gay women actors now. i dont think theyre living their true selves.
>dont think theyre living their true selves
the irony here is amazing.
I want to believe.
Its real. Loads of articles and vids showing she dates women. She confirmed she was in a long term relationship recently. Kate Harrison.
being gay = more attention
God damn what a simple stupid useless creature you are.

being gay = aids & monkeypox infected
he isn't wrong. you sound like a typical brainwashed liberal trying to gaslight. we will never deny what we see with our own eyes.
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looks like a grandma here
Imagine their mouths engulfing those ice cream scoops from opposite directions until their lips start to slobber on the middle one. Heavy breaths blowing through their noses, turning the flame off. All the hot wax dripping and making a mess on their faces when they reach the candle base with their tongues... now that's what I call patisserie!
I'd plow that grandma.
Would lick her stinky feet
which one is it?
I hate photographers

one of them clearly edited the color
Someone post that picture where the autistic ephebophile hits her with the flash bulb while she's eating noodles
is she actually a boy?
wtf why are men such pedos
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You can't imagine the amount of cum I gave to that set of hers...
She was more like 10-11

And that was copypasta
chloe thread and no-one's posted that school girl outfit?
for shame
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>this thread
Me on the left

I mean I've pumped out so much to that set.. I still do
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Stinky soles fresh out of sockless boots incoming!
I noticed swimming Pablo too lol. Why is he dressed btw???
greatest meme shot of all time ...
Pedos are the real victims.
kek my sides
>hebephiles labeled as pedophiles are the real victims
>his feel when he realized why the water suddenly became warmer near Chloe
is Room 6 any decent?
Ugliest feet in the industry.
Her legs and torso are bad as well.

Yet she has the MOST GORGEOUS FACE in the world. Those lips are sexier than all the ass in the world.
They're jacked up and manish but there's something indescribably sexy about them too. Nobody can really explain it. Go check her Wikifeet comment section.
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I don't know what you mean by manish, a size 8 isn't that big and their shape is quite delicate. Her feet remind Elizabeth Olsen's, wide and meaty. Not the best toe shape but they're feminine
>there's something indescribably sexy about them
She has soft soles and they look like they smell incredible, especially because she wears shoes without socks. That's it, mystery solved
8 years ago I might have agreed with you
For me, a sexy face can override pretty much any body flaws outside of outright deformities.
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I agree. Her feet are ugly, the torso is wrong, but the face is phenomenal.
Sadly she changed a lot since she became lesbian. Lost most of her appeal. Similarly to KStew
Same for me, but again I don't see all that ugliness in the first place in her case. Yes, she has a bulky body with wide shoulders and a weird toe shape, but that's nothingtoo dramatic. I think they took the whole Pablo meme a bit too seriously
Is there any high quality pics of her in that school girl outfit with the pink tights?
I could have sworn that story was about Miranda Cosgrove
I've heard that story about Shirley Temple. It's older than you might imagine
there is this video of her and mclovin being interviewed and she is doing a hand job jesture and mclovin is looking real nervous. that bitch gave mclovin a literal hand job when she was underage
Lucky bastard, why get nervous tho? I'd get an erection instead
because the interviewer was right in front of them asking questions and chloe was being super obvious above it with the hand motions.
Do you have a link?
UR ugly
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if only puberty was as kind to her as it was to dafne keen. she'd be unstoppable.
There's an even better shot in this set but it's literally impossible to find
it was really shit. Chloe's in like 3 scenes and is cute but sitting through the whole thing was agony.

only if it were blonde

this part 1 of 2. the part i spoke about is somewhere in there. the part used to be post on /tv/ as a webm or something, but either way this entire interview Chloe is thirsting hard as fuck for McLovin.
its loud so make sure you volume isnt to turnt
>it's hard
jesus christ
I get how this thought of Chloe being all wet during an interview is enthralling to say the least, but I think you're projecting harder than a cinema anons. The "wank gesture" was just her rubbing her fingernails against the chair, the "hard" innuendo is so generic and the whole thing looks like she's just coping with cringe and looking for McLovin's support and approval. I'm not denying she might have had sexual intercourse with him, but this interview isn't the smoking gun for it
kek your opinion is just that, your opinion. mine is she is a horny slut for mclovin.
Fair enough. And don't get me wrong, I like your opinion. I was just disappointed by that video after you all hyped it like it was something else
UR ugly, ugly feet lover
meet me somewhere and we can settle this for good
Seems you wanna kiss his feet and suck his toes?
surprised they haven't made a Hit-Girl movie with her all grown up
teen Chloe was really something but now...
I know. But that's because she became a dyke. It's not about the age. She was still going to be very hot if was not a lesbian. Same about Kstew.
Kstew turned Moretz. she tried to turn Foy and it broke her.
they betrayed her love.
killed the reasons to laugh.
now shes beyond the will to live.
at least her hair still blows in the wind
holy shit
how old is she here?
>holy shit! omg! i cant control my emotions! please see im having a hard time and care about me!
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Peak beauty. Probably about 13-14. Then puberty hit her a bit hard, not too bad, but she let herself go more than anything. Earned enough money to not really give a fuck.
i wish i could be her bum homebody bf
many such cases
I was thinking less than that CGM bros
>I thought you were from Georgia...
good thread on /tv/ we had a couple days ago. reminded me of the old days.
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