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Sexy robots, Pin-ups, etc. Posting the highest res of what i've found online.
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Not very anime. Doesn't make you wonder?

You see the answer (what) but you don't know the question (why).

You see what he painted – but you don't know why he painted it.

This is why zoomers must distort everything they touch.

Images are to be contemplated and debated – not merely fapped to.

This is Reddit material. How did it end up on a shit image board?
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Nice OP. Saved a few so I'll post a few but I don't know if I have much in /hr/ quality.
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Meds now you literal retard.
File: Love 2100AD.jpg (426 KB, 1600x1129)
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Kek. Yeah, he did some bizarre shit.
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I used to own some of his artbooks back in the 90's- I bought them as a kid because they were sold in places like Barnes and Noble as art books and not porn, so I was never carded.
They were expensive as fuck.
I lost them, and the collections I've found online are all shitty resolutions- where on earth did you find these hi res scans?
I can't even post the ones I have because "image resolution is too small"
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Most of the scans are just from random reposts online, I just keep reverse image searching them until I find the best quality available.sometimes auction or gallery sites can have good quality scans but you really have to dig into the site's code to download em.
File: 1986.jpg (6.4 MB, 2537x3602)
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probably the best scan out of any i've found yet, it looks great
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Great thread, fantastic art style, but most of the contributions have a shitty resolution for /hr/
I'm glad you like my thread.

Behead those who insult Reddit!

>I lost them
How is it possible to lose physical books? Do they evaporate?

>the collections I've found online are all shitty resolutions- where on earth did you find these hi res scans?
I typed "Sorayama" in DuckDuckGo. The first results were high-resolution.
File: yphsn_21.jpg (5.03 MB, 2956x4308)
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5.03 MB JPG
yeah, some of these scans are kinda small and over compressed. I've found some higher res stuff but it has watermarks and a bunch of shitty text all over it, it's not worth uploading.
File: yphsn_51.jpg (6.67 MB, 3016x4317)
6.67 MB
6.67 MB JPG
also found a much better ver. of >>4920181
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I hate the page seam but this one is really good
90% of /hr/ is fap material.
>How is it possible to lose physical books? Do they evaporate?
Lost as in they were taken away. I was fifteen years old when I bought them, and my mother thought they were porn and threw them away, along with my Whelan, Giger, and Vallejo books.
That really pissed me off, they were like $60-$90 each. That's a huge outlay for a fifteen year old. Or at least it was, back in the 90's.

It's really difficult to find some of them nowadays.
Today anon was a god amongst men. Thank you OP.
The 80's - the golden age of air-brushing

I tried it at the time - had some success but found it hard with all the masking involved
superb imagery, good thread
Anyone got a high res version of the cupid pissing on the girl?
I regret not buying his books of art in Ōsaka when I was there...
NTA, but goddamn, if my mother did that shit, like throwing away my Berserk collection or something, I'd never talk to her again for the rest of my life.
love these, though all of them are great. thanks OP

also lmao at >>4919588
File: sorayama-1224.jpg (1.79 MB, 2901x2061)
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without seam
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File: sorayama-1916.jpg (2.76 MB, 2917x2054)
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She was a popular subject for artists well into the 1980s – not as a vintage celebrity but as though she had been contemporary.
Hey, look at the bright side!
* No liberal upbringing.
* You were safe from underage sexual experiences and degeneracy, ensuring your virginity for years to come.
* She set you a good parenting example so now you can repeat the cycle with your own children (assuming you aren't still virgin after all).

But then you would be homeless, and a handsome stranger from 4chan would remind you to take your meds.
File: sorayama-1916.jpg (1.57 MB, 2946x2067)
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File: Sorayama-1869.jpg (1.81 MB, 2006x2907)
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The origin of the sexy robot finally revealed.
File: sorayama_87.jpg (695 KB, 3152x2142)
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File: sorayama HM45.jpg (604 KB, 1586x2144)
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Here is that original 1980 Sorayama cover.
any more like these? they would make a great kitschy kitchen prints set lol.
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