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Sharing my airshow archive
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Namely the last 3 years of AirVenture at Oshkosh
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I'll be back
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Ospreys are cool but apparently the cost of the aircraft and maintenance requirements means the military is leery of using them in combat.
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All of our aircraft are expensive as fuck to fly, that's not the issue. It's more like they don't want to risk proprietary technology being captured. They don't pull these things out for conventional forces anyways, pretty much just special ops.
t. Air Force maintainer
What is the advantage of a tiltrotor like the Osprey over a tandem-rotor like the Chinook? In cost terms I presume a Chinook must be cheaper to build and operate. Do the advantages of the Osprey justify the cost?
Chinooks are slower and can't land in some of the spots the Osprey can. Ospreys are also outfitted with more advanced avionics. Also, as I previously stated, Ospreys are more for special forces infiltration while Chinooks are used by conventional forces.
Got more of those?
Range and >>4922609
You can drop some specops, a Bobcat and flat Hescos and start a FOB quickly.
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>The demo team that gave Rammstein their name
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Why is the plane leaking oil?
It's not oil, it's de-icing fluid. That's what that truck is doing.
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These are from the Duluth airshow last May.
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