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Post any pics you have of art models posing.
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Some extra pics to get the thread going.
Any more of her?
more please
If you image reverse search on google with the first pic you can get to websites with a bunch of others of her.
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Art & Religion are one: https://www.youtube.com/watch?app=desktop&v=vxPt_ijueBY
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she reminds me of gretta gerwig.
How old are these photos? I've been told time and time again that figure drawing and painting hasn't been done in art school since the 90s. It's all wacky instillation art and bananas taped on walls.
idno about america but here its still a thing, even in artschool afaik
theres a "life drawing" class in my town thats on like 10-15 times a year
I went to school with a girl and last I heard she moved to Berlin and does it and that was about 2017/18
i go figure drawing every weekend
For the sake of ethics and moralfagging, most of art school (especially the one who have merged with design) have abandoned this practice. There's no longer life drawing session in atelier room and if you want to do a life drawing with a naked model you have to pay them for it (usually either the lecturer or your senior have the contact of these models - usually they are actress reject and not a professional model even). They are not that expensive but they have a strict rules including privacy, drawing only for your own school project, and no pics taken, which means that very hour that you hire them is the only time that you have to put them in canvas. Its tiring, especially because there's no such thing as high res image. so if you want to draw woman and study their body, aside from sex, a gravure magazine, live model, or even a porno is your only reference. Internet is not even a choice in the first place.
>have abandoned this practice.

so they are worried some twat will sue them and complain she was traumatized by being an art school model ?
Ethics and moralfagging.
Sometimes the struggle comes from student and their parents as well. The idea of drawing some adult person naked didn't sounded right for them. I have a friend, former classmate, who are working as illustration and concept lecturer in art and design college. He told me that they had to change their way to teach body foundation to these kids and using a tamer approach for that. Apparently its 'taboo' for them to tell the student that they need to study naked people in order to understand about anatomy and foundation better. He told me that these kids could draw a human portrait, rendering anime style in digital drawing, but not with human body because of this reason.
I work in a design school. We hire a model for the first years. My gf has been doing it a couple times. She is slim but really hairy.
lol cuck
Why do you people put so much effort and detail into such stupid lies?
People will say whatever dumb shit they can to pretend that art is dead. I went to a state college in The South and we had nude figure drawing. It was literally a required course for all the art majors; graphic design included. The models were typically students and got paid; the prof wanted students to be able to draw multiple body types.
Academia is a fucking meme and is wholly antiquated in it's practices. The way we educate people needs to be fundamentally reworked in every facet.
How does that relate to someone saying that their college made actual nude figure drawing a requirement for all its art majors? Isn't that literally a foundational skill that anyone claiming to be an artist ought to have?
You describe my experience.
>big pompeous speech about everything needing to be revoluted
>never say why or how
kek, fucking clown
are you fucking kidding me with this picture quality
no you can't, reverse image search is fucked
its been a handful of years, but I used to model for Life Drawing classes at one of the local universities. Still a thing as far as I know.
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love this whore

That distinguished naked Cambridge Professor who lectures about how brexit is bad.
She drives me nuts. I would kill to blast a huge load deep into her hairy minge.

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