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The magic pill.
A tragedy in four parts
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Paris, and SMG have always been stick thin, Kiki started getting really skinny about 5 years ago, well before the ozempic craze.
Holy shit I was expecting walled women ITT but this is too much
>SMG have always been stick thin
Should we tell him?
She has, though, except from being pregnant. She lost what weight she had pretty gradual. She might be on it, but maybe not. We're not talking a Barbie Ferrara slim down here.
I don't think these two have been Ozempicd. Chastain's weight has always fluctuated and she's been in and out of Skeletor-mode, multiple times throughout her career. She's getting old now though so her thin phases look much worse. And Olsen is, well, an Olsen. Just look at her sisters if you want to see what she'll inevitably look like. It was only a matter of time until she started the transformation
The photos are from two recent events, and the celebrities are all like this
I know. But Chastain losing this much weight is not a new thing so there's no way to know she's taking the pill and Olsen was already starting to look bogged before Ozempic was a thing in Hollywood, because of her family's hag genes. This is what I'm arguing
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Pretty sure that's just a standard bogging, not ozempic.
Look at her skeletal belly !
Skinny her whole life, anon.
they missed the opportunity to cast her as Ellie in the Borderlands movie
his weight loss started before ozempic
/tv/ brainrot thread
Sansa turned into Melisandre?
need a rough, unrelenting handjob from Sansa
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the state of those knees
Never seen her that thin before....
Yup. Lots of wear and tear on them for sure. She definitely should have worn some kneepads for when she was blowing half of Hollwood back in the day lol
These cunts are going to look like absolute shit when they're old. Chubby faces age so much better.
If Selena's liver starts to fail from long term use whose will she steal?
I'm sure everyone close to her is aware of her organ scamming tendencies so it'll have to be a foreign import.
>>>when they're old
you dont chase youth when you're young
Wow what a mommy!
He just stopped taking 'roids. It's not like he was fat.
Is that top pic of him a mugshot? Kinda looks like one....
The Kardashians guy is straight up turning into a zombie what the fuck

her head is too big for her body. she looks disgusting, like an alien

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