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Classic Britney pics preferred
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I prefer washed up bimbo mom britney
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Well you can post her too, if you want
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Sweet. I like a woman with some texture
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>8mb file size limit
Go fuck yourself
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I thought part of her going crazy meant we were getting nudes
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Love this thread.
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the amount of seed I spilled to these pics in particular as a teen would be enough to populate a couple of galaxies
For me, it's Oops Britney - where I discovered my shiny clothes fetish. I still remember the video timestamp: 01:11.
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I like these pics. She looks like she was having a lot of fun that day and looked so full of life....
whyte piggu go home
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never seen this one before, she looks great here
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more from this set!
she is such a poor girl. her biography looks so raped by music industry.

and her damaged tits even looked shitty when they were freshly 'shaped', you can see it on most of the pics here. also compare ths sizes.

it might be hard to find peace in life after that.
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There must have been some photoshoot where she was trying to look like Marilyn Monroe
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Can't have too much Britney.
Pee pee time! Water those bushes well Britney
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I've heard her foot smell can fill an entire airplane
yeah thats why she had to dress like a stewardess in the Toxic video
>Toxic video
Funnily enough there's a behind the scenes making of where she takes those silver heels off and says her feet stink. Sorry for the plebbit link but I couldn't find it anywhere else:
Love how she's moaning all relieved for a split second just to get hit by the smell and realize everyone else can smell it too. I mean, she filled that small toilet with her foot stench in an heartbeat, wearing brand new heels and she had probably showered right before the video shooting. Imagine being on that infamous flight where she took her everyday sweaty shoes off instead...
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This thread really takes me back
The teen girl mag this was in came to my house by mistake instead of the neighbor girl, Yoink.
Did you return it to her with the pages all glued and sticky?

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