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I love Jen
take your faggotry back to /pol/
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She's my wife.
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Would lei.
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Only US politicians, or other countries too?
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I honestly think Hillary is super fucking attractive in a bitchy dommy mommy way.
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Great ass too
>Great ass
Now I *know* you're being sarcastic.
this thread makes me want to unironically vomit.
We need to take that word away from people
spoken like a true enemy of freedom... keep digging.
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Here for Pretty Priti
And Mommy Mordaunt
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And AO-Feet
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Priti "The Arse" Patel.
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The tremendous weight of that thing parked on my face might kill me, but I would die in ecstacy
Makes me want to rewatch the Saw movies
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I hope she had some spicy tikka masala before that
haha you funny
Can't compete against Michelle Obama.
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you're proud of being gay aren't you?
Nope (:
i could get behind her younger self
i really thought people were trolling saying she looks like the Purge masks but jeeez
I bet she gives amazing handies and whispers dirty in your ear
She looks like a whore from 2016
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>yfw she was whispering in your ear and then spontaneously started cackling
She'll unburden you from what has been a burden, and that unburdening will leave you unburdened from what has been.
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Jen has a cute bum!
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>Dat filename
Wtf man
It's kind of much
much what?
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Free use Russian fuck muh?
Well... she is
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In which Russian gulag is she currently dying?
Hopefully a Siberian one
nipples constantly hard from the cold
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Poor babe...
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I love Jen so much.
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She's definitely not Russian fuck meat.
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disgusting horse
imagine AOC with a horse...
don't threaten me with a good time
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cry harder on the internet about it :)
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I want to find out why her nickname is "freckle bush"
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I want to find out if she can still lie with a noose around her neck.
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You sound like a very tough guy Anon.
damn straight
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I'm not crying.
But she is fucking ugly, sorry.
She is brown with a giant mouth and ugly gums.
Sorry for hurting your feelings anon.
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Imagine the hinnies.
God damn she’s so sexy
Threesome with AOC and Boebert would be perfection.. and I would argue could bring unity to the country :P

Nice goddamn feet wow
Boebert is as dumb as a bag of doorknob but I'd fuck the shit outta her.
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Hot granny
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You gotta cry harder than that
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I love AOC, so much so I’d vote for her cause she’s hot
more french Marion and more (free use) Natalia
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But I'm not
Sorry for hurting you man
Here is another babe for you.
This one is a monster, jesus chrtist!
>BBC slut
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Is Asma an politician?
>tfw no lecture from mommy AOC
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disgustign cammel
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She's so pale
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Paleness is an attractive quality
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The negroid doth protest too much.
You can't even spell LMAOOO
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literal groomer faggot projecting
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Who's this? Bout to cum and I wanna know what name I should be moaning
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maria celeste ponce
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Ana is such a fucktoy mmmmm
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fuck i'm glad I asked. the chest on this woman my god. at least one good thing has come out of Milei's government
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alison brie at maximum
>paleness is an attractive quality
>Tanning Industry worth 32B worldwide
How does that negate that some people think paleness is attractive?
>you give me the money!

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