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I love Jen
take your faggotry back to /pol/
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She's my wife.
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Would lei.
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Only US politicians, or other countries too?
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I honestly think Hillary is super fucking attractive in a bitchy dommy mommy way.
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Great ass too
>Great ass
Now I *know* you're being sarcastic.
this thread makes me want to unironically vomit.
We need to take that word away from people
spoken like a true enemy of freedom... keep digging.
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Here for Pretty Priti
And Mommy Mordaunt
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And AO-Feet
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Priti "The Arse" Patel.
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The tremendous weight of that thing parked on my face might kill me, but I would die in ecstacy
Makes me want to rewatch the Saw movies
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I hope she had some spicy tikka masala before that
haha you funny
Can't compete against Michelle Obama.
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you're proud of being gay aren't you?
Nope (:
i could get behind her younger self
i really thought people were trolling saying she looks like the Purge masks but jeeez
I bet she gives amazing handies and whispers dirty in your ear
She looks like a whore from 2016
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>yfw she was whispering in your ear and then spontaneously started cackling
She'll unburden you from what has been a burden, and that unburdening will leave you unburdened from what has been.
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Jen has a cute bum!
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>Dat filename
Wtf man
It's kind of much
much what?
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Free use Russian fuck muh?
Well... she is
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In which Russian gulag is she currently dying?
Hopefully a Siberian one
nipples constantly hard from the cold
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Poor babe...
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I love Jen so much.
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She's definitely not Russian fuck meat.
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disgusting horse
imagine AOC with a horse...
don't threaten me with a good time
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cry harder on the internet about it :)
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I want to find out why her nickname is "freckle bush"
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I want to find out if she can still lie with a noose around her neck.
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You sound like a very tough guy Anon.
damn straight
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I'm not crying.
But she is fucking ugly, sorry.
She is brown with a giant mouth and ugly gums.
Sorry for hurting your feelings anon.
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Imagine the hinnies.
God damn she’s so sexy
Threesome with AOC and Boebert would be perfection.. and I would argue could bring unity to the country :P

Nice goddamn feet wow
Boebert is as dumb as a bag of doorknob but I'd fuck the shit outta her.
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Hot granny
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You gotta cry harder than that
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I love AOC, so much so I’d vote for her cause she’s hot
more french Marion and more (free use) Natalia
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But I'm not
Sorry for hurting you man
Here is another babe for you.
This one is a monster, jesus chrtist!
>BBC slut
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Is Asma an politician?
>tfw no lecture from mommy AOC
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disgustign cammel
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She's so pale
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Paleness is an attractive quality
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The negroid doth protest too much.
You can't even spell LMAOOO
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literal groomer faggot projecting
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Who's this? Bout to cum and I wanna know what name I should be moaning
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maria celeste ponce
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Ana is such a fucktoy mmmmm
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fuck i'm glad I asked. the chest on this woman my god. at least one good thing has come out of Milei's government
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alison brie at maximum
>paleness is an attractive quality
>Tanning Industry worth 32B worldwide
How does that negate that some people think paleness is attractive?
>you give me the money!
>Tanning Industry worth 32B worldwide
for idiots who tries to use a hype on abuse of law about lgbtshitq+ becouse their skin get pale on work in office, not on a plantation. paleness is a blue blood, a godlike, superhuman etc.
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sexualization of AOC does get my dicklet throbbing
AI AOC is so kino, bros.

They plastered on a lot of digital putty to fill those pock marks.
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She looks deformed.
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Walling now though (and not an MP at the moment either). Big pillowy tits FTW
Nice, got any more leftist tongues?
God tier cum target. AI is great. Would still rather have my cum in her pussy though (so she can have my children)
Not her? Wikifeet doesn't even have this pic.
>hates Israel
>implicitly puts America first
I was wrong about her.

Holy fuck.
who's this?
what's the prompt you used for this
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alina habba
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i would throw it all away to have her do that to my cock
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Emilie Enger Mehl
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- ¡Holà Chiquita! ¿Cuánto es?
- what did you just say?
- Could you walk on my balls please ?
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