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why not?
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would, and I'm not even ashamed
Her character in What We Do In The Shadows? WOULD HARD desu
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lovely lass
>why not?
Because of that disgusting yid honker, grating voice, and the fact that she uses it for every character she's ever voiced/played which is a lot because one of the tribe
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shes just jowls like Gerard Butler
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She's literally not Jewish lmao, she's a Dutch Lutheran from a small cattle farm in Colorado. Dumbass.
you think these "it's all the jews" people have ever done rudimentary research before saying their dumb shit?
so ugly would place dead last in a dog show
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Proof that literally every disgusting cunt in the world can and will have a page on this board. Fucking YUCK.
On some fronts I agree but she is nonetheless at least unique in her distinctive voice & voicework which is more than you can say for a great many of the subjects of this board.
Your seethe is noted.

I expect a high resolution bob's burgers softcore lewd in return.
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