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Post pictures of our favorite, christian, plushie-loving, autistic, gamer nerdy girl!
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She really has the tism?
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from a teenvogue interview:
>"I don't understand people who are sort of casual about something," the 20-year-old says. "When I get into something, that is my whole personality for a very long time."

>As an introvert, she had an overactive imagination and sought out works of speculative fiction. She liked Marvel and The Legend of Zelda, and she'd spend her free time away from the dance studio playing narrative visual novels and adventure games like "Ace Attorney" and "Professor Layton" on the family computer. She used to tape photos of Levi Ackerman, the ruthless antihero of Attack on Titan, into her notebooks.

>"I didn't have a lot of social skills growing up," she says. "And being a nerd, or whatever, pushed me further out."
>"My mom keeps telling me, 'This is the last time you can go out without washing your hair.'"

>"At my little homeschool co-op, we did country line dancing, like what you would see in Pride and Prejudice except it's much less romantic because you have a bunch of awkward, sweaty, stinky teenage boys trying to ask you to dance," she winces.

>"I've never had a cast around my age before. I'm normally the youngest one on set," she says. "We got along so well." It also helped her realize that she can "relate to people and connect with people, despite being different."

in summary: she has bad social skills, goes out without washing herself, gets obessive about things she like and has trouble relating to people. i'd say there's a high chance she has a lil bit of the tism
A thread about Emma is cool and all but eventually it's going to get spammed with upscaled crap. Most of her pics are too low quality unfortunately.
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I love her so much…. It hurts
Every female celeb says similar shit.
>i was awkward
>i was a nerd
>i was an outsider
Then you see the reason why when they say shit like this
>except it's much less romantic because you have a bunch of awkward, sweaty, stinky teenage boys trying to ask you to dance," she winces.
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Interdasting. But I love her just as much. Even if she's a stinky.
girls are all the same and don't have any actual problems because the only way they're able to do anything is because men are allowing them to.
This is life. Only stupid fucking idiots that don't get shit disagree
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delicious. I bet Jenna's had a tongueful
>she has bad social skills
>gets obessive about things she like
>has trouble relating to people
>goes out without washing herself
I'm actually the opposite having an ocd type of 'tism aparently, that said...
>Snood smells
HNNNNNGGGGG, would love to clean her with my tongue
>mfw Jenna had a tongueful of Emma's unwashed smelly legs and feet in stockings
Holy shit that's too much for me, I'm having a stroke
Emma's sweet little yelp as Jenna bites into her inner thighs. Tearing the nylon apart with her teeth to get a taste. Must be the most beautiful sounds the earth has ever heard.
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>that soiled sock worn for several days with grey sweat imprints on the sole
Damn she wasn't lying about not washing herself frequently. I'm... I'm... I'M GONNA COOOOOOOOOM
She needs to show her feet more often.
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>mfw someone gets paid to clean the cum off Emma's stinky, dirty, post-footjob feet
Clean this up wagie *splurt*
she kissed the indian btw
watching her kiss him turned you on, didn't it?
better than kissing an amerimud .. their genes are mixed with nig slave blood
I've done it too she aint special
its not uncommon for two so called "white Americans" to have a kid that looks like kunta kinte lol
She looks like a SA victim
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Her puss puss might be stinky too...
For sure, nothing a good tongue work can't clean up tho
friendship with victoria justice is over. snood is now my best friend
>victoria justice
She's rumored to have stinky feet too, I can see a pattern
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I unironically spoke to Ms. Myers this morning, call it a larp if you like, but I did. She's a very pleasant person.

She was saying how Jenna got her to put an airtag on her phone case because she kept losing it. Also, her and Jenna like to smoke up, so 420bros rejoice.
>a wall of useless nonsense
Ffs anon just get to the point: HOW DID SHE SMELL LIKE???????
going by what that anon said she smells like weed
Disgusting, I hope he's a larper
he's definetly lying since there's no proof anything that he said is true.
if i had to guess she probably smells like bubblegum perfume, i think the important question is how does it feel to cuddle with her.
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safe and comfy
>how does it feel to cuddle with her
It depends on said smell's nature. If she smells like bubblegum perfume this anon might be right>>4939442, but if she smells like her own natural pheromone scented sweat, like her bathing habits suggest, I might not be able to contain myself and the cuddle would fast became hardcore fucking

"Teehee I was so nerdy teehee, I watched the slop everyone does and played the vidya and everything." Any girl who isn't a 10/10 cheerleader prom queen who fucked Chad the quarterback is this, but somehow everyone still acts like they found their turbo-autist waifu because you. Settle down.

Also, not washing your *hair* isn't the same thing as not washing. Christ.
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>not washing your *hair* isn't the same thing as not washing. Christ
Nontheless she's a smelly slob. That's canon and you can't change that sorry
>not washing your *hair* isn't the same thing as not washing. Christ.
who tf goes takes a bath only to go out with greasy hair dirty enough that your mom has to tell you to wash it? she definetly just didn't bathe at all
>she definetly just didn't bathe at all
I can change that using my tongue
Like a normal person, I'm not going around sniffing people.
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Are you fucking gay or something?
>I'm not going around sniffing people.
You know, you can smell something without burying your nose in it like a creep. Especially if it's something odorous like Emma. She probably fills the room she's in with her aroma
Top notch calves
i want to lick this neck
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>hfw she hears what I want to do to her bum
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snood bum not for lewd
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snood's bum is for my tongue. and let me tell you it's long and wide and has an explorative nature
Good, you can clean her since she doesn't bathe
i'd consider it a tremendous honour. and if she wants to wash my nuts in a similar gesture that'd be grand too
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>tfw no snood tongue bath
qt autism """sex""" with snood. no actual intercourse bc she thinks that's gross but licking eachother up and down until you're both slimy as fuck like two horny slugs
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Fuck it, I'm down for it
What's her opinion on footjobs tho? It's not "actual" intercourse afterall...
probably still counts as dgital-intercourse to her. she doesn't want to be actively stimulating genitals - though she'd probably let you beat off furiously while sucking her feet as she sat there earnestly reading comic books and telling in detail about what batman is doing this week

she probably loves outercouse though, it doesn't really count to her, but she wraps her arms around your neck and nuzzles in closely while grinding herself aganst your thigh and whimpering
>she doesn't want to be actively stimulating genitals
Even if I wear her smelly dirty sock as a condom? That would feel like playing with a puppet to her. I mean, I'd need something to use as a cumdumpster when we lick and sniff each other like frenzied animals. I'd try to avoid filling her shoes tho, since it would spoil her foot aroma the next time. You just know she doesn't clean them either and they'll become overfilled and reek of cum very soon
Imagine sniffing those greasy unwashed hair while you make out with her... hnnnng
That show was disappointing.
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>I'd try to avoid filling her shoes tho, since it would spoil her foot aroma the next time
You could always buy her a special pair just for cumming in. I'd get a nice pair of jimmy choo's for her to squelch her toes inside
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>not snood
Come on, anon! That's like her entire thing
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I want to perform cunnilingus on her
>a special pair just for cumming in
That way they would just lose any appeal, brand new shoes without Emma's sweat in them aren't my thing
The same goes for the snood, it would become crusty and stink disgusting, ruining her built up hair grease natural stench. If she finally decided to suck me I'd gladly spray all over it tho
>being Emma's surrogate for a bidet
Extra tasty
Busting the fattest thickest load of nut on her face
She doesn't look the best in that pic, but here >>4936857 she's basically asking to have her forehead glazed
You're crazy
She's super adorable >>4936837
I'd smooch her
She looks very meticulous and diligent.
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Zoomer legs erotic
Except that she doens't shower and mom has to tell her when she's too stinky. And that's a good thing
Shower or not, she smells like bubblegum other anon said.
She was just chewing it and that retard sniffed her breath
I think Emma smells like vanilla and strawberries
I think Emma smells like sweat and wild pheromones
Her copulins would drive me wild
I’m stroking as well.
Mid af, but I think it was watchable. Especially if you watch it for the lead actress, which is the case.
Especially because it accumulates in dangerous amounts since she changes her panties once a week
These two are dating and you can't convince me otherwise
Nah, Jenna consensually raped her but that's it
Don't be gross
Her legs are sexy but that is an awful image of them, so jpeg'd
Imagine those legs wrapped around you, holding you inside her as you pump spurt after spurt of cum into her hot quivering pussy
I even imagined the resulting queef anon
Jenna doms her in bed 100%
What about this dynamic:
>nooo Jenna, I haven't showered... it's embarassing. That can't taste good, I can smell it from here!
>shut up bitch, I'm gonna eat the dirt out of your stinky body and you have to enjoy it! *lap lap lap*
>well... it feels kinda good ngl... *moans and starts rubbing her crotch*
>oh yes, keep going slut, the more you sweat the better for my thirsty tongue *slurp slurp*
Emma has a spicy lesbian Latina obsessed with her, I bet they are sleeping in the same bed while filming Wednesday.
This is the most lesbian shit I've ever heard
>most lesbian shit
I'm fantasizing about Jenna-Emma lesbian smut too anon, but that's just some sweet cute girly friendship thing. Don't be like those lgbtqfags claiming anything to be gay please
No it's not, in the slightest. Guy asks if she might like girls and she brings up Emma, saying she does things for her that she wouldn't do for anyone else. That isn't normal girly shit.
Also don't lump lesbianism with the gbtq shit please, they clearly aren't the same
They're lumping thrmselves anon, erasing the L doesn't change that
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they're lewding the snooding
Just to be politically correct, lesbianism is pure, the rest of that shit is degenerate
Cute socked foot, I'd love to be shrunken down and trapped inside
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I believe the sister is cuter
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These are getting better.
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Imagine her cushy cheeks all filled up when she chokes during deepthroat... hnnnnng
Or her mouth is full of Jenna juice
Or both.... damn, tfw no overflowing her Jenna's squirt-filled mouth by pushing in your cock. Imagine the pressure and the absolute mess of sticky gushing spurts everywhere
I just want to have a cute and fun threesome with Jennaemma and collect all of our fluids in a big cocktail bucket and at the end we can all hold eachother close and three-way-makeout and get extremely slimy together
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It's chipmunking for me. I'd love to see her cheeks bulge obscenely as cockhead is pushing them from the inside
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>that hole
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For a second I got triggered
God I wish I had a 22 year old GF who looked 12. I bet she hasn't even grown pubes yet
She’s beyond our basic definitions of beauty. A real living vision of perfection.
She has small hands, imagine getting a handjob from those.
my enormous white cock would look even bigger
She is white, so naturally she belongs to white men.
And Jenna
jenna belongs to papi
Jenna "where the white women at?" Ortega, is a lesbian she doesn't want Pedro.

Speaking of which, Emma and Jenna are in Ireland filming Wednesday season 2 right now, I wonder if they sleep in the same bed?
literally handcrafted by god himself for interlocked finger hand holding
Are the rumors true? Is she a MAGA chudette?
haven't seen a single thread on /tv/ so no
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she hasn't posted a ig story crying about the election unlike Jenna. Her silence is definetly deafening, let's just hope people don't start pressuring her to get political or try to cancel her.
Its okay, most people dont know her.
Checked. Silence could just mean she's more smart than other celebs and tries to appeal to everyone. Btw if she was a right wing girl, well, she'd be basically perfect and the definitive Queen of /pol/:
>innocent cutie, looks younger than her age
>a little spergie
>never showers
>chudette Trump voter
>probably racist but with a thing for latinas
Hnnnnng! I think I'm in love
silence probably means she doesn't give a shit about politics
That's basically what I said. But don't be fooled, almost no celebrity gives a fuck about politics, they just parrot what their overlords managers told them
Yeah. And if people start claiming she's right wing, she'll "come out" as liberal just to keep working.

One of the sucky parts of being famous, I guess. You aren't allowed to just mind your own business.
i'm so sick of politics ruining everything
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Where are my fellow VR coomers?
>you come home from a Trump rally with your chudette wife Emma Myers
>she's so cute wearing her two-sizes-larger maga hat
>she tells you she has a special idea to celebrate the day before election
>ate some McDonald's and Diet Coke watching Tucker Carlson
>"it's time anon"
>you both wear your KKK robes on your bare bodies
>she drives you to a remote field with a lone tree
>she opens the car trunk
>gagged Jenna Ortega is inside
>Emma ties her to the tree and starts whipping her, with the white robes opening at each hit and showing her hardened nipples
>She uses unrepeatable racist slurs to address the latina, and even spits on her several times
>you can hear Jenna moaning under the gag as her pants soak completely
>"ok anon, your turn" says Emma, undoing Jenna's drenched pants and presenting her tiny juicy ass to you with a hard spank
>Emma takes your boner in her hand and directs it inside both the wet holes of Jenna, one tighter than the other, making her spurt again all over the tree
>*mmmm que rico! Ayyyy papi fuck me hard, make me cum again please!" Jenna cried after spitting out her gag
>Emma slaps her face and unties her from the tree, pushing her down with her feet on her face
>"you beaner bitch, you want to ethnically replace us uh? Now you'll help him to put some white aryan babies in my tummy!"
>Jenna starts sucking your dick and her pussy erratically
>when both your organs are lubed enough she grabs your cock and shoves it in Emma's quivering body, encouraging the thrust motion and devouring both your anuses with the fiercest rimjob ever
>feeling her tongue lapping on your perineum, you shoot the fattest, thickest, most fertile load inside Emma's womb
>You all fall on the ground panting and covered in sweat, then you start licking each other bodies clean
>the next day you go to the voting booth, all three together, to vote for Donald J. Trump
I mean, if you don't find this hot you're probably so gay that even Kamala is a homophobe for your standards
i'm extremely glad i'm not american
This but I'm Filipino
Author here, I'm an eurofag, so... an american mind isn't lewd enough to concieve that
That makes it even funnier
Has Jenna posted an ig story about it? I can't find it if she has.
So she really doesn't shower when left free uh? Look at how greasy her hair can become... and imagine her BO wafting in the room she's in. Boner fuel if you ask me

I'd rather get a footjob from her silky feet.
I'd rather caress every inch of her silky smelly body with my tongue to clean her sweaty soft skin
She's too autistic to care about politics (beyond the pretend politics she involves her stuffed animals in)
They are almost certainly dating
I want to fuck her but I also would never want to lewd her
>too autistic
So she's a /pol/ nazi. Ok, got it
Emma is Jenna's property, thanks to her life path she's been pretty much forced to go along with Jenna's lesbianism.
/pol/niggers care about politics
She's a cute type of autist who just wants to play with her stuffed animals
Based on her interview >>4936857
I don't think it was very forced
Autism is the pipeline to right wing extremism. Just admit it
Emma is as submissive as it gets while Jenna is a lesbian dom. Also the fact that she's a Latina gives her a spicy, intimidating edge, especially for an innocent white girl like Emma. I wonder if Jenna washes her clean?
Idk some of them turn into troons
I mean, who wouldn't. Jenna is a kinky naughty horny unstoppable force
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The were too weak and couldn't manage their gift
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>I wonder if Jenna washes her clean?
Of course. Emma's mom keeps telling her she has to shower but competely ignores that her daughter isn't only an autist slob too lazy to bathe, but that she keeps herself particulatly stinky for her gf enjoyement. I don't blame Jenna, I'd gladly help her, starting from one side of Snood each and meet on her lips, in a sloppy triple french kiss, exchanging our now salty saliva in Emma's mouth, giving her a taste of her own sweat
>Emma is as submissive as it gets while Jenna is a lesbian dom
I agree, but I think Jenna loves to be dominated like >>4952481, as long as she has control on it as a kinky game
I can just imagine a fully clothed Jenna with a naked Emma on all fours, sticking her fingers in her pussy and butt.
They literally are having sex every night
she cute
pretty eyes too
I bet they cuddle in bed every night as they fall asleep, very wholesome.
Jenna cuddles Emma very hard wearing a strap on dildo. If during the cuddling Emma wets the bed, Jenna spanks her until her plump cheeks turn red. So wholesome indeed
Jenna bottles and drinks Emma's girlcum
I tend to see it as the other way. Emma the calm controlling one dominating the bratty little Jenna.
I have a hard time believing she can be lewd
Like I know her and Jenna smooch but anything past that seems impossible
>hope you're enjoying that XXXL soda I bought you
>no Emma, we can't stop now on the highway! Just pee in this huge empty bottle I randomly happen to have here...
>Oh wow! Shit! You filled it to the brim, you did need it uh?
>Oh don't worry, I'm going to get rid of it, I'll just left it here in my glove compartment
>what? Are you crazy? I haven't sniffed the bottle!
>A SIP?!?!?!? Why in the fuck would I take a taste of your stinky piss Emma????
>how do I know it's stinky you say? Well, uhmm, I could smell it from here when you pissed, you bitch! Now stop talking and keep drinking, our trip is still long and you have to fill another bottle at least... ehm, I mean, you should keep yourself hydrated, for the skin you know... ha-ha
That's disgusting
I'm talking about girl juices, nectar of the gods, and you're just being a degenerate
Emma is not a dom in anyway, Jenna is a wild (and somewhat scary) Latina, especially when her skin is darker
>you're just being a degenerate
That was Jenna talking tho
The thing about Snood is she probably isn't a lesbian by nature, but she's so autistic that she just goes along with whatever Jenna wants, and Jenna has successfully groomed her into being her sexual plaything, Snood is happy because she's easily led.
Who cares? She is obviously happy being around Jenna and Jenna gushes over how adorable Emma is
Handholding dates with Emma
missing snood
I'm not being critical at all, just an observation.

I love their cute lesbian relationship and hope they get married in the future. It's hard for me to imagine a scenario where they don't stay with each other forever.
>hope they get married
Cringe, gay """marriage""" isn't a thing. Nontheless I'd enjoy watching a steamy scissoring session between those two, no homophobe
It isn't gay, its lesbian, imagine thinking lesbianism and faggotry are equivalent to each other. That's a very gay thing to think.
Does Jenna actually lewd Snood, I feel like Snood is too autistic to follow along
Martiage is only between a man and woman. Obviously I don't fap to faggots if I'm here talking with you about two chicks scissoring. Therefore it's clear I know the difference
Jenna basically tricks Emma into very dirty lewd games without her realising 100% how sexual the thing is
Jenna feeds into her tism but telling her she’ll buy her another copy of totk to lewd her out and never actually gets it.
Don't call it gay then, because lesbianism and faggotry are not the same thing. One is pure the other is disgusting.
You think Jenna holds Emma's head to her chest when they sleep together?
probably sleeps face down in her ass crack
That's before they sleep, no doubt Jenna has had a tongueful of Snood's ass though
What do Snood and Jenna smell like
Snood smells like vanilla and strawberries
Snood smells like pheromones and sweat before Jenna licks her body clean. Jenna probably smells like sweat and pheronones after that, lol
Why is she so greasy, brehs?
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I can be your Zoomer
She doesn't shower, she literally said that. Now imagine the smell and enjoy
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I bet her natural body odor is very sweet and feminine
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precious princess
>the look your snood daughter gives you after blackmailing her
Of course. A pheromones squash. Imagine pulling a Joe Biden and start huffing behind her neck
She never said that.
It's literally in the 4th post ITT retard >>4936857
>>"My mom keeps telling me, 'This is the last time you can go out without washing your hair.'"
>"My mom keeps telling me, 'This is the last time you can go out without washing your hair.'"

Her hair, only her hair, imbecile.
>she wash her body but keeps her hair dirty as fuck until her mom tells her they're disgusting!!!
Cope. And even if that's the case, her head would stink anyway faggot
>Her hair, only her hair, imbecile.
Yeah, that was the original topic of >>4954208, you bonobo
Can we all just agree that Snood is just stinky.
For sure. It's this obnoxious retard who's seething about it >4954255
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Snood may have a body odor from not always washing, but there is no way this girl doesn't smell really good
Women don't wash their hair everyday you virgins incels. To complicate. And after a week your body selfwash them naturally. Try.
>yOu ViRgInS iNcElS!
Your body, my choice
>And after a week your body selfwash them naturally
Lmao get a load of this retard
A hot girl's BO always smells good if you're not a faggot like the one up here, duh
Go fuck yourself.
no shit of course i'm masturbating why else would i be here
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I wonder what kind of panties she wears?

I'm thinking cute, Japanese-style white cotton panties, or pink panties maybe with cute teddybears or kittens on it
probably just a strip of tape that has "Property of Jenna" written in sharpie
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Nah, I'm thinking white cotton, maybe with a little bow on the front
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i feel like she wears something unexpectedly lewd like a thong, you would think a cute girl like her wears cute panties but then she flips the script. Same thing happens with her hygiene, she seems like a pristine individual but in reality she's a stinky gamer girl.
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>not seeing with his own eyes
This subversion of tropes thing can be hot when done right!
Spoiler: she doesn't wear anything under there
Tbf, that's probably panties and stockings they gave her to go with the outfit for that photoshoot. I think her style would be more, um, "anime girl" or cute Japanese inspired
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she looked really sad and uncomfortable in that photoshoot
I would've wrapped her in a nice woolly blanket and brought her a bowl of ice cream.
i'd have given her a nice thick coating of semen i think
why not both? she inspires both impulses in me
You couldn't fill a shot glass.
>You want to what on my face? That's just like in my anime! You're so silly, Anon...
>Well... ok...
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>We're not supposed to do naughty stuff like this, so make it count, Anon! Give me a really messy load
Line her and Jenna up.
Just imagine how cute and perfect she would look with thick cum dripping from her cute face and chin, slender neck, erotic clavicle and slender shoulders
Designed for cumming on
I see why some people talk about a positive canthal tilt. It really is very youthful and feminine looking, in a feral, catlike way
Creaming Snood
That look in her eye.

Every once in a while you see a faint glint of her intense sexual side coming through
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As a Christian, she has a proper, modest presentation but being a weeb probably secretly harbors extremely lewd, even perverse desires

You know, anime-influenced stuff. Schoolgirl and ageplay, cute cosplay, incest with brother/sister/mom/dad, bisexual fantasies involving younger girls and/or older women, messy cum facials/eating and bukkake, etc
Naughty little brat
>Hey anon, wanna sit next to me and play Heart and Soul together?
>You can play whatever part you want, I know both.
Sweet moe angel
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I used to be snood fan, but then she sold her sovl

Imagine wishing you were a cute girl then looking at Emma after seeing yourself in the mirror.
I bet that'd be excruciating.
zoomie zoom nose scrunch
>being a weeb probably secretly harbors extremely lewd, even perverse desires
i never thought about that, she's definetly schlicked watching hentai while hugging one of her plushies. stop putting indecent thoughts in my head anon!
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In my experience, weeb girls seem very perverted in the bedroom. Probably from, yes, being exposed to extremely perverse hentai and manga at a formative age
The fact that she looks like the perfect teenage schoolgirl moe fantasy archetype probably informs the themes of those fantasies and how she ideates herself as a sexual being too
Do you think Snood makes Jenna watch anime.
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>and brought her a bowl of ice cream
You take the ice, I'll put the cream
>I don't want to play with your heart nor your soul baby. Nontheless, since you like playing 1920s tunes, what about another song, like "Let's misbehave", "I wanna be bad", or, if you feel ready for that, "Let's do it"?
>tfw it's finasteride time
>muh weeb girls
It's about being a self repressed shy autist, not about the anime. I hate anime and I'm the most stuck up autist irl yet I'm here with you writing the worst smut. There's a deep truth about that "shy girls/guys are the kinkiest"
>I'm a virgin which makes me an expert on women's sexuality.
>Emma rubbing herself all over her favourite plushie and creaming on it since her teens, letting it absorb every drop of her horny juices
>she hides it from her mom, and she never washed it in all these years
>she uses it for kiss practice too, savouring the taste, sniffing and caressing the now crusty plush
>I'm a weeb retard and that makes any woman who watches anime a weeb retard
>I hate anime and I'm the most stuck up autist irl
fucking weeb retard
Anime is mini-dick asian crap, kys
>agrees with me
Are there any white people left on this board?
Unfortunately just Snood.
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Why is she like this? It's like she still has the mind of an adolescent

I always liked this meta version of the photo you posted there (too small resolution to post here), taken by her sister Isabel, showing Snood autistically posing or "reprazenting" with her favorite plushy gangsta style, as if it's this kewl thing to do
Or, meant to say, Isabel is in the foreground taking a selfie and you see Snood in the background in that chair taking a selfie with the plushie. It's so silly and cute
Oh, here's the pic
she cute
She has two sides:

The cutest girl you will ever meet
The cutest girl you will ever meet
very kissable nose
god i want to palm her perfect little breasts
This post >>4954707 was a reply to >>4954694, not to my original >>4954688. You are the brownoid here for not knowing how greentext works
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Snood to meet you
I just jerked off to snood and I don't feel good about myself
i've jerked it to her pantyhose stair pic like 700 times and i've always felt good
She doesn't even know what sex is, it feels wrong to lewd her
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anon pls she isn't a virgin
yes she probably is. She thinks boys are wierd and smelly
she most likely got gangbanged by that kpop thing she simps for
This is a no-cuck zone, faggot
>talking about a girl having sex before is being a cuck
You're imagining a girl getting fucked by someone who isn't you
You're literally a cuck
i'm not imagining anything i'm stating facts
By looking at this pic I can feel the heath radiating from her face and her breath. Hnnng!
imagine the smelle
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old European folklore had stories of mischievous creatures like this who enchant and lure wandering men deep into the forest and they're never seen again
I should be so lucky
>unwashed for a week ultra greasy hair with dandruff
Yeah she smells 100% confirmed. Hnnnng!
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Her body odor smells like honey, flowers, and strawberries
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She needs kisses all over her funny little face
The funny thing is these photos were from a promo she did with Samsung. Can't take the weeb out of the waifu. Adorable.
Her body odor smells like female pheromones wild primal sex, and how!
>tfw no tongue cleaning Emma's sweaty body after the Samsung promo
That's Jenna's job.
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They say it's actually literally good for older men's health to date younger, youthful women/girls

Sometimes I wonder why there's this strange appeal and draw to just looking at a girl like Snood or Anya Taylor-Joy, and I think it's that that level of cuteness and loveliness is like a salve to the male soul. There's a dopamine hit in looking at it, but it's more than that. It's like their girly countenance gives off a kind of healing and generative effect, that maybe keeps you a little younger in spirit. Female ASMRists, especially the really lovely ones demonstrate this. Like you can feel this distinct soothing quality just from their feminine energy and beauty alone

Marry a Zoomer.
>beautiful young girls are pleasant
You don't say?
If you send me my zoomer wife by mail I wouldn't complain. Otherwise I don't know how to get one
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Not just pleasant, but I think it has an almost healing or renewing effect on males. Related to that nurturing, soothing capacity they have. But it's down to a molecular or vibrational level or something
>molecular or vibrational level
Come on now, cut the bullshit. Looking at something beautiful has a good effect on you, either a landscape, art or a woman. That's why (((modern art))) is all about depressing you with ugliness.
If it was related to their "nurturing soothing capacity" and not just their looks it would work with older and uglier women aswell, but it's not the case
i would eat her lice and use her dandruff to season my food
So... lice seasoned with dandruff?
I would shower her hair with my cum shampoo
get this ai modified shit out of here
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*innocently reveals zoomer leg*
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>ai "enchanced" slop again
Not trying to select AI enhanced pics but some of them were like that when I found them on Pinterest etc, and I can't really see in the small thumbnail that they're AI enhanced when I'm uploading them

But yeah, I would recommend maybe not saving those ones to share later, so as not to muddy the pool of images circulated
And on second glance at these ones in the blue jacket, I didn't think all of them were AI enhanced, but I guess all the copies large enough to share here are upscaled. I think these were snapshots from some lower quality interview vid and then someone on insta upscaled them
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God Emma is so precious
I bet her sisters catch her taking selfies with her stuffies all the time
It's like her whole MO is being as cute and anime-like as possible. But I think that's just how she naturally is
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love her
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actual Dreamgirl

that is the ideal of girl-next-door girlfriend / wife material
smol perfect booba
lewd body
I'll never understand preferring a large, flabby, cowtits or baboon-ass body to a lithe, tight, nubile body like that of this our Snood
Think snood has ever masturbated?
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honestly? yes. she's a weeb, so she has surely read some lewd manga and started rubbing herself
she's so cuddly
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I bet Jenna showed her
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I think she may actually have a kind of dirty sense of humor sometimes. Like a dorky adolescent's humor
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another example

but perhaps her friends put her up to it and she giggled because it was so silly

but I could see a little weeb gamer like her having naughty humor sometimes, or at least giggling at it
chubby cheeks!
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uh, cutie alert!
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*makes direct eye contact with you*
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my little elfwife Snoodriel
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Snoodriel austist elven gf
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face erotic
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Imagine hiking her skirt up, ripping through her leggings, and brutally fucking her up against that wall as she wraps her erotic legs around you
she's not even wearing leggings
She will make a great Zelda in the live action movie
And I think she would be a good Melina for the inevitable live action Elden Ring series
anon pls we're not allowed good castings anymore
its almost guaranteed she will be Zelda
she's not brown or ugly enough
Nintendo doesn't play around
i would legit fight an entire army alone just to be with her.
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I love this little Zoom Zoom so much tbqh fr fr
>I bet her sisters catch her humping her stuffies all the time
Yes, especially reding her threads on /hr/. She soaked her designated plushies reading my posts
She better use that raincoat because the ropes storm is going to be wild
>why yes, Jenna is a gusher how could you tell?
I personally believe that Emma has a very aesthetic pussy
She has a cute, dainty, tight, unblemished innie with very little hair. The complete polar opposite of the sagging roastbeaf pussy
Reminder that a girl's nipples are the same color as their lips
She has puffy nips
whatever they are, they're bubblegum pink
Only Jenna knows
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love snood
love bobcuts
hate bobcut on snood
simple as
But her usual haircut is also a kind of bobcut. But I get it, you mean that kind of mod bobcut

The one she has normally is more like a 90s kid or 2020s zoomer bobcut
Fucking tight
Little brat teasing men
She looks so cute with that hairstyle it's the perfect look for her
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posing cutely
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imagine tucking her in and kissing her forehead before you head out to work then a few hours later she sends you sexy selfies all day to keep your spirits up
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God damn where's she been hiding those puppies?
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Why would you ever be mean to her?
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it's impossible
He's literally me
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lucky dude
I can't wait for them to kiss this season
They've probably been practicing every night in Jenna's trailer
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She's so awkward at kissing lol so cute
Imagine getting paid to passionately make out with Snood
It's probably literally her first time kissing a guy. She seems like a 13 or 14 year old girl attempting kissing for the first time
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Jenna is so lucky literally being able to teach her about everything starting from tongue kissing
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The way she points toes inward like that is so girly

Is everything she does cute?
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adorable profile
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Such erotic legs
Dancing, gymnastics, and figure skating really shaped her tight little body
More ai slop
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insanely erotic legs
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Swallowing Jenna's load of girljuice
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God just smooch already
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I want to brutally fuck her face
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pale fuckdoll
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the Real Snow White
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ultimate little sisterfu
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>thanks for picking me up, big bro!
POV: you're cuddling your little sister Snood
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Cute nose would kissu
Very smoochable
>still can't order fully functional Snood androids
God she's sexy
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Marrying the Snood in Minecraft
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>he lewded the Snood
>in Minecraft
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It's inspired casting the most zoomer actress ever in a movie based on the most zoomer videogame ever
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Snood drive car
My Snoodly Bride-to-Be
I want to suck her overly sensitive clit until she's bucking and squirting her thick girlcum on my face
imagine being her passenger and her getting into a road rage incident where some guy starts insulting her for being a bad driver and you see her eyes getting watery while repeating sorry under her breath. what would you do in this hypothetical scenario?
Headpats and we go buy her a new stuffed animal
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Did they turn up the shadow to hide her girly white cotton panties?
She doesn't wear panties
well, mystery solved, she wears white pantsu
How sweet must her grool be?
i've spilled gallons to this
Think she knows how erotic her body is?
I think her pale petite body was designed for cute panties

I could see her in something like pic related
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slightly aware, but probably actually slightly insecure about it for some reason

like she probably thinks she's less sexy than statuesque or voluptuous or more tan girls

when in fact she's all the hotter for the way she is
I hadn't noticed it at first, they definitely darkedned the ambient occlusion there

But yeah, she's literally wearing cutely-cut white panties under her plaid schoolgirl skirt. Just like in the animes
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i'm pretty sure that's a tag on her skirt or something it's way too high up to line up with her vag area
Hm, perhaps. Or maybe she's wearing shorts to prevent the cameramen from seeing anything. Modest little creature that she is (after all, she rarely shows off her body)
On second thought, I think that is just abov her vag area, looking at where her legs extend from, so it's still her panty area
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Nose scrunch
I bet she makes the cutest noises when you're eating her out
Call me crazy but I want to cum inside of her pussy

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