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I'm lower in resolution than I'd prefer for /hr/, but it was the best screengrab I could get at the time.
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What the FUCK is this?
Agnetha is pissed lol
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roundhouse kick Nicks into the pavement
You just know there was a lot of bodily fluids exchanged back and forth between the group back in their heyday...
I'm just glad you didn't get a screencap of her hairy armpits...
They look rough. Like they haven't slept in a week or so...
(You) are not worthy of her hairy armpits.
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They did an insane amount of coke, which is funny considered they are looked at as soft rock nowadays. Reading a BTS book about them, they had roadies leave soda bottle caps filled with coke all over their rehearsal and studio areas, like it was candy to them, in addition to their own personal stashes.
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The Kinks, 1968
Grace Slick, 1967?
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I kissed the Zappa memorial in Vilnius, a couple of times. Was stranded there for about three months and walked past it about three times a week. Might have been humming a few bars of Dyna Mo' Humm fairly often. Also found graffiti in about a dozen places that were various lyrics excerpts. I was a little conflicted about seeing graffiti painted on city walls that were 800 and some years old.

But. Zappa. Pretty cool.
> “ Information is not knowledge.
> Knowledge is not wisdom.
> Wisdom is not truth.
> Truth is not beauty.
> Beauty is not love.
> Love is not music.
> Music is THE BEST. ”
-- Our Lord and Zappa

Yeah, that was one of the quotes I ran across. It was a really difficult time, literally Down and Out in Vilnius. But, met several solid Lithuanians and they helped me survive and move on to the next catastrophe. Zappa was just one of the artists & music types we hit it off on. Crazy situation, and I wouldn't trade it for the world.
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Still on my list to see whenever she's in town. Probably have seen her 20 times or so live. Pic related used to be on my list but she doesn't play live much anymore. Great fun. Her dad (Broadway star John Raitt) joined her onstage at the Hollywood Bowl once and he sang Hey There (from The Pajama Game) and they shared Oklahoma. Great fun indeed! She also had Plas Johnson (saxophonist who recorded the original Pink Panther theme) join her for Give It Up Or Let Me Go.
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I saw him live, once. I should have seen the other two shows. I did get to see/hear Peaches & Regalia.
This faggot was criminally good-looking.
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rip, way too soon
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I saw Zappa on Halloween night, think it was '78 at the Paladium (yep, old fart here), crazy-awesum show, I was a teen and a big fan, I was a little disappointed that he didn't do Joe's Garage stuff, but an incredible event none-the-less.
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musicians, you fuckleberry, not industry-manufactured scammers
Not that guy, but are you arguing that the basist, guitarist, and drummer at least aren't musicians then?

Or, are you arguing that the industry being behind the band and/or pivitol in their success has anything to do with their status as real musicians? Because if that's the case this thread should be a lot shorter.
You would be hard pressed to find much better lead guitarists, bassists or drummers. Fact.
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Shout out to Mr Momsen
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Apparently the whole band was tweaking on acid at the time. Also, the drummer was only 20 years old.

Last thread of the catalog
Also he didn't have vairons. His left eye is hurt by his best friend and the iris couldn't contract anymore. Both his eyes are like green but the left one is constantly open, leaving you thinking it's brown.
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More obvious there
This one looks shopped on the other hand
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>Last thread of the catalog
It was again.

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