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Last >>4930417
taylor SHIT
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what if she showed me her breasts?
just look at her! with that face and body she is the only Queen that can make straight anons suck cock for her.
shaddup will ya?
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I wish Taylor would watch me ejaculate on photos of her
Ugly demonic childless barren cunt
Don't call her ugly bro
I'm gathering some memorable appearances of taylors boobs at awards shows. These are from 2015.
>demonic childless barren cunt
Nice prime, taylor.

Disastrous unprime, taylor.

if she does have implants shes probably got them adjusted several times as her body type changed.
Holy shit, you gotta see what she’s wearing tonight. A bustier under a long coat.

Pics on twitter but no high res out yet
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will she bully me for being talian though
The bustier is straight up lingerie….it’s very sheer and sleeveless.
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notice the shape of her purse. She might be carrying more than lipstick.
this wannabe nigger ruins every picture he's in
>HER index finger is on the outside
This shit might be worse than Britney Spears and that Federline retard. Just...why? The guy is a walking cartoon.
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Lovely look
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Me and my goon buds voting blue just for her and Billie :)
Mangia la pasta, taylor.
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Does anyone else think Taylor is actually an asexual?
whoever she sucked off that night surely blew it all over her cleavage and went back for seconds in her mouth
Horrible outfit. Bitch as the worst fucking style.
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Did they extended their contact of dating together? Lol
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She's clearly a workaholic who probably considers romantic relationships a time wasting indulgence that competes with work. Her last boyfriend did not like appearing in public with her limiting his usefulness as a boyfriend. Travis is perfect though since he loves cameras, he has his own profitable sports celebrity career that takes up all his time, he owns his own mansion so she does not have to put a roof over his head or have him around when she is not in the mood.
She looks like a Downing Street character.
imagine being this kitty
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Would you help me with that?
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>when tay gets lwed
I want to join you two horny taybois
least gayest thread on /hr/
I think you guys should DP Taylor together
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you think she gets turned on shaking her pussy in front of 60,000 people? Maybe its her favorite kind of sex.
You're such a good sissy, I wish I had time to play with you some more. Are you on Discord, by any chance?

Wow! That pussy looks tight for someone who's been with a lot of guys. There is like no gap there.
That's because all of them were white
imagine getting to gently brush her breasts with your fingertips and watching the goosebumps form

That doesn't have anything to do with it. Kristen Stewart has been with mostly women and her gap is bigger and her labia and fatty.
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mmm bawls duty
huge thighs
>t. jeet
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holy fucking shit.

there is a video tonight of her force-feeding him a drink.....and I think.....he says "thank you Mommy"

he's living taylor as mommy fetish!!
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they make the best earmuffs
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i just want her to suffocate me with them so i can worship them as a ghost. It won't hurt since you'll be intoxicated with pheromones
Is there a way you can filter these gay posts? Fucking sick of all this gay shit these faggots keep posting
they're the best part you queer
With other threads I would just say you should have gatekept harder but mentally ill homos are such an elemental part of taylor swift fandom that they're inseperable.
Is the outfit getting smaller or is she getting bigger?
when will Ariana use her as a feet slave
Oh. She's retarded.
and that's a good thing
Both acceptable outcomes
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Would enjoy having sex with her...
what's the item she's holding in her right hand and where do i acquire it?
looks like one of those shitty printed things that a drugged out girl at the mall makes
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Its the official eras tour book she announced today.
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how does she smell?
With her nose. Duh.
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anyone know why they allow her to get drunk in public these days??
She unironically controls her own life. Her parents designed her entire career to have minimal (((corporate))) control. Obviously, it couldn’t start without signing with (((Big Machine Label Group))), but after (((Scooter Braun and the Carlyle Group))) bought BMLG and Taylor’s old masters, she was able to take complete control, only having a distribution deal with (((Universal))).

She’s never going to pull a Britney and go mental because her parents are using her as a cash cow.

The only seemingly questionable thing she has done in years was to date Matty Healy, and that came and went fast.
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god she looks so old...
this. celebs are for gooning, and gooning is ALWAYS better with a buddy.
Tay Bros! I’m looking for the full photoset of Taylor Swift from the 2019 InStyle and Warner Bros. Golden Globes After Party. I noticed there are some pictures missing from TaylorPictures.net, and I’m also interested in any rare pics from that set. If anyone has access to the complete collection or any rare images, I’d really appreciate it if you could share! Thanks!
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That's a shit quality upscale I regret posting. But you are right she is old, she had to show post Malone who is six years her junior how to work a typewriter.
Him being a retard doesn't make her old.
>it's 2024 and she's no longer in her 20s
yeah, that's how time works. she'll be even older next year, believe it or not.
TaylorPictures sucks now, TaylorSwiftBR is where it's at now. Those brazilians have their shit together.
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>he actually believes the fake backround stories of celebs are real
im so glad she didnt remain stick thin into her 30s. what a wonderful figure she has.
Literally peak Taylor
I wish I was that guitar
can't say i care for the new outfits
dude's barbed wire tattoo along the scalp is gonna give him anxiety once the hairline recedes a bit more. or maybe not. he seems like a carefree sort.
>like one taylor swift pic on twitter and my feed is filled with her
how does this woman have so much power
and why do i love it?
i will watch the eras tour in theaters againt

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