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last >>4910701
Not this shit again
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Would much appreciate rare HR pics and torrent links to Emma's short movies
Your last thread still has plenty of image slots left, is still on page one, and you've already made a second one?
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Can't bump that one can I? Also, it's too late to delete it now so let it go
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Not THEIR shit again, bigot.
She’s an idiotic delusional retard
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Rhaenyra's outfits were top notch this season
>torrent links
Maybe support Emma instead by paying
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Don't guilt trip me mate. I doubt Emma gets paid from online views. Anyway, just in case, where do I watch that for money?
She looks like Edward Furlong
she looks more like a grown-up Edward Furlong than the actual grown-up Edward Furlong
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reminds me of the neighbor fag from American Beauty
why can't she have huge boobs like she does in Fire & Bloody? feelsbadman :(
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Targaryens also have purple eyes don't they? Better this than that
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That is so cute
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More nominations this year
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What episode?
when she gave birth
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I couldn't find the scene with that exact outfit, maybe it's from a cut that didn't make it but it's either episode 6 or 10 of the first season
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I want to put my tongue inside of her nostrils
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I have an urge idk why tho
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Can't argue
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It pains me so much. She can be such a cutie when she wants to be.
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I just downloaded it from X and it's 256 kb. Where'd you find yours?
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yeah for sure, but what page?
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That's the same one I saved. But how did you manage to make it 4 mb? saved as a PNG in Paint?
right click and open it in a different tab first
it will have the og size
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Did exactly that. It's always a jpg
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Need those torrents
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Ah damn that's hot
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Wow, more?
The phimosis fungus has spread to /hr/
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OMG Emma!
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Mmm yes one of the best looks
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Where'd you find that pic?
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>BPD hair.
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Oh wow. Nice day for the thread today
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New pics dropped :3
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Love that face damn
Edward Furlong looking bitch
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how do i ask the barber for that haircut without showing him pictures
Dude, that's every fucking episode!
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Ask for that Emma D'Arcy haircut. He might know
he won't
the worst part is that i'm gonna need some kind of hair fixer every day
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I think a few clips will do just fine or a bit of wax
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start doing this
oaky i jsut returned from the barbershop and they fuckedn up ,my emma darcy haircut fffffffffffffuck maybe i should have shown him more pictures
wgatever tehresa lways a next time
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Oh no. Anyway, better luck next time
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Ugly slut.
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Next time show him this pic
bet you still paid fag
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k i n o s e
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So there's 55 more?
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at the golden globes ^o^
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That handkerchief symbolizes serving ig
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I think it's to catch all the spum from overexcited and inaccurate emmabros
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I mean when emma gets her bukkake at the end of the night they don't have to lick up the spillage from the floor, they can just untie the napkin and wring it out into a glass for easy consumption
She's fucking stunning.
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Are they? She doesn't really show her tits to make that assessment.
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How is that even an argument xD
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No one cares what the mentally diseased wants to call themselves. Also, "they" is plural. They may choose to mutilate their bodies but they will not be allowed to mutilate the language. They are just going to have to invent new words. Honestly though, no one is going to care anyway. It doesn't make them interesting or exotic or special. It simply results in becoming quickly ignored and soon forgotten. When this show ends, so will her career.
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I identify with calling her a she. Problem solved.
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chill out)
Where do you find those? ^o^
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